Looking at Wu Huchen looking at herself so affectionately, Li Yueru smiled and stopped talking.

But Wu Huchen said in a deep voice, "sister Ru, don't worry, we won't die! With me, I will never let you die! Because I want to take you to see all the prosperity in the world!"

"Well, I also hope you can take me to see the prosperity of the world!" Li Yueru looked at the neon light in the distance, "tiger minister, kill she Lao and only accept what you want to do?"

Hearing Li Yueru's words, Wu Huchen was stunned. What else did he want to do after killing she Lao? He seemed to have nothing to do, but there seemed to be countless things waiting for him to do.

"And you?" He asked back, his heart full of a trace of worry. It is not terrible for a person to encounter difficulties. What is terrible is that if a person has no thought and goal, his life will be very gray. And many people end up depressed.

"Me?" Li Yueru giggled and said, "I decided to be a full-time wife, occasionally jealous, cook at home for my loved ones, and then have a large group of children..." here, Li Yueru has laughed to tears. "So, tiger minister, we must be able to kill she Lao, right?!"

Wu Huchen naturally knew what Li Yueru was thinking. He hugged Li Yueru tightly, looked firmly at the distance, and said in a deep voice, "yes, he will, and must die!"

At dawn, after a night of killing, both the brothers of the youth gang and Li Yueru's brothers were tired.

Looking at these brothers stained with blood, Wu Huchen showed a warm smile on his face. Because he felt some different feelings from these brothers, that is maturity, iron blood and perseverance!

Indeed, after the battle, they all matured quickly. In this way, Wu Huchen actually envied them, because he can't find a fighting opponent up to now!

A thousand gold is easy to get, but it is hard to find an opponent!

It is more difficult to practice later, and Wu Huchen hopes to constantly hone himself in the battle and make more progress!

"Brothers, you are all good!"

After the baptism of blood and fire, these brothers became more calm. Although they were very excited, they didn't speak, but stared at Wu Huchen closely.

In the battle last night, they experienced too much, battle, death, enemy death, brother death. But after the war, they knew that their whole people seemed to be baptized. They were no longer their own before. Now they are more eager to fight and dare to fight. Because they know that only in battle can they constantly sublimate themselves!

"OK! You are all tired! You did a very good job last night, so now you can have a rest!" After a pause, Wu Huchen's eyes flashed with a strong sense of war, "next, let me deal with the old poison!"

However, Wu Huchen found that these brothers were all motionless and didn't seem to hear their own words.

"What's the matter?" Wu Huchen looked at them suspiciously, "go back and have a rest. The next battle belongs to me!"

The brothers were still hi motionless. Wu Huchen smashed his mouth and wanted to speak, but he heard Li Yueru giggle.

"Sister Ru, what are you laughing at?" Wu Huchen looked at Li Yueru smiling so brightly that he couldn't help asking.

Seeing Wu Huchen's puzzled appearance, Li Yueru gave him a silky white eye and said, "fool, do you think they will leave now? I'm afraid they are more eager to fight now than you!"

"Eh ~" Wu Huchen looked at the brothers with high fighting spirit in their eyes and immediately worried, "shit, you don't take such unkind! You killed so many people last night. How can you leave today's battle to me? Hey, er WA, what do you mean? What do you do with that disdainful smelly face?"

"Huchen, forget it!" Seeing Wu Huchen's nervous face, Li Erwa couldn't help being angry and said, "you're so careful. Do you think your brothers don't know?"

Hearing Li Erwa's words, Wu Huchen smiled bitterly. He didn't want these brothers to go with him. Because the future was uncertain, he didn't want to see any accidents for everyone here. But obviously they have made up their mind.

"Brother Huchen, stop talking. Do you think we will let you face danger alone?" Sun Zhiwei still had dark blood on his face and looked at Wu Huchen with a smile.

"Yes, tiger minister, the battle is ours!" Li Yueru's second uncle said with a smile, "but before that, we'd better find a place to have a good rest. Otherwise, I think if you go to fight in this state, I'm afraid you will only become a burden to the tiger minister!"

"Yes, brothers, let's have a rest!" Li Yueru thought her second uncle's words were very reasonable.

But they found that these people did not move at all, and all their eyes focused on Wu Huchen.

Seeing this scene, Wu Huchen couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "well, brothers, you won! I promise you, I'll wait for you to fight together, so now you find me a hotel to have a good rest, and then tonight, let's fight again, how about it!" At the last sound, he drank violently, and his voice lasted for a long time!

"Good!" The voices of those brothers were not weak either.

Smiles filled the faces of these people. At this moment, they finally had a feeling of returning. Especially Li Yueru's brothers, now they no longer just take Li Yueru as an umbrella, but as their own sister or sister! They are born from the same root!

"Wu Huchen!"

Before the sound completely disappeared, a sound appeared and broke all this.

Wu Huchen turned his head and was slightly stunned. Then he looked at Li Yueru unnaturally.

Li Yueru naturally saw Wu Huchen's discomfort, "go, I'll take my brothers to find a hotel to rest first!" Then he waved to the brothers and left without any hesitation.

Watching Li Yueru leave so decisively, Wu Huchen couldn't help smiling bitterly. He naturally knew that Li Yueru had seen through his careful thinking, but there was no way. Looking at Tao Zongming, he smiled and said, "brother Ming, how do you know I'm here?"

"How can you say that? You're making so much noise. Why don't we know?" Tao Zongming said angrily and then said, "well, don't say it first. Let's go home quickly. My father is waiting for us!"

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