That's right, the girl of the gentle empire of never setting sun officially clashed with Wu Huchen at the beginning, and let Wu Huchen's guilty girl dance in the field!

Since she was bullied by Wu Huchen last time, Ueno dance silently vowed that one day she would kill Wu Huchen herself., After returning to the headquarters of China that time, she gave orders. She will command all the branches of the Empire in the future. It has to be said that Ueno's leadership is very excellent.

At first, some people thought that Ueno dance had a delicate temperament and didn't pay much attention to Ueno dance, but Ueno dance decisively executed those who dared to question themselves one by one, no matter how big their official position and how high their status were, and even their relatives in the headquarters of the Empire were killed. Making the sun never set, many people in the Empire secretly scolded Shangye dance as a female devil.

I don't know about those rumors, but she has to do so, because she wants to be strong and she wants to avenge the man! She doesn't want to be so weak and soft hearted. If she wasn't her own soft hearted at the beginning, how could she be humiliated by that man?

"Wu Huchen! You did all this to me. You have to repent for my sins!" Ueno dance's soft face showed a strong sense of killing.

Of course, Wu Huchen doesn't know that he will be so deeply thought of by a girl somewhere. Of course, if he can, Wu Huchen still hopes that this kind of thinking will be less!

Parting is always sad, but Wu Huchen also knows that it has become an unchangeable fact that Hu Feifei returns to the family for cultivation. He knows something about the Murong family from Murong Chun. They are born with the blood of a royal beast. In this vein, there will be a natural soul beast awakening in their body from childhood, The strength of the original soul beast limits a person's development potential.

Hu Feifei's talent is very good, because her original soul beast is a very powerful holy beast such as Nine Tailed Linghu! If you don't take the opportunity of this animal sacrifice to repair it, I'm afraid you'll miss a good opportunity!

Although Wu Huchen was reluctant to let Hu Feifei leave, he also knew that he could not be so selfish!

The moonlight has only a faint halo, and the night has become more blurred.

Wu Huchen didn't let murongchun's driver send him away, but felt that he left alone.

It's already more than two o'clock at night. There are not many people in the streets. Even the night owls in the bars can't be seen.

Wu Huchen thought in his mind that he decided to develop his power well, not just secular power. He had obtained several sets of cultivation secrets from Guiguzi, as well as some pills and spirit tools. Wu Huchen believes in his master very much. He believes that the things Guiguzi can give him will never be defective!

It happened to be more than 50 pills. Wu Huchen thought about it and decided to give these pills, spirit tools and secrets to Li Erwa. After so many things, Li Erwa was much more powerful than herself in dealing with some things, although she was not as strong as herself! At least he can handle it very smoothly and in place!

Now he can only wait, waiting for the time to mature, waiting for the strength of the more than 50 brothers to improve. Only the strength of the more than 50 brothers can be improved, so Wu Huchen has the confidence to dare to collide with the strength of Mingyue villa! Otherwise, with his current personal strength and overall strength, it can only be a word of death! And it's ugly!


Just as Wu Huchen was thinking about the matter, a shriek screamed in the distance. Then, Wu Huchen frowned and pulled the Dragon into action. The essence of the moon gathered on both legs, and stepped on the phantom footwork and rushed towards the direction of the sound source.

The shrill scream made Wu Huchen feel some bad in his heart, because he instinctively felt that the scream was not so simple. He heard shocking fear from the shrill scream!

What can make a person fear so much?! With such doubts, Wu Huchen's pace was faster.

Just as Wu Huchen rushed to a small alley, he suddenly heard a "Huhu" sound of the wind, a figure flashed past and fled. Originally, Wu Huchen wanted to chase him, but when he saw a figure lying there at the end of the alley, he couldn't help stopping and walked towards the figure lying on the ground!

Before entering the figure, Wu Huchen could not help but frown slightly, because he felt no vitality from the figure! He squatted down, put his hand to the man's breath, and his heart sank slightly. All the woman's vitality had disappeared. This made Wu Huchen's heart full of shock. What could make mankind lose all its vitality so quickly?

He was puzzled, thought about it, or dialed the police call! This has constituted a crime of murder. He thinks it's better to inform the police. Although Wu Huchen knows that the originator of this matter is not an ordinary person, informing the police can at least make others stop going out at night, so as to reduce death!

Bai Shuqian, who has been busy all day, is already very tired, but damn it, she didn't think that when she was sleeping soundly, her damn mobile phone rang. Looking at the caller ID on the phone and looking at the time, she ruthlessly connected the phone and said fiercely: "I warn you that you have annoyed me. If there is no big deal, you will wait and see me copy your youth gang every day!"

Bai Shuqian didn't expect Wu Huchen to call himself at this time. Damn it, call himself at this time. Did he deliberately call me and ask me to get up and pee? Damn it, this bastard! Bai Shuqian's angry teeth itch. The bastard hasn't made any noise since he said those love words to himself at the police station last time. Let Bai Shuqian wait!

Hearing Bai Shuqian roaring on the other end of the phone, Wu Huchen smiled bitterly, but he still opened his mouth: "Shuqian, I'm now in an alley on Limin Road. There's a homicide here. Someone's dead!"

"What?" Bai Shuqian, who was a little angry, was stunned when she heard Wu Huchen's words, and then asked, "Wu Huchen, you're not kidding me, are you?"

"Do you think I'll joke with you about this? Damn it!" Wu Huchen rolled his eyes. Does this woman really have a big chest and no brain? What's on her mind?

Bai Shuqian seemed to have heard Wu Huchen didn't seem to be lying, and after a while, he said, "you first control the scene, do not let people destroy the scene at random, you must not easily move around, otherwise you will very likely become a suspect! Well, first, I will inform this matter immediately!"

Listening to the blind voice on the phone, the corners of Wu Huchen's mouth eased slightly. The chick still cares about herself!

After putting away the phone, Wu Huchen looked carefully at the girl who had lost her promotion. The girl is in her twenties. She looks very decent, but her clothes are a little exposed and flirtatious. It's obviously some little girls!

But Wu Huchen didn't know why her vitality suddenly disappeared. It's not normal! There was no wound on her body, as if the girl's soul had suddenly been ingested, silent! This way of death made Wu Huchen take a breath!

If there is such a terrible existence, the whole Wentu county and even the people of Wanshan city will suffer!

About twenty minutes later, Wu Huchen heard the whistle of the police car. Wu Huchen also stood up. He listened to Bai Shuqian and didn't turn over the girl's body. After all, it's not worth getting into such unnecessary trouble!

"How's it going? Where are the people?" As soon as she got off the bus, Bai Shuqian asked Wu Huchen angrily.

When Wu Huchen heard the siren, he went to the alley and waited. He saw Bai Shuqian coming with a group of police and forensic doctors, pointed to the alley and said, "people are in the alley. Go and have a look yourself!"

Bai Shuqian nodded and took his men to the alley. After thinking about it, he said to Wu Huchen, "don't go yet. Let's have a look!"

Wu Huchen smiled bitterly and thought to himself that this chick still didn't believe in herself!

Soon the police blocked the scene, some forensic doctors were looking for something around the scene, and a middle-aged male forensic with eyes was examining the body.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man frowned and said, "Sir, did you see any wild animals when you came here?" He said this to Wu Huchen!

"Beast?" Wu Huchen was slightly stunned and shook his head, Say: "No, but when I felt this way, I only heard a whistling wind. Even if I saw a figure disappear in the dark, I didn't chase it because I wanted to save people first, but I didn't expect that she had no vitality when I came to the dead!! what? Did you find anything? Or did you say This has something to do with some kind of beast? "

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