six hundred and ninety-eight

Wu Huchen was stunned by Guiguzi's words. He looked up at Guiguzi, smiled and nodded gently.,

"Well, go ahead, old man. I've been studying something recently. I won't talk nonsense to you." Seeing Wu Huchen's expression, GUI GuZi smiled, flashed, and left with that magical step again.

That footwork seems to be drunk, but if you carefully observe and guess, there is a natural and elegant feeling, which makes Wu Huchen want to reach this height more and more.

In Wu Huchen's mind, Guiguzi immortal master has always been a mystery. Therefore, he also wants to be a top power like Guiguzi immortal master.

Maybe only by surpassing Guiguzi immortal, can I be qualified to fight a man!

Thinking of that man, Wu Huchen narrowed his eyes tightly. Sooner or later, sooner or later, we will meet! I want to see what kind of person you are!

After taking back his mind, Wu Huchen stopped staying and flew directly to the place where Xiaobai lived.

"Stop!" When Wu Huchen came to the courtyard where Xiaobai lived and wanted to open the wooden door of the courtyard, a jiaoscold interrupted Wu Huchen's action.

Hearing the sound, Wu Huchen smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth, turned his head to Xiaobai's sister, smiled and said, "hello."

The woman looks almost the same as Xiaobai, but her character is very different, which makes Wu Huchen depressed. It's amazing that twin sisters are so different, isn't it?

"What's good? What are you doing here? Also, don't come to my sister when you're free!" Xiaobai's sister's eyes were full of anger and looked very angry.

Wu Huchen was a little stunned. He really didn't understand why the woman was so angry. He frowned gently and said, "do I have something wrong? If so, please make it clear. I'm afraid I can't do it if you let me leave for no reason."

"Hum, I told Xiaobai before that you human men don't have a good thing. They all eat in the bowl and look in the pot. I don't know what kind of * * medicine you gave her. Anyway, don't see her in the future to avoid her distraction."

Wu Huchen was speechless for a while, but he didn't have any language to refute.

He knows that Xiaobai is not of the same race as himself, so he doesn't know much about Xiaobai's mind. And, in fact, he doesn't want to have such feelings with Xiaobai. After all, the way is different!

"Hum! Guilty? I'm right?" Seeing Wu Huchen's wry smile, Xiaobai's sister sneered, and her eyes were full of disdain.

"Sister, let him in."

Just when they were deadlocked, a soft voice came out from the depths of the yard, with a touch of resentment and joy.

"Sister, why are you so confused? We are not the same race as him. Do you still want to be with him? What will your children become in the future? Have you ever thought about it?" Hearing that his sister actually called Wu Huchen in, Xiaobai's sister was angry.

Listening to sister Xiaobai's words, Wu Huchen couldn't help rolling his eyes and thought, sister, why are you so terrible? But after thinking about it, Wu Huchen feels that this is indeed the case. After all, the race is different. So what will the children become?

"Brother Huchen, come in."

After listening to my sister's words, the voice in the yard was silent for a while and sounded faintly again.

Xiaobai's sister didn't expect her sister to be so stubborn. Her angry face was a little deformed. She stamped her foot, glared at Wu Huchen and scolded, "Wu Huchen, I tell you, if my sister has three pieces and two short pieces, I must make you look good!"

Then she turned and left.

Seeing that the grumpy woman left, Wu Huchen smiled bitterly, shook his head and gently pushed open the courtyard door.

Through a quiet flower bed, there is the room where Xiaobai lives.

At the moment, a woman in a white robe was standing at the door of the hut. From a distance, she seemed to have been standing there for a long time.

Especially the tenderness contained in her clear eyes made Wu Huchen's heart tremble. He wanted to tell the silly girl not to have any ideas about herself, but every time he said something, he couldn't say it.

With a sigh, he shook his head gently. Wu Huchen came to Xiaobai, squeezed out a smile and said, "how are you recently?"

"Well, it's good to be here. I have my sister with me. Sometimes I go to talk to Grandpa Guigu and ask him to teach me some useful skills. I'm very good!" Xiaobai's face was full of smiles and said, she came back to her senses, looked at Wu Huchen and asked, "brother Huchen, how are you? How have you been lately? OK?"

Looking at the girl's expression, Wu Huchen sighed slightly in his heart. He found that he had no way to talk to her about protecting his woman.

It's really unfair for a weak girl like Xiaobai to let a woman who likes herself protect other women.

After thinking about it, Wu Huchen smiled and said, "I'm fine recently. Because I'm going out, I miss you a little. That's why I want to see you. I just want to say goodbye to you!"

Xiaobai looked at Wu Huchen. Qingwan's eyes blinked, looked at Wu Huchen and asked, "brother Huchen, you have something to tell me, right?"

Wu Huchen was stunned and thought that this girl would be so smart? However, I had thought clearly before. I shook my head with a smile and said, "you think too much. I just want to say goodbye to you. There's nothing else, No."

The more he said, Wu Huchen's voice became smaller and smaller. Because Xiaobai's smart eyes stared at him, he had a feeling of no hiding.

"Brother Huchen, you lie!" Seeing Wu Huchen's face becoming more and more embarrassed, Xiaobai smiled and said faintly.

"Cough, no, Xiaobai, you think too much." Wu Huchen said with a smile, "well, I'm going to leave Wentu County, so I came to say goodbye to you. I didn't lie. I'll go first. I have to prepare as soon as possible."

"I, I'll go first!" With that, Wu Huchen didn't dare to see Xiaobai again. He turned and was about to leave.

However, his body gave a slight pause.

"Brother Huchen, do you dislike me so much? Just because I'm not human?" Xiaobai tightly hugged Wu Huchen from behind, and her eyes were full of sadness.


Feeling the choking voice of the girl behind him, Wu Huchen felt a little sour. His heart seemed to be blocked by something, and his breathing became difficult.

"I like you!" Xiaobai's eyes dropped two crystal tears and said softly. She gently leaned her head on Wu Huchen's back. Tears penetrated into Wu Huchen's clothes and wet Wu Huchen's back

"Xiaobai..." Wu Huchen clenched his fist and finally gently put his hand on Xiaobai's hand. "Why do you bother? Your identity and strength can find a man much better than me. However, why did you choose me? I am not a good man."

"I don't care. I just believe you. If it weren't for you, I would have died in the animal kingdom. My life is yours, and my heart and body are yours!" Xiaobai's tone was a little excited.

In Xiaobai's heart, the man who helped himself capture the fruit of evolution in the animal kingdom is the heaven and earth in her heart.

Bearing the destiny of the orc emperor, her wisdom was opened very early, but it was also very simple. If she recognized something, it would be a lifetime.

Later, she lived with the man, and then she was put into the netherworld, but no one knows that every time, the girl will quietly look at the man she tightly hugged in the distance.

Every time I see this man, his voice and smile will be even more... Until she can't extricate herself in the end!

Looking at more and more women around this man, there was no jealousy in her heart, but deep envy. In her heart, she hopes that one day she can surround this man like those who relieve boredom. Even if she gets up and stands beside him and looks at him every day, she is willing to.

"Fool, you should know that I... there are many women around me. I can't give you the same perfect love for the love you give me! It's unfair to you." Wu Huchen took a deep breath. For this girl who is not in the world of mortals like a fairy, Wu Huchen really doesn't want to hurt her.

Because he knew her identity, he didn't want to hurt her.

"No, I don't care!" After hearing Wu Huchen's words, Xiaobai shook her head desperately and hurriedly said, "brother Huchen, as long as you are willing to accept me, I don't care if you can give me all your love. As long as you can give me the same love as those sisters, I will be satisfied."

"Fool, you, why do you bother?" Wu Huchen sighed deeply and held Xiaobai's white catkin tightly.

A girl has said so much. What reason does he have to refuse her? That brings her not freedom, but harm!

"As long as I can get your love, even a little, I, I will!" Xiaobai's eyes showed a rare smile. At this moment, the alien girl looked so beautiful.

Fairies won't have her beauty at the moment, because fairies don't enter the world of mortals. They don't understand the true meaning of love!

Love is giving and enduring. Therefore, Xiaobai is the most beautiful at the moment, more beautiful than a fairy!

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