
After Wu Huchen left the alley, a dark shadow slowly emerged&* ";

Watching Wu Huchen leave, Ueno dance's eyes are full of tears. "What's the matter with me? Why, why can't I do it. Sobbing..."

She hated her own futility and knew that it was impossible between herself and Wu Huchen, but her heart still had that unreliable extravagant hope for Wu Huchen. She didn't know before today. It turned out that she just hated Wu Huchen wholeheartedly and the Chinese man who took away his chastity and looked at his body. But when the samurai sword in her hand was really on Wu Huchen's neck, she found that she couldn't get down to that hand at all.

Her heart was filled with reluctance to give up the little man. When did this feeling happen? Even she didn't know it! But all this is true. She can feel the feeling in her heart when the knife in her hand is about to kill the little man in front of her.

Yes, her heart told her that she fell in love with the little man.

After the intense hatred entanglement, the hatred in her heart was suppressed for a long time. With the conservatism in her bones and the importance of chastity, her heart gradually changed.

Wu Huchen naturally didn't know that Ueno dance would have such a distorted feeling for himself. Ueno dance didn't kill him, but his guilt for Ueno dance was a little more. Looking at the crowded street, Wu Huchen sighed, "I will return it if I have a chance in the future.% & *"; "

After cleaning up his mood, Wu Huchen took a deep breath and adjusted his mood. When he just wanted to take the next step, he couldn't help being stunned. For a while, he didn't know where to go.

Today is class time. I think Tao Yuanyuan must have gone to class, while Zhang Yilan will take office in the county. Thinking of Zhang Yilan, Wu Huchen couldn't help thinking of the method Zhang Yan taught him before. Although it's not very kind to secretly add Zhang Yilan's QQ, he can do very things in extraordinary times.

It seems that only Hongmei is at home. Thinking of this, Wu Huchen smiled, took a taxi and went directly to the villa.

In about ten minutes, Wu Huchen came to the door of the villa purchased by Zhang Yan. Looking at the luxurious villa in front of him, Wu Huchen felt some emotion. He didn't expect that the loser in his previous life now had the opportunity to counter attack and become an existence above the rich and handsome. This made Wu Huchen feel a little proud.

What's tall, rich and handsome? You just rely on your elders' father's shadow, and my young master has come to today step by step, which makes Wu Huchen full of a sense of achievement.

"Hmm? What's going on?" After ringing the doorbell, Wu Huchen waited for a while without waiting for anyone to open the door. I sensed it with divine sense. There was no one in the house. This made Wu Huchen stunned, and he couldn't figure out what was going on in his heart.

With the worry, he opened door and walked into villa. Wu Huchen found that there was no trace of the fighting in house, so he was relieved. With the ability of red charm, it seems a little unreliable to abduct her easily. Therefore, seeing that the things in the house were very flat, Wu Huchen knew that there would not be too many things. Immediately, Wu Huchen found one by one in the villa house. The four rooms were locked and could not be opened.

Wu Huchen was a little stunned and understood that this must be the room of their four women. At the thought of living under the same roof with so many women in the future, and there will be more women living in the future, Wu Huchen couldn't help being excited.

Thinking of the scene that all the rooms in the villa were full, Wu Huchen couldn't help laughing.

Soon, Wu Huchen found his room. Looking at the big round bed in front of him, Wu Huchen couldn't help rolling his eyes. He didn't expect Zhang Yilan to really listen to Zhang Yan and buy such a big bed. Thinking of what Zhang Yilan thought when she bought the big bed, Wu Huchen gave a sharp smile, jumped and lay comfortably on the big bed.

After lying comfortably for a while, Wu Huchen frowned and suddenly sat up.

After coming out of Fantian view, Wu Huchen let Bruce Lee swallow up a lot of energy, which also makes Bruce Lee constantly digest himself. However, after lying in bed for a while, Wu Huchen found that Bruce Lee's body became round = rolled up. It seemed that he was a little full of food.

From the previous, Wu Huchen can feel that the golden dragon is a part of himself, which is like his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, left and right hands, not foreign objects. Even Wu Huchen has a more bizarre idea that Bruce Lee has become a part of himself!

In Jin Chengzi's inheritance and memory, Wu Huchen knew that after his cultivation reached the extreme, a powerful monk could turn Sanqing into Sanqing, refine and separate himself, and finally cut three corpses to prove the supreme road.

At present, all this is obviously far away from Wu Huchen, especially Wu Huchen's current strength. There is no way to cultivate separation.

No longer thinking about this, Wu Huchen decided to run the Dragon guiding formula to help Xiao Jinlong refine the energy in the class a strength Dantian swallowed before. There is no doubt about the strength of the class a strong man, but Bruce Lee swallowed up a lot. I don't know how much, so at the moment, he also felt a little uncomfortable, which made Wu Huchen uncomfortable.

There is a thing that can explode at any time in your Dantian. Can you not worry at all?

Wu Huchen was surprised to find that the essence of the former green moon had already disappeared. Instead, a group of Golden real spirits continued to spiral and roll in Wu Huchen's Dan Tian. At the same time, in the Dantian, fantianyin is also impressively among them, while Bruce Lee slowly spits out his breath around fantianyin.

Seeing from the inside, Wu Huchen looked solemn. As soon as Zhenqi was stirred, those golden Zhenqi began to run along his meridians.

After a small Sunday, Wu Huchen could not help but rejoice. He used to bring in the essence of running the moon. A small Sunday would take at least a quarter of an hour, but now it takes only a minute to run.

Half an hour later, Wu Huchen slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of amazing joy, "this, this is too fucking change? What is the golden Qi?"

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