seven hundred and sixty-seven

Seeing the little man walking towards him step by step, the evil thing's heart was full of panic, because Wu Huchen's hand had lit a golden flame, and the golden flame was suspended on Wu Huchen's palm, flashing dazzling light&* ";

"Man, I'm not talking to you about terms. I'm begging you." Seeing the golden flame, the evil thing kept retreating. Obviously, he had an instinctive fear of the Golden Buddha fire in Wu Huchen's hand.

At the moment, his heart is full of indignation. Originally, he wanted to devour Wu Huchen and the female disciples of the jade girl sect. After all, Wu Huchen's strength is very good. If he devours them directly, he can upgrade again. At that time, it will not have to live in the human body and form itself.

But what made him very depressed was that the little man in front of him had a flame to restrain himself. Maybe his strength is very good, but everything in this world has a way of generating and conquering each other.

The burning Buddha fire in Wu Huchen's body is specially used to restrain these evil things.

Seeing that the evil thing was so greedy for life and afraid of death, Wu Huchen's heart was full of cold, but at the same time, his vigilance became more and more, because he saw that the evil thing in front of him looked very poor and cunning!

The more cunning the opponent is, the more he cannot stay, otherwise he will be cruel to himself. With this idea in mind, Wu Huchen stopped thinking and walked towards Qi Rufei step by step. He said faintly, "come on, my temper is not very good, and my patience is limited. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. I ^"

Looking at the cold young man in front of him, the evil thing was so anxious that he didn't know what to do. He really didn't know how to protect his life.

"He's like that. Anyway, both sides are dead. I'll fight with you!" The evil thing saw that Wu Huchen obviously didn't intend to save his life, and finally decided to give it a go. After all, although the mouse is afraid of the cat, what if the cat is a kitten? Maybe there will be another result!


A roar suddenly sounded, Qi Rufei's original body was also changing at the speed of the naked eye.

To be exact, Qi Rufei's body is constantly torn open, and scarlet muscles appear from Qi Rufei one after another.

Seeing this scene, Wu Huchen frowned tightly, looked coldly at the scene in front of him, and narrowed his eyes slightly. When this guy changed, he felt a strong evil spirit gushing out of Qi Rufei. Even the flame of burning Buddha fire in Wu Huchen's hand trembled slightly.

You can imagine how strong this guy is.

"Hahaha, although this body is a little old, it's a wonderful thing to have this human body for the first time." At the moment, Qi Rufei is completely gone. What appears in front of Wu Huchen is a person who seems to have been completely skinned. He doesn't have any skin, but only scarlet muscle fibers.

However, what makes Wu Huchen most afraid is a black spiral horn on this guy's head. It looks very scary, which makes Wu Huchen think of a legendary creature in the West - the devil!

"What the hell are you?" Wu Huchen looked at the thing coldly and asked in a deep voice. From the outside of the guy's body, Wu Huchen can even see the guy's internal organs beating constantly, which makes people feel numb on the scalp.

The thing moved his body, and then "Jie Jie" smiled twice. The two completely blood red eyes looked at Wu Huchen and said, "what's the matter? Human boy, are you afraid? I am the trembling existence in your human heart, the subordinate of the supreme Satan, devil! Gaga..."

Indeed, Wu Huchen's face remained unchanged, but his heart was full of horror. The invasion of the blood clan had made Wu Huchen feel some abnormal places before, because he felt that if the blood clan really wanted to win the sky turning seal, it was impossible to only let Gao Hui with class a strength go to China.

This time he met the most powerful existence of the Western dark forces here, the devil! The devil and blood clan are different. They are the most powerful bodyguards under the devil Satan, but these guys came to the Qi family, signed a contract with the Qi family and lived in the Qi family's body. The fishiness is enough to make people ponder.

No wonder the Qi family dare to be so arrogant. Their real backstage is not the Nangong family, but the dark forces in the West!

At the thought of this, the golden flame in Wu Huchen's eyes could not help trembling. Hum, he dared to collude with foreigners to hurt his own people to seek benefits. The Qi family really deserved it!

It occurred to me that in order to gain great strength, the Qi family actually supported the devil together. How many people are there in the Qi family? How many Terrans do ordinary people need to eat for the demons living in their bodies?

At the thought of this number, Wu Huchen's heart trembled, and his anger slowly burned up. I believe that as long as we give Wu Huchen a period of time, or encounter the inhuman acts of the Qi family again, Wu Huchen may go wild!

Once Wu Huchen is really angry, the Qi family's extermination will not be far away.

Brother Huchen's anger will bleed thousands of miles! Even if the enemy is strong, he is fearless! As long as he has the determination and will to fight in his heart, he is invincible!

The demon who has been completely integrated with Qi Rufei's body is Wu Huchen's first tragedy in his anger!

Seeing Wu Huchen stunned, the devil laughed. He thought Wu Huchen was afraid. When he thought of Wu Huchen's humiliation to himself, he was full of hatred, Yin said: "humble human, didn't you humiliate me before? What's the matter? Why don't you speak now? Are you afraid? Gaga, now let me take out your heart and taste it slowly. Gaga, the people who have restrained my flame haven't tasted it yet..."

To readers:

Thank you for the reward of 188 grains by brother Youxin and brother shanghun ~ thank you for your support!

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