Tang Ningxue's surprised expression made Wu Huchen a little confused, and gently asked, "what? Have you heard my name?"

Tang Ningxue looked at the little man in front of her. She never thought that there would be such a coincidence in the world. It really tastes like a book. Wu Huchen, the man's son? The boy raised by the red line? God, is this a little crazy?

Suddenly, a cunning smell flashed in her dark eyes: "hee hee, I don't know what the red line will look like when she knows this. Cluck, it's so interesting."

"No, No." Tang Ningxue had an idea in her heart, smiled and waved her hands and said, "I just think your name is very interesting. Hehe, tiger minister, the person who named you is really powerful. Does this name have any meaning?"

Wu Huchen smiled. He thought of his little aunt, and the smile on his face was much softer: "the name was given to me by my closest and favorite person."

I don't know why, looking at the gentle smile on Wu Huchen's face, Tang Ningxue's heart actually flashed a faint sour taste: "really? You love that person very much?"

Wu Huchen paused, looked at Tang Ningxue, smiled and said, "yes, I love very much. If I can, I am willing to pay my life for that woman!"

"Hum, you also said you were going to finish the ninety-nine steps and say you love other women in front of a woman. What do you think of others?" It was true that she was jealous, but she was also a little artificial. Her biggest reaction was surprise. She would never have thought that Wu Huchen would fall in love with the red line ~ God, it's crazy.

"Ha ha, although I love you very much, but ~" Wu Huchen shook his head bitterly. After all, she is her little aunt. He wants to be good with her, but can she get out of the wall in her heart? He wanted to try to break the wall in his aunt's heart with a sledgehammer, but Wu Huchen knew that if he wanted to break the wall, he had to go into her heart first.

There is a long way to go!

"But what?" Tang Ningxue asked knowingly. Looking at the painful expression on the little man's face, her heart was full of sympathy, wasn't it? Is it hard for this kind of emotion that shouldn't exist to exist like a nightmare?

Wu Huchen smiled bitterly, looked at Tang Ningxue, his eyes were as clear as water, and said faintly, "she is my little aunt!"

Sure enough! Although Tang Ningxue already knew the answer in her heart, after Wu Huchen said it, she still felt full of strong impact.

"You must think I'm terrible?" Seeing Tang Ningxue not talking, Wu Huchen said with a wry smile: "In fact, I often think I'm bad, but I can't stop the feeling in my heart, you know? The feeling deep in the bone marrow can't be easily forgotten if I want to forget. But my little aunt's shadow has long been deeply rooted. In my heart, she is my supreme woman, incomparable!"

Wu Huchen's eyes were bright and did not avoid Tang Ningxue's gaze: "if you think I'm bad, you can choose to go back to the step that has just been sold, but I can't guarantee whether I will finish this 100 steps alone. Ha ha ha!"

Listening to Wu Huchen's presumptuous smile, Tang Ningxue suddenly sympathized with him. Want to love but can't love, this feeling must be very painful!

"Is it hard?"

"Huh?" Wu Huchen's laughter stopped abruptly.

Tang Ningxue looked at herself with pity, pointed to Wu Huchen's chest with her soft little hand, and said softly, "is it painful here? Is it bitter?"

Does it hurt?! Bitter?!

Wu Huchen slowly closed his eyes, pain, pain through his heart. Bitter, he is more bitter than anyone. He clearly likes a person but can't say it. This feeling makes Wu Huchen almost collapse. But he didn't want to lose his aunt. The lessons of his previous life made him remember deeply!

"Thank you for your understanding!" Wu Huchen gently held Tang Ningxue's hand, cleaned up his mood, and said with a smile: "sister Tang, your hand is really soft."

"Really?" Wu Huchen grabbed his hand and took advantage of it. A cold blush flashed across her cheek, "softer than your aunt's hand?"

When Tang Ningxue said this, Wu Huchen smiled and released Tang Ningxue's hand. He was not a mountain king. He wanted a woman who was really willing to talk to him. He didn't want to force any woman who liked him.

"Dong Dong Dong."

When the atmosphere between them was a little awkward, the mahogany in the office was knocked.

Tang Ningxue was slightly stunned. She immediately returned to her mind, sorted out her clothes, returned to her seat and shouted, "come in!" At this moment, she regained her former appearance as a strong woman.

The door was pushed open and Xu Teng came in. After Xu Teng came in, he glanced at Wu Huchen, then respectfully walked towards Tang Ningxue, put something on Tang Ningxue's table and said, "president Tang, this is what you want. I've brought it to you."

"Well, it's none of your business here. Go out first." Tang Ningxue waved her hand and said faintly.

Xu Teng nodded. When he retreated to the door, he suddenly thought of something and said, "Mr. Tang, your friend's friend is making trouble below again. He said that we have entrapped his eldest brother. Look?"

Wu Huchen wanted to laugh. He forgot Zhu Daming for such a long time. However, he was not angry at the thought of his own boy. He smiled and scolded and said, "you tell the boy that his boss is not so easy to die, so you say I'll come down right away."

Xu Teng glanced at Wu Huchen and looked at Tang Ningxue again. Tang Ningxue knew what he meant, nodded and said, "just do as he said."

"Yes!" Xu Teng closed the door respectfully.

"Here, things!" Tang Ningxue holds the CD box in her hand.

Wu Huchen was also impolite. He took the CD and felt something in his heart: "Alas, if you can, please wait for those girls!" With that, Wu Huchen walked towards the door without any stop.

He knows that his ability is not enough. He is not the Savior. There are unfair and dark things happening every day in the world. Since those poor girls choose this industry, it is their life. What Wu Huchen hopes is that Tang Ningxue and their bosses will not be too black. After all, they earn real hard-earned money.

Looking at the back of Wu Huchen leaving, Tang Ningxue was thoughtful.

To readers:

I feel a little hand. I've driven it out. Ha ha, there's no break!

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