six hundred and sixty-four

Although Wang Dashan also left, Wu Huchen also knew that today's matter was settled because of Wang Dashan's appearance| I ^ think those big guys don't dare to have other ideas after seeing his inside information and strength?

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen's mouth aroused a faint smile. When it's done, you can relax.

Back in the red chamber again, all the big men who were whispering about what stopped, winked at each other and nodded imperceptibly.

"Everyone, I didn't expect so many things to happen today. Let's make everyone laugh. Come on, Wu Huchen will give you a drink and apologize!" Wu Huchen raised the glass in front of him and poured it down.

When the bosses saw Wu Huchen drinking, they all didn't dare to realize it and drank it all at once.

"Brother Huchen, we've all discussed just now. As you said before, our gangs will pay you 1% of the profits every month in the future. But..."

It was Xie Shiwu, a elder brother in the east of the city, who stopped halfway, as if he was embarrassed.

Wu Huchen chuckled, waved his hand and said, "boss Xie, if you have something to say, please speak frankly. Everyone is friends."

Xie Shiwu was not very interesting to say, or he couldn't open his mouth. After all, he was the first brother of the underworld in Wentu County, but now his position would be taken away by Wu Huchen. I'm afraid there will be some bumps in one's heart, and now he has to compromise| I ^ this makes Xie Shiwu suddenly feel a little old!

"Brother Huchen, we all discussed before. We pay tribute to the youth every month. I don't know if the youth gang can protect us." After saying this, Xie Shiwu only felt his old face was hot. When did I need other gangs to protect Xie Shiwu? Thinking of this, his heart was full of sorrow.

However, other people's forces are too powerful. Not to mention the thousands of brothers with super combat effectiveness of the youth gang, it is only Wu Huchen's own powerful ability and his involvement with a great power of the military, which makes them tremble in their hearts.

This young man can't be dealt with by people with some strength?

Wu Huchen was stunned when he heard the speech, but his eyes were full of laughter. Although he had long ignored these secular forces, he still felt very good about being looked up to by others! Suddenly, he clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of burning firmness.

Hum, I Wu Huchen not only want to be the first in this secular world! Give me time, I must be the strongest in all forces!

This is a man's commitment to himself. Wu Huchen firmly believes that he can. Because this is what my aunt expects of herself.

Aunt, don't worry, as long as I Wu Huchen is not dead, I will work hard towards the goal you expect! wait for me!

"Don't worry, boss Xie. Although I'm not very famous, I've always done my best to my friends. Don't worry about this!" Wu Huchen nodded slightly and gave Xie Shiwu a promise.

Seeing Wu Huchen nodded, Xie Shiwu and the other big men were relieved and reassured. They had thought that Wu Huchen would overcharge himself and others after what had just happened.

"That's good, that's good! Come on, brother Huchen, let me toast you!"

Chen Yi was very happy. He didn't expect that the young Wu Huchen didn't directly want to close down their industries as he thought before, but just wanted this 1% profit! This made him more or less grateful to Wu Huchen. He knew that if he were someone else, he would be more fierce, but Wu Huchen asked for so much at that time.

Everyone knows that Wu Huchen is re Liwei, helping Liwei for the youth. He wanted to tell the big guys present that Wu Huchen was the first brother of Wentu County! His youth gang is the o.1 of Wentu County!

But so what? They've long wanted to stop asking about these things. As long as they can make money and feed their subordinates, that's enough. What's the first thing? They don't dare to fight, and they can't fight!

Anyway, surrender to everyone is surrender. Rather than surrender to those cruel and unkind people, they are more willing to live under Wu Huchen's wings!

"Ha ha, OK! Come on, let's drink together. Wait, let the girls upstairs have fun with you, big brother. How about?" Wu Huchen was in a happy mood. This is also the first step for him to become the first. It was a success!

After a few rounds of drinking, Wu Huchen asked Zhang Yan to arrange for the drunken bosses to go up to the second floor.

After arranging the big guys, Zhang Yan came downstairs. She saw Wu Huchen's eyes full of sadness and smoking stuffy. It was the first time for Zhang Yan to see Wu Huchen with such an expression. She couldn't help but feel a tingle in her heart.

Others saw his bright appearance, but who could see the bitterness behind the little man?

He walked gently behind Wu Huchen, put his arms around Wu Huchen's head, stuck it on his body, and said softly, "fool, there's me!"

Feel Zhang Yan's temperature and listen to her tender words. Wu Huchen suddenly felt wet in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yan felt Wu Huchen's sad mood and felt more uncomfortable in her heart.

Wu Huchen held Zhang Yan's hand tightly and said with a sob: "Yanyan, I miss my aunt. I miss you so much..."

Listening to the pain in Wu Huchen's tone, Zhang Yan also shed tears. Huchen, how painful is it in your heart that makes a man so strong cry so sad.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, even on the verge of death, you won't say pain, but now you're crying. Is that woman so important in your heart?

"Aunt will come back, she will come back!" Zhang Yan gently touched Wu Huchen's head, and her tone was full of sadness. When she recovered, she found that Wu Huchen was asleep.

When she came to Wu Huchen and looked at the little man who had changed her life, Zhang Yan's mood was very complex. She loves him and loves him deeply. Even if she knows that this little man doesn't just love herself, she still loves him without hesitation and will always love him in the future!

Because his name is Wu Huchen!

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