six hundred and thirty-four

China has vast territory and abundant resources, and there are many beautiful mountains and rivers| i^

At the moment, an unknown mountain. A waterfall poured down and white water splashed under the pond. After the water on the waterfall poured down, it all gathered in the pool, and finally flowed slowly down a mountain stream.

It seems that few people come here, and all the plants around are so natural and clean.

But on the edge of the pool, there is a wooden house made entirely of wood. In front of the wooden house, there is an ancient tree root. The surface of the tree root is round enough to be the size of a round table. Even the water cup on the round table is made of pure logs.

At the edge of the round table, a man was drinking tea comfortably.

"The power of nature is really powerful! Hum, the law of heaven ~ tut Tut, when can we break through the shackles here and go to that place?" The corners of the man's mouth evoked a bitter smile of self mockery. It seemed that he thought of something and was full of gloom.

"Lord, with your ability, is there any place to trap you?" Behind the man, a gorgeous woman helped the man press his shoulders, with an unbelievable look in her eyes.

Hearing the woman's words, the man who drank tea put down the wooden cup in his hand, smiled and said, "rosefinch, you don't understand many things, you don't understand! What really binds me is the world, you know? Hum, you don't know. |i ^ the power of a world can't be known by a strong person like you!"

The rosefinch's eyes were full of horror and incredible look. She never thought that there would be something she didn't know with her extraordinary state. What is it? She dared not ask, but could only bury the question deeply in her heart.

The man smiled and seemed to understand what rosefinch thought and said, "rosefinch, don't think too much. The more you know about some things, the faster you die!"

The rosefinch's body suddenly gave a meal, hurriedly retreated a few steps, knelt on the ground and said in horror, "the slave and maid know their sin and ask the Lord to spare the slave and maid!" Obviously, the woman has a deep fear of the man.

"Ha ha ha ~" when the man heard the rosefinch's words, he couldn't help laughing up and said, "am I so scary? Maybe this is the taste of being alone." Thinking of this, the man laughed, but his tone was full of sadness, and his eyes were full of gloom. It seemed that there was something that made him very sad.

Hearing that the LORD had such a situation again, the rosefinch fell on the ground, and the atmosphere dared not give a. She really doesn't understand why this man has reached this state, but he will still be sad? She dared not ask, nor did she want to ask. Her task is to obey the Lord. She doesn't need to ask or can't ask anything else.

Suddenly, the man's laughter stopped suddenly and gave a cold hum.

Suddenly, behind a big tree in the distance, a man snorted, spilled a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"Qinglong, this is the last chance given to you by Gu. If you dare to challenge the limit of Gu, it's not just you, Gu who wants to dissipate the strength behind you and your whole family!" When the man saw the man hiding behind him, he came slowly and said coldly, without a trace of killing, but his words seemed to be a natural reason, and no one could change them.

Qinglong frowned slightly and swallowed the blood from his throat. A touch of hatred flashed in his eyes, but he died.

It's a pity that his hidden hatred still can't hide from the terrible man.

"Qinglong, ten years ago, you were a teenager. But now you have become the supreme realm. Do you think you really need you?" The man snorted coldly, and a touch of disdain flashed across the corners of his mouth.

Just when Qinglong's eyes flashed a touch of shock and wanted to say something, the man said again: "you are very similar to your sister, as stubborn and as strong. So, do you think you can hide your every move for so many years?"

"What... What?" Hearing this sentence, Qinglong stepped back, his eyes full of incredible earthquake shock.

"Qinglong, keep your peace. I won't kill you!" The man didn't seem to want to talk about it. He changed the topic and said, "what's the matter this time?"

For the man who was so strong that he trembled in his heart, Qinglong didn't dare to think much. He pressed down his doubts and said in a deep voice: "report to the Lord, the remaining evils of the demon family have gone out of the extremely cold place, and the Western dark forces are ready to move. I don't know why." With that, Qinglong stood where he was, looked at his nose, looked at his heart, and stopped talking.

"Hum, the remaining evil of the demon clan is nothing more than trying to untie the seal of their ancestors. However, after so many years, those old demons have lost their courage, and even if they can recover, it's not a worry. Let him go! The dark forces in the west? Hum, it seems that the lesson I taught Satan ten years ago is not enough. I still want to take it away Take my Chinese idea and tell Bai Zhengnan to mobilize all the forces of the demon elimination alliance to suppress those poor bedbugs. "

If Wu Huchen heard this, he would be shocked and his tongue would fall off. Ancient demons were not worried? And say it so easily? Satan, the dark king of the west, is said to be a bug! God, is this guy crazy?

But the rosefinch and the green dragon have no doubt about the man's words. It seems that the man's words are an unchangeable fact.

"Yes, my subordinates know how to do it. My subordinates quit!" Qinglong bows to leave.

But the man picked up the corner of his mouth and said lightly, "Qinglong, have you forgotten something and didn't report it to Gu?"

Qinglong was slightly stunned, clenched his fist, and said in a deep voice, "one more thing, Jin Chengzi's heaven turning seal had been taken away by that man. Eh..." another dull hum, Qinglong clenched his teeth, which seemed very painful.

"Take your ten-year skill. If there's another time, waste your hundred year skill. Get out!" The man was angry.

Hearing the man's words, Qinglong, who had turned around, flashed a touch of hatred in his eyes, but he didn't dare to say anything more. He has been following this man for more than ten years. He is more afraid of this man than anyone. All he can do now is wait!

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