Looking at Wu Huchen's nervous appearance, Gu Chunmei smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "because of that family, I have also become a disgrace to the Oriental aristocratic family! In their eyes, the beautiful girl of that day has also become a disgrace in their eyes!"

Gu Chunmei gently closed her eyes and stopped talking!

"Why do they think so? You didn't do anything wrong!" Wu Huchen became hysterical. He never thought that she would become a disgrace because her aunt saved herself!

"Why? Can he cover the sky with one hand?" Wu Huchen roared, his voice full of anger and unwillingness.,

Gu Chunmei gently took Wu Huchen's hand and said softly, "he can really cover the sky with one hand!" Gu Chunmei couldn't help laughing bitterly at the thought of the man's strength and the fear of those people in the family. Although the man had acquiesced in adopting Wu Huchen, he had already become a disgrace to the family. It's only a matter of time before you get caught.

Maybe the man's purpose is to let the tiger minister live and die. If possible, it will become a real dragon. If not, it will die!

My aunt's bitter smile made Wu Huchen worried. Even a proud woman like my aunt said so, so

powerful! This is a powerful advantage! One day, I will appear in front of you with the most powerful attitude. I want you to regret your original decision!

"Well, tiger minister, let's go home!" Gu Chunmei looked up at the sky. She didn't want to say too much. The reason why she wanted to tell Wu Huchen so much was to make Wu Huchen no longer hate his mother. Maybe this is the only thing she can do before she leaves.

In the future, you can only rely on yourself!

At the same time, deep in the animal kingdom.

The beast emperor peak is the place where the emperor of the mutant beast clan ascended the throne after he turned into a form. But at the moment, a lonely ghost like snow stands proudly on the top of the beast emperor peak, facing the cold wind, leaving the world independent!

Under the beast emperor peak, there are many high-level mutants. The lowest level of these mutants is also the later stage of level C. I'm afraid the highest level has exceeded the existence of level. But at the moment, all these mutants who should have been manic and restless hold their breath. If you observe carefully, you can also find their bodies trembling.

That's an instinctive fear from the bone! Because they can feel the silent deterrent to death emanating from the phantom at the top of the beast emperor's peak!

"You are all strong. Now I call you to come and know why?" Impressively, the phantom made a quiet voice. It was a woman!

"The beast king, my respect, all beasts have no boundaries!"

"The beast king, my respect, all beasts have no boundaries!"

"The beast king, my respect, all beasts have no boundaries!"


One after another cries were heard, forming waves.

On the top of the beast emperor peak, the phantom's mouth floated a satisfactory arc. What a magnificent name is the beast emperor? Inheritance? Hum, funny! "It's a pity that we can't get the life of the inheritor of the beast emperor. Otherwise, we can take these children with us to leave the lonely and tasteless beast land."

"Have you heard from the orc emperor?" The quiet voice sounded again, echoing around the whole beast emperor peak, and the snow on the trembling beast emperor peak trembled.

"Report back to my emperor. So far, I haven't found the existence of the beast emperor!" The speaker is also a human form, but he has a lion's head, but he can spit people's words, which is very strange.

"I can't wait. I've thought about it. I'll leave the animal kingdom and go to the human world today!" The quiet voice seemed to be full of impatience.

"I hope my emperor will take back his order. There are many crises in the world. We are really worried about your safety, Emperor!" This time he was talking to a white faced young man. If he only looked at his face, he was definitely a real handsome man, but there was a thick turtle shell behind him, which looked clumsy and funny.

"Master GUI, you have the longest generation. I want to ask, after so many years of fighting, can you see the success of the beast race in seizing the world?"

"This..." the tortoise master hesitated. He was a dragon and tortoise. By chance, he obtained the secret cultivation method in the human world and turned into a human form. Because he was timid and lived so far, he is a perpetual calendar and know-how of the beast family.

Seeing the tortoise master hesitating, the quiet voice giggled and said, "tortoise master, you must also know that those who enter the animal territory are greedy people. In my opinion, there are still many people in the world of great goodness."

Seeing that the turtle venerable was still waiting to speak, the phantom gently waved his hand and said, "no more, I have made up my mind! This time I just want to enter the human world alone and see if the colorful world is as described in the records."

After saying that, she gave a slight pause and shouted, "the five elements are in place. You and others work together to open the top of the sky for me and let me leave..."

As soon as the voice of the orc emperor fell, five figures of different colors stood out from the herd.

Five people work together. Five different colors of energy gather together to form a white energy ball! The fluctuation of energy is more and more huge under the joint efforts of the five people, and it seems that it can explode at any time.

"Get up!"

The five people drank violently at the same time, held the energy ball with both hands, pushed it hard, and directly pushed the energy ball to the sky of the animal kingdom.

The figure on the top of the beast king peak brushed her hands. The phantom was as fast as lightning and chased the white energy ball. She didn't slow down until she chased directly below the energy ball. When the energy ball broke the sky of the beast, she left with the help of this short time!

She has long dark green hair. In the process of rapid rise, she can see her face clearly, fresh and refined, but her beautiful eyes vaguely reveal a look of playfulness and expectation!

"Boom, boom..."

The energy ball sent out by the non action venerable collided with the sky of the animal kingdom and made a violent roar. The originally transparent sky was like glass. Under the powerful blow from the fusion of the five elements, it gradually cracked. When the energy ball was about to disappear completely, the dark green phantom accelerated, The whole figure disappeared.

Almost just for a moment, the sky of the animal kingdom returned to normal again, and everything around had no change, as if everything before did not exist. Make people feel unreal!

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