"Brother Huchen, don't be sad. Don't you still have Bai'er?" Xiaobai feels sad when she sees Wu Huchen crying. Although she knows that Wu Huchen is sad for the departure of other women, she still can't help feeling sad for Wu Huchen's sadness.

After a long time, Wu Huchen slowly stood up. He turned his back to Xiaobai. His voice was full of difficulties and coldness. He said, "Xiaobai, go back to the netherworld. I think you are not suitable to appear outside for a long time!" Wu Huchen is not a fool. He has guessed some clues through some things before. It seems that Xiaobai can't use too powerful means, otherwise it should lead to death.

He has lost his aunt, sister Ru and Feifei. He doesn't want to lose Xiaobai anymore.

Xiaobai looks at the man in front of her. She is surprised to find that the man's back seems to be much stronger than before. Maybe he has realized something before? So he gradually matured after so many things. People always grow up after experiencing something!

With a whoosh, the woman like a fairy disappeared into the world and entered the nether realm.

Indeed, as Xiaobai thought, Wu Huchen finally figured out one thing. That is, their strength is too weak.

The weak will never have any rights! This is the sadness of the weak, but it is also a very realistic existence!

Wu Huchen looked at the dark sky as if it was going to be pressed down. His face was sad and happy, and he walked towards the city step by step! He knew in his heart that in fact, over the years, my aunt had been hiding around her to protect herself. She just guarded herself silently, but never let herself appear! No complaints! I think so in my previous life!

Aunt, you protect me for two generations! Then in this world, let me protect you! Wait for me!

Wu Huchen and Li Yueru left at the same time, making the brothers of the youth gang and Li Yueru's brothers all noisy. Li Erwa looked at those noisy younger brothers and shouted, "shut the fuck up. What are you doing? Ah? Huchen, he must have his own reason to leave. What are you yelling about?"

"Brother Erwa, brother Huchen, is it dangerous for him to go alone? We agreed to go together. Although the brothers are not strong, there are many people and great power. How can we resist for brother Huchen!" A little brother looked at Li Erwa and said.

"Yes, brother Erwa, brother Huchen, he always has a problem to bear alone. Now the brothers finally appear a little. Can't he resist alone? Then the brothers are really sorry!"

In the hearts of these brothers, Wu Huchen is not only the God in their hearts, but also the closest relative, because they have been with some eldest brothers before, but none of them can be like Wu Huchen. He is in front of everything and let the brothers behind. To tell you the truth, the whole youth gang has made such great achievements, and the brothers work together because of brother Huchen!

He is the backbone of the brothers, so if there is no brother Huchen, they will naturally be very anxious!

Li Erwa looked at these brothers worried about Wu Huchen, and she was also very grateful. She thought to Hu Chen, you have so many brothers for your sake, and you won't lose in your life! In fact, why didn't he worry about Wu Huchen? When they came out together, he regarded Wu Huchen as the closest person besides his grandfather. Although they are not related by blood, their feelings are stronger than their brothers.

Suddenly, someone with sharp eyes shouted, "look, brother Huchen is back. Brother Huchen is back!"

When the others heard the man's words, they all looked out the door, and Wu Huchen came here step by step. However, they all seem to have an illusion. The Wu Huchen in front of them seems a little different from the Wu Huchen who went out before, but they don't know where it is different.

Wu Huchen looked at the excited appearance of those brothers, and his cold heart gradually melted. He didn't have nothing. He still had a group of brothers!

"Huchen, where's Yueru?" Li Yueru's second uncle was very happy to see Wu Huchen back, because Wu Huchen came back, then she Lao solved it, and there was no threat to the whole Li house! And you can make Li's house famous with the help of this event! After all, a B-level strong man can't be dealt with by ordinary people!

But after the joy, his heart gradually cooled down. Because he found that Wu Huchen was missing a figure.

Li Yueru wasn't with Wu Huchen. She didn't come back with Wu Huchen! So, where did Li Yueru go?

Others seem to have noticed this, and all the smiles on their faces solidify. Is it

Wu Huchen looked apologetically at Li Yueru's second uncle, "sorry, second uncle! I couldn't bring sister Ru back!"

"What?!" Li Yueru's second uncle seemed to be struck by lightning. He stumbled. Fortunately, he was held by the people in Li's house behind him.

Looking at Li Yueru's second uncle like this, Wu Huchen suddenly trembled in his heart and said with some regret: "I'm really sorry!"

"Yueru, Yueru ~" Li Yueru's second uncle seemed to be a few years old, full of tears.

Sun Zhiwei looked at Wu Huchen with a black face. Without saying a word, he punched Wu Huchen, but he was caught by Wu Huchen and shouted, "what do you want to do?"

Sun Zhiwei said angrily, "Wu Huchen, I know I'm not your opponent, but I despise you. You can't even keep your woman's name. Are you still a man?"

Listening to sun Zhiwei's words, Wu Huchen was stunned and laughed. He didn't stop until his tears came out of his eyes, which made everyone around him stunned. Seeing that Wu Huchen was questioned, Li Erwa rushed to sun Zhiwei, punched him and scolded, "what the fuck do you want to do? Dare to move my brother?"

The two forces immediately became tense.

Wu Huchen looked at everyone like this, couldn't help smiling bitterly, shook his head and shouted, "come back!"

"Tiger minister ~" Li Erwa was unwilling. But looking at Wu Huchen's eyes, he still took his brothers to one side.

Wu Huchen went to Li Yueru's second uncle and said, "second uncle, sister Ru is not dead. She just left! Don't worry, she will come back! Li's house will be taken care of by you for the time being. It's not easy where I need Wu Huchen!" Then he left without saying a word.

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