Soon, Wu Huchen was awakened by the thunderous cry| March 8th literature

Looking at the thousands of brothers standing around, Wu Huchen's heart was full of excitement. Looking at the eyes staring at himself, his heart was moved. He can feel that these brothers' words of brother Huchen and sister-in-law are good from the bottom of their hearts, without a trace of fraud!

"Thank you!" Wu Huchen chuckled. At the thought of the hardships of this trip to Fantian temple, Wu Huchen saw these lovely faces full of fighting spirit again. His heart was full of emotion. It's good to be alive!

However, Wu Huchen was excited. The "Hello sister-in-law" of these young brothers turned Zhang Yilan's face red with shame. A fool can also hear it. This sister-in-law must include herself.

Red charm's face was still light, but looking at the eyes of these admirable young people, she took a deep look at her man in front of her, and was very pleased.

The Golden Dragon turns the sky, the king is supreme!

These eight words are just an ancestral motto, but now seeing the enthusiasm on each face and the inner support of Wu Huchen's brothers, Hongmei finally determined that Wu Huchen is the king, and only such a man can achieve the king's hegemony.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world! Wu Huchen not only has strength, but also can win the hearts of the people! Therefore, his success must only be a matter of time!

But Tao Yuanyuan didn't think so much. Seeing so many boys calling their sister-in-law, she called it sweet in her heart| March 8th literature represents that brother Huchen's brothers recognize themselves. It's a good feeling!

"Hee hee, Hello! My name is Tao Yuanyuan. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time. I will take good care of your brother Huchen!" Tao Yuanyuan smiled mischievously and spit out his lovely little tongue.

Her words made the brothers of the youth gang laugh. For this girl who looks so pure, paper is full of good feelings.

Seeing Tao Yuanyuan's naughty appearance, Wu Huchen couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, and spoiled the girl's head.

"Brothers, I told Daming today that I would invite all the leaders of Wentu county to get together. But Daming said what should we do if the leaders don't buy it? Brothers, you said, what should we do if the leaders don't give face?" Wu Huchen pressed his hand, thought of what to do next, and said it out loud here. When he spoke, he was so lucky that everyone around the new world could hear his voice.

He did it on purpose. He just wanted to build momentum before that! He asked those who dared to look down on the youth gang to see the strength of Wu Huchen and the whole idea of the youth gang.

Men don't play Yin with you. Men will only hit you in the face. If you don't surrender, you will surrender. If you are weak and continue to be stubborn, then I will send you to the West!

This is their youth gang. This is Wu Huchen!

The youth gang has been silent for too long since its last rise. It's time for the sleeping tiger to hunt down the mountain.

But before that, the tiger wants to roar around the world. He wants to let those prey and opponents know that he is going to start hunting. If you submit, then I can spare you from death. If you refuse, hum

The brothers of the youth gang are all a group of young people with ideas and motivation. If the rules of the youth gang were not very strict, they might have been rubbing their hands with others! But this time it was different. Brother Huchen spoke in person.

It's going to fight! The youth gang is now growing larger and larger. It already has the capital to compete with those giants.

"Who dares to refuse, I'll kill him first!"

"Count me, who dares not to obey our youth gang? Who dares not to give face, I will kill his family!"

"Bah, is this what our youth gang brothers should say? Jianghu is Jianghu. It won't hurt your family when you come out, don't you know?"

"Brother Huchen, please say it. As long as you say a word, brother, this life is yours!"

"Yes, brother Huchen, we'll give you our life. You said..."

"OK, count me in..."

The militant brothers of the youth gang were red in the face and hot in the eyes. Yes, they are eager to fight. The reason why they join the youth gang is that it's good for their brothers. Another reason is that they are belligerent and good at fighting!

Looking at the excited brothers around, Wu Huchen laughed wildly, "OK, brothers, if someone looks down on our youth gang, let's let them know what it's like to regret! Everyone go back and have a good rest and wait for orders. Give me less women during this period of time. Don't have the strength to copy guys at that time!"

As soon as Wu Huchen said this, the brothers of the youth gang around burst into laughter, and the distance between them was virtually pulled in.

Brother Huchen is not the kind of boss who is high and frightening, but this does not prevent these brothers from sincerely defending him! It's a great honor for them to have a big brother who gets along with them. At least it's something they can't see in other gangs!

"I'll prepare some invitation cards for the leaders of various gangs and send them to... Er..." Wu Huchen was stunned when he said this, because he didn't know where to invite those leaders. Do you want to go to Xintiandi bar? I wipe it, isn't it too bad?

After all, those big guys are well-known and rich owners. Let them come to such a bar. Wu Huchen felt that his idea was a blockhouse.

"Let them go to the red chamber!"

Just then, a woman's voice came out of the crowd.

Everyone was stunned. The crowded crowd took the initiative to spread a way. All the brothers of these youth gangs nodded respectfully to the woman. The woman was wearing a blue and black business suit, and her graceful figure was perfectly outlined. She smiled faintly at the corners of her mouth and nodded to the brothers on both sides, but her smiling eyes were always on Wu Huchen

To readers:

Well, take a break! Brothers, let me get excited by counting monthly tickets. I stayed up late last night and broke out today. I'm a little sleepy~

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