six hundred and seventy-seven

Yes, Zhou Yun wants to curry favor with Tian Yuefan, but that doesn't mean he's not afraid of death. i^

Not to mention whether Tian Yuefan will keep himself, even if Tian Yuefan wants to keep himself, can the axe gang, a big guy with a long history and profound heritage, deal with it with the help of Tian Yuefan's father's gang? A fire hall stationed in Wentu county can make many gangs turn pale, let alone the main force in the urban area.

So he wanted to flinch.

Similarly, Tian Yuefan could not imagine that Tao Meijia, who had been pursuing for a long time, would be the daughter of the axe gang Qian family. When I thought that I wanted to catch Tao Meijia before, and then I stuck to Tao Meijia, I thought that there was a cold sweat behind him, if he really did so. I'm afraid my father can't save himself!

When Tao Meijia heard Lin Tao's words, she frowned a little, looked at Tian Yuefan, who was as pale as earth, and said with some boredom, "let's just forget it."

"No, how can we just forget it?" When Tao Meijia said forget it, Lin Tao wanted to say yes. Although he wanted to do meritorious service, but the young lady spoke, he naturally dared not refuse. But at this time, he heard a voice of opposition. He noticed Wu Huchen, frowned and asked, "are you?"

Looking at Lin Tao's puzzled expression, Wu Huchen sighed, walked up to Lin Tao, patted Lin Tao on the shoulder, smiled and said, "brother, it seems that it's difficult for you to mix up like this?"

As soon as he said this, Lin Tao frowned tightly and felt a little uncomfortable. However, without knowing the details of Wu Huchen, he didn't dare to get angry and asked, "please give me your advice!"

Wu Huchen smiled, pointed to his own nose and said, "brother, do you know who I am?"

Lin Tao looked at Wu Huchen suspiciously, and then looked at Tao Meijia. When he saw Tao Meijia looking at the guy in front of him, he immediately thought of something. His face suddenly relaxed a lot, and said slightly respectfully, "are you my uncle?"

"..." Wu Huchen was obviously shocked when he heard Lin Tao's words. Especially when he heard the word uncle, he laughed. He patted Lin Tao on the shoulder. He was a good boy. I was very optimistic about your appearance and said, "that's right! I'm your miss's boyfriend, that's your uncle.% & *"; "

Lin Tao was stunned when he heard Wu Huchen's words. He looked at Tao Meijia again. Instead of refuting, Tao Meijia had rosy cheeks and a touch of shyness in his eyes. Only then did he know that the boy didn't deceive himself and secretly rejoiced that he hadn't acted rashly before.

"Uncle, I don't know what instructions you have. Lin Tao will try his best to serve you." Lin Tao saw from Tao Meijia's expression that Tao Meijia should attach great importance to the little man's words. So he decided to express his position quickly.

He had hoped to do something. At the moment, he was naturally excited to hear what the uncle said. As long as something happens, you may have a chance to be superior. Lin Tao's spirit was even more excited at the thought of being able to rise to the top.

"Hmm! Good, good! Lin Tao, right? You're very good. Don't worry. Next time I see my brother-in-law Tao Zongming, I'll let him promote you." Wu Huchen is very satisfied with the guy named Lin Tao in front of him. He knows how to watch his words and colors. He is a sensible man. It can be used, but it is not enough to entrust an important task. Because such people are mercenary, you don't know whether they will betray their owners for greater opportunities.

"Thank you, uncle!" Lin Tao was grateful to Wu Huchen for mentioning the name of the little Lord.

Wu Huchen gave a sneer and shouted coldly at Tian Yuefan, who was standing opposite and had a very ugly face: "do you see that fool? He just abused Meijia and me. What do you say?"

"Kill!" Lin Tao looked murderously at Tian Yuefan.

As soon as Wu Huchen heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched and thought to his grandfather, big brother, although you know you want to make contributions, you don't have to say you want to kill in front of so many people? That's not good. We're civilized people.

"Cough, that..." Wu Huchen coughed twice and said, "Xiao Lin, we are all students and civilized people. Look, can we deal with him in a civilized way?"

Hearing Wu Huchen's words, Lin Tao nodded and said, "please give me your advice."

Wu Huchen gave a bad smile, looked at Tian Yuefan, who was pale, leaned in Lin Tao's ear and whispered a few words. After hearing Wu Huchen's words, Lin Tao's eyes were shining brilliantly.

"How? Do you know what to do?" When Lin Tao heard Wu Huchen's words, he couldn't help smiling, nodded and said, "please don't worry, uncle. I'll just leave this matter to me. I happen to have two brothers under my hand. This good mouth will make him want to be immortal and die." With that, Lin Tao's mouth also showed an evil smile.

Everyone didn't know what Wu Huchen and Lin Tao said, but seeing Lin Tao's evil smile like a devil at the corner of his mouth, everyone knew that guy must have told Lin Tao some evil ways to punish others.

"Take him away!" Lin Tao pointed to Tian Yuefan and gave an order to his men.

Zhou Yun saw so many people in the other side, and he also got into trouble with the daughter of the axe gang. Now it's a big deal. So, hearing Lin Tao's words, where would he manage Tian Yuefan's shit? I just hope he can get rid of it.

When Zhou Yun's men saw that Zhou Yun didn't speak, they were naturally happy and didn't dare to move.

Dozens of younger brothers under the fire hall rushed up and caught Tian Yuefan. At Tian Yuefan's command, they took him to the men's toilet.

"Zhou Yun, you're lucky to meet our lady in the future. Otherwise, if you're someone else, you'll be dead in the street. Get out!" If Lin Tao were Zhou Yun, he made a sound to Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun heard the speech and hurriedly ran away with his brothers.

"Uncle, do you have anything else to tell me?" Seeing that Zhou Yun had left, Lin Tao walked to Wu Huchen with a flattering face and asked.

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