"Really... Really? Do you really want to?" Li Erwa was so excited that she couldn't even speak clearly. Looking at Wu Huchen, her eyes were full of hot light.

Seeing Li Erwa so excited, Wu Huchen felt that his decision was right. It's just a choice that can make the people around you happy. Why not? And taking this road is not a good choice.

At present, his strength is constantly increasing. He believes that as long as he can continuously cultivate and lead the dragon, he must be able to go to the world at that time. Wu Huchen had planned to enter the official career, but after careful consideration, he felt that all this seemed too far away from himself. After all, if he wanted to be admitted to the civil service, he had to wait until he graduated from college. At that time, the cauliflower would be cold.

Taking this road is completely different. At least he can do business, and he deeply knows that in front of all powerful forces, everyone's rules are meaningless. Even when you are strong enough, you can make rules.

"Of course! I lied to you?" Wu Huchen smiled, picked up the still bubbling beer, motioned and drank it all in one mouthful.

Li Erwa saw that Wu Huchen was so forthright and unaffected. She also looked up and killed the wine in the glass.

"How's it going? Tell me what you think?" Wu Huchen saw Li Erwa looking at himself in surprise. He smiled and said, "Erwa, you must have thought a lot of things over so much trouble coming to me?"

Li Erwa smiled and said, "tiger minister, you are a real thief. I can't hide anything from you. I think so..."

After listening to Li Erwa's plan, Wu Huchen could not help but frown and meditate.

"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?" Li Erwa was a little anxious. He had thought of everything before he came. It should be foolproof!

Wu Huchen clapped his hands, signaled his peace of mind and said, "there is no big problem with your plan at present, but there are two points to change."

"Oh? You say!" Since they made money by selling shrimp, Li Erwa's heart almost unconditionally believed in Wu Huchen.

"First, the boss's problem! I'm still at school. In order to avoid the influence, I can't be the boss, so it's up to you." Li Erwa opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but Wu Huchen stopped her. He continued: "second, you want to develop from the north of the city. This decision is very bad."

"Why?" Li Erwa was surprised, because the development of Wentu county is mainly in the south, East and west of the city, while the north of the city is more desolate.

Because there are bus stations and some shops selling building materials in the west of the city, it must be very good to collect protection fees there. The south of the city is close to the school. At any time, students' money is the best to earn. Opening some bars, Internet cafes and other places near the school must make a lot of money. Finally, it is the east of the city. Because it is close to the county government, it is some catering and entertainment industries. Nightclubs, red light districts, these are lucrative industries.

Obviously, Li Erwa can analyze it, and other big men are certainly not fools. People have already divided up these areas. Trying to step in may cause a lot of dissatisfaction.

Those big guys have been comfortable for many years. They don't want and don't allow anyone to break the rules and break the existing comfort.

Finally, only the north of the city. Because of its remoteness, the north of the city is close to the urban area, but it is also the most chaotic place. There have always been too many disputes at the junction of urban and rural areas. Nevertheless, Li Erwa felt that with the help of herself and Wu Huchen, she might benefit from chaos.

He thought for a long time, but he was rejected by Wu Huchen. However, there was no dissatisfaction in his heart. He looked at Wu Huchen with burning eyes and wanted to listen to his ideas.

"The relationship in the north of the city is complex. The most important thing is that there is not much oil and water to get. Well, even if you can get oil and water, it will obviously touch the interests of those big men in the urban area. At that time, it's up to us, Hei hei!" Wu Huchen didn't finish what he said, but the implication was very clear.

Li Erwa frowned and nodded when she heard the speech. Indeed, the good thing in the north of the city is a mess of words, and the bad thing is a mess of words. They have no foundation now. It's hard for them to take a share there!

"Shall we go to the east of the city?" Li Erwa asked tentatively, "is there enough oil and water in the east of the city? We can win some business in that area if we kill a big man casually."

Wu Huchen smiled bitterly and shook his head. Listening to Li Erwa's words, he really began to doubt how Li Erwa had mixed so well in his previous life, With a wry smile: "brother, you've been in the county for so long. Don't you know that people who can mix in the east of the city have an official background? Which of those nightclubs, entertainment clubs and large business hotels doesn't have the figure of these county Party leaders behind them?"

Since ancient times, people did not fight with officials. Black and white have an inseparable relationship from ancient times to now. If Wu Huchen had not been born again, I'm afraid he wouldn't know the fishiness inside. Thanks to the network in the 21st century.

Hearing Wu Huchen's analysis, Li Erwa was surprised at first, but soon calmed down. Today's Wu Huchen is too mysterious. He can not only fight, but also cripple Zhao Ziguang. After that, she can walk out of the police station unharmed. This would have been impossible in the past, but now all the impossible things have happened to Wu Huchen.

"What are we going to do?"

Wu Huchen dipped his hand in some wine, gestured on the table and said, "look, these are the south, West and east of the city. Let's not consider the east of the city. Now look at the West and south of the city." With that, Wu Huchen crossed the east of the city directly.

Then he pointed to the west of the city, looked at Li Erwa and said, "the west of the city is mainly the bus station and the building materials company over there. We don't know how to smuggle building materials, so this must not work. Then the only choice is in the south of the city." As they spoke, their eyes were fixed on this small area in the south of the city.

"South of the city?"

"Yes!" Wu Huchen smiled, "it's the south of the city! The gang in the south of the city looks calm on the surface, but it has been buried by Zhao Ziguang."

"Zhao Ziguang?" Li Erwa was full of doubts, "what hidden dangers can he bury?"

"Hum, of course. If Zhao Ziguang's men stole a batch of guns, do you think it will make the whole south of the city, even the whole Wentu County chaotic!" Wu Huchen's mouth wore a faint smile, and Li Erwa was greatly worshipped. I'm afraid only Huchen can do this kind of cow thing that holds everything in his hands.

Two young people were drinking wine. It seemed calm, but a big storm had been brewing in Wentu county.

Recommend a Book of game competition "the skills of Warcraft are invincible"/ Book / 83 has 300000 words. You can kill it.

By the way, thank you for your reward and the recommendation of brother Xinhan. Thank you very much.

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