"The brothers sent out came the news that Zhang Xuehai seemed to be in the business club of Dongzi!" Li Erwa seemed to think of something. After a slight pause, she continued, "Huchen, that Dongzi seems to be in the limelight recently! Look, are we?"

These days, with Mingyue villa as a backer, the power of Dongzi family has been expanding in Wentu county. Li Erwa usually takes care of the things in the gang. Wu Huchen doesn't care much about the news on the road. Therefore, Li Erwa thinks she still hopes Wu Huchen can find out the things before deciding whether to do it!

Wu Huchen is naturally afraid of Li Qiang. If it was before, he would also be afraid of the existence of Mingyue villa! But after some communication with Bai Shuqian, I thought of what master Guiguzi said to herself in the nether realm!

battle! Only through constant fighting can we make progress! If you have been timid, I'm afraid you can't improve your strength faster all your life!

"Drive over!" Wu Huchen smiled calmly, stared at Li Erwa, and said seriously, "Erwa, you want to become stronger! Only through continuous fighting can you become stronger! Moreover, have we ever been afraid of anyone? When we first started, we dared to fight with the axe gang. Are we timid now that we have such strength?"

Listening to Wu Huchen's words, Li Erwa changed her look and flashed a look of fear in her eyes. These days, Li Erwa has been respected, enjoying life and enjoying the feeling of being worshipped! But he did not know that while he enjoyed it, his original fighting heart and will were gradually eroded and weakened.

"Tiger minister! I know!" Li Erwa slowly raised her head, and a bright laugh appeared at the corners of her mouth, "Daming! Move forward!"

yes! The brothers of the youth gang always have to move forward! Never flinch!

Zhu Daming seemed to be infected by the already enlightened Li Erwa's mood. He nodded and stepped on the accelerator after shifting gears!

Yuhao club.

Dongzi has been living in fear these two days! He didn't expect yuan Zhiqiang to die! The Dharma protector, one of the four Dharma protectors of Mingyue villa, is dead! He hated again in his heart. Of course, he hated not others, but the man who called himself brother. At the same time, he was also worried about the man who sat in his many faces!

"Dongzi, do you say that the Dharma protector sent by long Shao can protect our safety?" Zhang Xuehai is really scared this time! Before, he didn't expect that there were people with that strength in the world, but after seeing yuan Zhiqiang, he knew that he was just a frog at the bottom of a well.

Seeing yuan Zhiqiang's strength, he yearned a lot for contacting long Shao! And he also knew that Wu Huchen, who offended himself, was about to die! This is a very happy thing for him who is narrow-minded!

After seeing yuan Zhiqiang, he no longer hated Wu Huchen. On the contrary, he thanked Wu Huchen. He felt that Wu Huchen had brought himself into another world, a world that could make him detached from ordinary people!

But when Dongzi said that Yuan Zhiqiang, the Dharma protector of Mingyue villa, died. He suddenly felt that the sky was the color of haze. Even people as powerful as Yuan Zhiqiang were killed by Wu Huchen. So, how powerful will Wu Huchen be? He doesn't want to die. He really doesn't want to die.

Dongzi was already full of disdain for this brother who had been valued before. He thought Zhang Xuehai could help himself, but he didn't expect to almost kill himself. "Hum! Xuehai, I really don't want to say anything about you. You said you offended such a powerful person. You only said you offended a student! You killed me!"

Zhang Xuehai was stunned. Looking at Dongzi's reproachful eyes, his face sank slightly. He squeezed his fist tightly, squeezed out a flattering smile on his face, and said in harmony: "Dongzi, brother, I don't know! In fact, we have to look at it from the side!"

"Side? What side? What side can I see now?" Dongzi looked at Zhang Xuehai and was very upset, but he knew that Zhang Xuehai was still very resourceful, nodded and asked, "tell me!"

Zhang Xuehai picked at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "Dongzi, did you find out? Although yuan Zhiqiang died, long Shao didn't do anything to you! On the contrary, he sent another Dharma protector to protect you. From this point of view, did you find anything?"

When Zhang Xuehai said this, Dongzi seemed to think of something. Suddenly, he showed a look of ecstasy, held Zhang Xuehai's hand tightly and said, "brother, what do you mean?"

Zhang Xuehai saw the excited expression on Dongzi's face, and the corners of his mouth aroused an imperceptible sneer. He smiled and said, "Dongzi, this shows that long Shao seems to need your help, and he already has some meaning that can't be lacked. Can't you see?"

Dongzi listened to Zhang Xuehai's words and was silent for a while. He was more happy and said with a smile: "Xuehai, what do you mean?" In fact, he has guessed something about Zhang Xuehai's words, but he can't believe it.

"Hum! What do I mean?" Zhang Xuehai smiled and said, "Dongzi, if I'm not wrong, I'm afraid long Shao has incomparable difficulties in choosing you. For example, people like them have regulations and can't use that skill to ordinary people! So..."

"So, even if I do something, as long as I don't go out of line, long Shao won't do anything to me?" After Dongzi realized it, he smiled more brightly, "hum, I'll say, how could he send someone to protect me after he died such an important person!"

"Yes! So we can rest assured..."

Just when Zhang Xuehai wanted to talk, the phone on Dongzi's desk suddenly rang.

"Hey, what's up?" Dongzi was so happy that he connected the phone, but before he finished, the smile on his face solidified and filled with a trace of anger: "bastard, what do you eat? Ah? So many people can't stop one person? Grass, after this thing is over today, you wrap up for me and leave!" With that, Dongzi angrily smashed the phone down heavily.

Seeing Dongzi's gloomy and ugly face, Zhang Xuehai frowned and asked, "Dongzi, what's the matter?"

Dongzi looked up at Zhang Xuehai and said angrily, "shit, so many people can't stop one of those free food! I really don't know the use of giving them so much salary every month!"

"Alone?" Zhang Xuehai was slightly stunned. A bad hunch flashed in his heart. He asked in a deep voice, "should it not be Wu Huchen, the boy came to the door?"

"What?!" Dongzi, who was originally full of anger, was slightly stunned. His eyes were full of surprise. Then he was afraid. He swallowed his saliva and said, "you mean the boy who killed yuan Zhiqiang? Wu Huchen?"

Zhang Xuehai had no intention to despise Dongzi. He just smiled bitterly and said, "I guess there is * * yes! It seems that long Shao's calculation is still very accurate! I'm afraid that boy Wu Huchen came to us for revenge!"

"Well, what should I do?" Dongzi thought of Yuan Zhiqiang's strength, and then thought that Wu Huchen could kill yuan Zhiqiang, which filled his heart with fear, "Xuehai, you have many ideas, you think of a way quickly!"

When Zhang Xuehai saw Dongzi's panic, his heart was full of contempt. Cao NIMA, I'm not that strong. What can I think of! Suddenly, a fine light flashed in his eyes and said with a smile: "Dongzi, how can we forget that stubble! Didn't long Shao specially send a more powerful Dharma protector to help protect you?"

Dongzi was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed loudly: "* * * yes, how can I forget this? Shit! It's said that the Dharma protector is more powerful than yuan Zhiqiang! Yuan Zhiqiang's strength is the lowest among the four Dharma protectors, but this one seems to be the second! I think it's not worse than Wu Huchen!" Thinking of this, Dongzi got up again and said, "go, let's find the Dharma protector now and let him kill Wu Huchen's dark grid boy directly to vent our hatred!"

With that, Dongzi rushed out of the office.

Zhang Xuehai looked at Dongzi's back, sneered at the corners of his mouth and scolded softly: "fool, you think people pay less attention to you because you can command that kind of character? I don't know how your skull does it!"

Dongzi hurriedly walked into the room specially arranged for the Dharma protector of Mingyue villa on his floor.


As soon as he opened the door of the room, he was hit by something that seemed to be airflow and fell heavily to the ground!

Dongzi gave a painful cry and shouted, "what do you want to do? Are you here to protect me or to kill me..."

"Pa Pa......"

As soon as Zhang Xuehai followed him, he saw a fiery red phantom flash by, and then Dongzi's face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Hum! I think you haven't seen your position clearly. Do you think you can command me if long Shao asks me to protect you? It's really ridiculous! I can kill mole ants like you! Moreover, as long as long as long Shao is willing, I can cultivate dozens or hundreds of them at any time!" It was a woman's voice. In terms of sound quality, the woman was not very old, but she was full of coldness and arrogance.

The beaten Dongzi was shocked when he heard the cold and killing words. He knew that he was just a mole ant. I'm afraid long Shao just didn't want to waste time cultivating talents~

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