
Sure enough, Qi Rufei felt very reasonable after hearing Qi Feihua's words&* "; because of their good luck, the Qi family took the lead this time. The black jiaozhilin is basically in the hands of the Qi family. As long as the time comes, the Qi family can send all the strong people to the undersea spirit castle!

That's not an ordinary place, the bottom of the sea! It is so mysterious. It has existed in this world since ancient times. After so many years, once the ancient treasure hidden in it is seized by the Qi family, the whole Qi family will improve more than one level!

Hum, who will their Qi family fear at that time?

Although the hidden families are very powerful, at that time, those hidden families will retreat from the Qi family, right?

Thinking of this, Qi Rufei couldn't help laughing wildly. I'm very satisfied with my niece. This girl is not only beautiful, but also the best choice in mind and talent!

"Female doll, tell me, who killed my brother?" Since there was no fear in his heart, Qi Rufei naturally wouldn't be afraid of the jade girl door behind Zhou Ziyi. He looked up and down at Zhou Ziyi, whose figure and appearance were the best, Hei hei said with a smile, "if you're honest, I can let you go. If you don't tell the truth or cheat me, hum, I don't mind tasting your beautiful body first and then killing you."

Zhou Ziyi found that Qi Rufei had been moved by the damned woman's words before. At the moment, hearing Qi Rufei's words of disrespect for old people, she couldn't help but be angry. She scolded with a red face and said, "you are a thing of disrespect for old people. Today, even if I fight for death, I will let you be a cushion!"

Now that he knew that the other party didn't intend to let him go, Zhou Ziyi wouldn't wait to die. The energy of his whole body suddenly dispersed and didn't think about Qi Rufei locking his Qi machine anymore. I ^ now she's not dead. Where would she think about these things!

"Second uncle, let me meet this little bitch for a while!" Seeing that Zhou Ziyi was about to run away, Qi Feihua shouted Qi Rufei who wanted to do it. Before Qi Rufei said that she couldn't compare with last week's purple clothes, Qi Feihua's heart was very unconvinced. She just doesn't believe that she will lose to a woman who is more beautiful than herself!

Qi Rufei saw Qi Feihua stop him. He hesitated and stepped aside. Although Qi Feihua's strength has reached the level, she has too little experience in actual combat. She usually competes with the elders of the family, but such a duel doesn't have much substantive effect at all.

Because fighting this thing, only in the most urgent moment, people's potential will be stimulated, and only in the battle can they constantly run in the fit of their body and energy.

The reason why Wu Huchen wanted to be one enemy and two is that he can adapt to the fit between his powerful energy and his body after promotion. Because usually he doesn't have any chance to give full play to his strongest strength.

"Lotus fire refining bone!"

Now that she knew she was going to fight, Qi Feihua was not afraid. Her hands kept pinching strange seals. At the same time, she drank softly, and then the word "bone" ended, and her attack was completed in an instant.

There was a white lotus in front of her, but it looked like a flame!

The fire lotus looks very beautiful, but the air around the Mori white lotus is making a "Pa Pa Pa" sound. Even the air is burned by the lotus flame. If this thing is contaminated with human skin, its power is naturally conceivable.

"Fei Hua has made progress again recently." At this moment, the Qi family who came with Qi Rufei also came to Qi Rufei.

"Hehe, imperial concubine Hua is a rare talent in thousands of years. It's not surprising that she can perform like this. And don't you feel her at the moment? As long as you have certain combat experience, it doesn't take much time to continuously improve your strength!"

Hearing the flattery of the two people, Qi Rufei could not help nodding when he saw the "Lotus bone refining" performed by Qi Feihua. His eyes were full of praise. "Although Feihua is not very proficient in her power, as long as she fights a lot, she should get the most perfect promotion soon with her strength!"

Qi Feihua listened to the elders' words, and a proud sneer arose from the corners of her mouth. She looked at her opposite purple dress dancing in the wind and her black hair flying. She despised it very much. Hum! If you want to compete with me for something like you, you just don't think much of yourself.

Zhou Ziyi closed her eyes and seemed to be meditating, but the girls in the jade girl door knew that Zhou Ziyi was quietly practicing kung fu.

Suddenly, Zhou Ziyi's beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and two purple blurred lights shot out from Zhou Ziyi's eyes. At the same time, she actually danced. Her dancing is beautiful and intoxicating.

But if you observe it carefully, you will find that there is a faint and hazy purple flame around her body. The purple flame is very soft. At a glance with Zhou Ziyi's temperament, it is very calm and indifferent. Qi Rufei's face was not quite right, but Qi Rufei's face stood not far away.

Because he found that the purple flame beside the female doll had a power that he was afraid of!

"Imperial concubine flower, don't be careless, be careful against the enemy!" Feeling the change of Zhou Ziyi's body, Qi Rufei couldn't help reminding Qi Feihua.

Qi Feihua just wanted to see how the smelly woman in front of her tasted the pain of refining her bones with lotus fire, but she didn't think Qi Rufei was still talking nonsense at the moment. She thought that you, an old man, your strength is only two levels higher than me. What do you really think you are?

Thinking of this, she smiled, her hands were full of forest white flames, giggled and rushed towards Zhou Ziyi and said, "bitch, today Miss Ben will let you taste the taste of bone burning!"

After saying that, she bullied her body and rushed towards Zhou Ziyi. She wanted to kill the woman!

To readers:

Thank brother Bo 1831334 for giving 88 grains!

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