seven hundred and forty-one

Looking at Qin Yulong so spineless, Zhong Ziqi raised a sneer of disdain at the corners of his mouth, snorted and said faintly: "well, let's brainstorm and see what we should do next!"

"Elder martial brother Zhong, I think.%& *"; we can go to Qi's house! " As soon as Zhong Ziqi's words ended, a confidant of Zhong Ziqi came to Zhong Ziqi and said his thoughts with a smile.

"Qi family?" Hearing this, Zhong Ziqi deliberately showed a look of surprise and said, "it's not very good. The Qi family died in front of us just now. Let's find someone else now. Will it make others angry?"

In fact, after Wu Huchen and the disciples of the jade girl sect left, Zhong Ziqi had the idea to unite with the Qi family. Wu Huchen's strength before was very strong, so that he didn't have a solid foundation in his heart. In addition, Wu Huchen has a Zhou Ziyi whose strength is only slightly weaker than himself. If he fights, Zhou Ziyi will certainly not help himself.

Therefore, Zhong Ziqi wants to find an alliance, an ally who can kill that damn little man! Judging from all kinds of things at present, the Qi family alliance is the best choice.

Because the Qi family has now become a vassal family of the Nangong aristocratic family, and the Qi family's own strength is OK. It's easy to kill Wu Huchen.

Of course, the most important reason is that the Qi family has a black jiaozhilin&* "; Zhong Ziqi is not a vulgar man who can give up his strength for women. If the beauty and Jiangshan let him choose, he will not hesitate to choose Jiangshan. Because when he wants to come, if he dares not to take his beauty, he can grab it with his own real strength.

Therefore, alliance with the Qi family is a move that Zhong Ziqi must take. Hearing that younger martial brother Zhao is so sensible at the moment, he thought proudly that younger martial brother Zhao is smart and a wonderful person who can do things. He has to be reused in the future.

"Hehe, elder martial brother, you really think too much. We Yumen didn't touch his Qi family from beginning to end. It was the smelly boy named Wu Huchen who touched his Qi family. We had nothing to do with Yumen, and we helped his Qi family because his Qi family fell out with Wu Huchen!" The younger martial brother surnamed Zhao said with a sly smile on his face.

When other Yufan disciples saw Zhong Ziqi and Zhao Zichu sing together, they all felt a burst of nausea. But there is no way. Now Zhong Ziqi is stronger than himself and others. The elder martial brother he followed didn't come here, so they could only drift with the tide. Big deal, something happens at that time. Let's push it on Zhong Ziqi and Zhao Zichu. Anyway, the law is not responsible for the public, isn't it?

"Ha ha, this is a good choice! First, you can make friends with the Qi family, and second, you can let the Qi family get rid of the traitor Wu Huchen with us! Good, good!" Zhong Ziqi felt that the idea was very good and clapped excitedly.

Qin Yulong retreated to one side. Looking at the collusion between Zhong Ziqi and Zhao Zichu in front of him, he sighed in his heart that although I say that the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle, I have been a famous and decent school since ancient times, but there are such two scum!

"Well, it's not too late. We'd better go to the Qi family as soon as possible. In case they find that this guy hasn't gone back, they'll have to find something wrong." Qin Yulong pointed to Qi Ruicheng, who was dead on the ground, then glanced around, pointed to the young junior brother who wanted to refute him before, and said, "you, find a bag, put this guy in it, and then carry his body. Others are ready. Let's get ready to go."

"Hum, Zhong Ziqi, don't be paranoid. I will never listen to your orders. You and I are not the same master. I'm not Zhao Zichu's dog. If you want to move, go by yourself." The young disciple was very stubborn. He held his neck high and turned his head.


As soon as he had finished speaking, there was a flower in front of everyone. The young disciple flew out and hit the wooden wall of the hotel, and the sawdust immediately flew away. The young disciple plunged his whole body into the wooden wall.

"Younger martial brother Lin!" Seeing this scene, Qin Yulong rushed to the young disciple, held Lin Fuyu's body and input an internal force.

Zhong Ziqi's sudden outburst and his strong appearance made the whole hotel quiet, and no one dared to speak. They understand that whoever has a hard fist here will speak.

Moreover, Zhong Ziqi really dares to be cruel!

"Leave me alone, coward!" Lin Fuyu is already the top strength of class B. He was slapped by Zhong Ziqi. Although he was hurt, he would not be fatal. This is also the reason why Zhong Ziqi deliberately left his hand. Otherwise, Lin Fuyu would have died.

Lin pushed Qin Yulong away and looked coldly at his respected brother. He always thought Qin Yulong was a respectable and admirable man, but he didn't expect that he was so cowardly. This let him very disappointed!

Qin Yulong, who was pushed away, was stunned in the air with his hands, and his mouth was full of bitterness. Then he looked at Lin Fuyu, who walked upstairs, gently shook his head, squeezed out a smile, and said to Zhong Ziqi: "senior brother Zhong, I, junior brother Lin, have been born in a better environment since childhood, and my nature is very stubborn. I hope you don't be surprised. Let me fight the body."

With that, Qin Yulong bowed his head and walked upstairs in the sight of all the Yufan disciples.

Looking at the back of the bent man in front of us, all the disciples of the Jade Gate felt a sense of rabbit death and fox sorrow. Although I and others have not received such treatment from Zhong Ziqi, I'm afraid if I have any behavior against Zhong Ziqi's ideas, it will come to the same end.

Of course, more disciples of the jade fan sect have seen why Qin Yulong should bear humiliation. Because he is defending his younger martial brother from being killed by Zhong Ziqi. What kind of man is this? For his younger martial brother, he would rather bend the straight back that he should have been able to stand up!

But Zhong Ziqi's eyes looked at Qin Yulong's back, but there was a cold killing intention. Qin Yulong couldn't stay!

Dogs that don't bark hurt when they bite people!

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