"Ha ha ha ~" Lan Ling laughed wildly when she heard Wu Huchen's gloomy words. Then she opened her eyes and looked at Wu Huchen as if she were a clown, Said, "Wu Huchen, who do you think you are? Do you think you are a God? Hum, it's ridiculous. You're just a frog who doesn't know anything at all! Do you think you're a God when you reach level B? I tell you, you can't kill me!"

For Lan Ling's words, Wu Huchen was full of interest. He narrowed his eyes with a trace of interest and asked, "really? Then please give me a reason why I can't kill you! Okay?"

Seeing Wu Huchen's concession, Lan Ling imagined that she had become a woman valued by long Shao when she thought of the power of Mingyue villa, which made her previous fears disappear. She was more confident and domineering: "because I'm from Mingyue villa, I'm a woman of Longshao in Mingyue villa!"

"Tut tut tut ~ it's pathetic and pathetic ~" Wu Huchen looked at Lan Ling's complacent face, couldn't help shaking his head, his face was full of sympathy, and said, "excuse me, are you still the proud Level C strong Lan Ling?"

As soon as Wu Huchen's words came out, the domineering Lan Ling looked a little, and then his chest fluctuated violently. He smiled coldly: "hum, of course, and I believe that in a short time, I will become a strong man of level B!" In fact, when she heard Wu Huchen's words, the blue collar already knew what Wu Huchen meant, but what could she do?

She is just a woman, she just wants to be strong, because she knows better than anyone that in this world of the jungle, as a capable person, if you don't have strong strength, you will become a slave at the feet of others. The weak will never be respected by others!

She doesn't want to. She wants to be strong! She wants to be the object of attention, she wants to be the existence that others look up to! Even if it becomes someone else's plaything? That is also below one person and above ten thousand people!

Wu Huchen knows that this woman has become a little crazy in order to pursue strength. She has long forgotten that the most basic quality to be a strong person is dignity!

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you that you can't be a class B strong man in your life! Because you won't exist after today!" Wu Huchen seemed to be expounding a thing. It was light and light. However, a golden flame had been lit on him. He was like a God, so people didn't dare to face it.

Looking at Wu Huchen trying to kill, Lan Ling suddenly recovered. She knew that Wu Huchen didn't want to let himself go, but she didn't want to die. Her face showed a crazy color and her eyes were full of resentment, "thousands of mountains and dusk snow!"

The wind raged, and everything around was white, as if it had become a white world. The goose feather like snow makes people feel the cold of bone removal.

"Wu Huchen, if you don't want me to feel better, I'll let you taste my power!" As he spoke, two blue machetes like the full moon suddenly appeared in Lan Ling's hands and rushed to kill Wu Huchen.

Looking at Lan Ling, who was already mad and rushed towards him, Wu Huchen snorted coldly, and the phantom footwork worked under his feet to meet Lan Ling's attack.

A golden figure and a blue figure passed by. But a moment later, the whole world returned to calm, the snow melted, the wind stood still, and everything before seemed illusory.

The whole world can only hear the sound of "jingle", which is the crisp sound of two full moon machetes. But Lan Ling has disappeared, as if she had never appeared.

"Master ~"

A girl's scream came out of the pavilion. At the same time, a woman's figure rushed towards Wu Huchen.

Wu Huchen turned and grasped the girl's hands tightly. His eyelids trembled slightly and his eyebrows frowned, "is it you?" This girl is the powerful girl Wu Huchen met at the competition meeting. But now in Wu Huchen's eyes, she is too weak!

"You kill me!" The girl didn't expect that Wu Huchen was so strong that she closed her eyes, held her neck high, and looked like she was going to die generously.

Wu Huchen smiled, shook his head and released her hand. He has no grievances with this girl. He doesn't have to kill her. He's not a murderer!

"You..." the girl felt that Wu Huchen had loosened his hand and couldn't help opening her eyes, which were full of surprise.

"Your master has gone astray. You will be better than her!" Then Wu Huchen grabbed his hands and the two full moon machetes that fell to the ground appeared in Wu Huchen's hands. He looked at the cold full moon machete and handed him to the strange girl. "Take her away. You're different from your master. Work hard."

With that, Wu Huchen turned and walked towards Li Erwa.

"How's it going? Can you still go?" Wu Huchen asked with a smile.

After this rest, Li Erwa held Zhu Daming's body, stood up and said with a smile: "shit, who is Lao Tze? Lao Tze can even beat the strong in the later stage of level C. Lao Tze Li Erwa can still lie down by this little injury?"

Looking at Li Erwa's face, she shook her head and said with a smile, "what are you waiting for, brothers? If you can stand up, stand up with me now and go to the hospital. If you can't stand up, wait here. I'll call an ambulance to pick you up?"

Hearing Wu Huchen's words, all the brothers of the youth gang laughed.

Some said, "shit, this little injury is a bird? I'm the main force of the youth gang!"

"Yes, who the fuck wants to lie down is a coward. Don't say brother Huchen's brother in the future!"


These brothers, you talk to me and laugh. They don't look like a group of people with seriously injured skills!

Although the previous scene ended in an instant, Wu Huchen's position in their hearts was even higher. Because they know that brother Huchen has been strong enough to kill the strong in the later stage of level C.

On their way of life, there will always be such a person who will constantly surprise and shock everyone. He has a name Wu Huchen!

Looking at Wu Huchen and others leaving Mixiang garden, the girl seemed to think of something and shouted, "Wu Huchen, thank you! But be careful, Mingyue villa has begun to pay attention to you, and she is going to deal with Li Yueru, you, be careful!"

To readers:

Because the new book is always stuck repeatedly, there's no way. It's been delayed until now. Let's update the aunt first tomorrow, so that the brothers can wait a long time!

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