In the next few days, all the young people's gang disappeared in a low-key way. It seems that everything that happened these days is like a dream. If it weren't for the axe gang's crazy search, I'm afraid everyone would really think that all this is false.

After robbing the magic bar that day, Wu Huchen decided to avoid the edge of the Axe Gang first, and they are really too sharp these days. In fact, this has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the name of their youth gang is becoming louder and louder. The disadvantage is that fame will not only attract the crazy pursuit of the axe gang, but also cause the dissatisfaction of other major forces.

After all, no one wants to bury an uncontrollable mine around him. That's too dangerous!

Yang Qing was extremely depressed these two days. She thought that Wu Huchen would not be so arrogant when she found the eldest sister in Wang Xixi's mouth that day. Who knows, the boy not only didn't get disabled, but lived happily.

In particular, seeing that he goes out with Tao Yuanyuan every day, many girls keep sending him love letters. He has a crazy mind. Shit, how can you Wu Huchen He De get the favor of so many girls?

Of course, Yang Qing seems to envy it, but Wu Huchen thinks it is a very painful thing.

"Hee hee, sister Feifei, come and have a look at this."

Military training is over. Today is the official opening day for freshmen in senior high school. Wu Huchen, Tao Yuanyuan and Hu Feifei are walking along the path of the school.

Wu Huchen cried and couldn't laugh or cry. Since that day, more and more girls will send him love letters. Originally, he was a little proud at the bottom of his heart. He couldn't help being liked by so many girls. He didn't have such treatment in his previous life.

But now he knows the difficulty of becoming a popular lover. Love letters are kept every day, but how embarrassing it will be for other girls to read their love letters aloud to her girlfriends by their girlfriends?

"Dear tiger minister, do you know? Your melancholy voice is like a strong essence son. That powerful force is running recklessly in my body, destroying my flower heart and my heart..."

"Yuanyuan, stop reading." Wu Huchen wanted to cry. His grandfather's, who would have thought that such a sharp love letter would come from a girl?

Hu Feifei giggled back and forth, not because of the content of the love letter, but because she couldn't help laughing when she saw Wu Huchen's deflated expression.

"Hee hee, brother Huchen, do you know how shy you are?" When Tao Yuanyuan saw Wu Huchen surrender, he put away the letter paper with satisfaction.

After a fight, the three soon found the classroom of class 10 of senior high school.

After several days of military training, the students were basically familiar with each other. Before they entered the classroom, the three heard noisy voices.

The three of them took a seat at random. Within a few minutes, Tao Meijia walked into the classroom from the door.

Today, she is wearing a clean white shirt on her upper body and a pair of dark blue jeans on her lower body. She looks very simple. Her hair is tied into a horsetail. There is no lack of vitality in her delicate spirit.

"Well, students, please be quiet first!" Tao Meijia went to the podium and pressed her hand.

After all, they were just promoted to high school. Everyone was still very afraid of the word "teacher". They stopped making noise and became quiet.

"Military training has also ended. In the coming days, we will officially enter the intense study. Of course, before that, the school will have a routine entrance test."

"Ah? Still have an exam? It's annoying..."

"Yes, what's the matter? I'm so tired of the college entrance examination. It's just the beginning of school, and I'm still alive..."

As soon as Tao Meijia spoke, all the students below complained. Exams have always been a headache for students! How happy would school be if there were no exams?

It seems to know everyone's reaction. Tao Meijia smiled and said, "don't be nervous. This entrance test is mainly used to check how much you remember what you have learned, and you can also select the class committee through the test results!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone talked again. Select the class committee? Those who can be successfully promoted to No. 1 middle school are either excellent in performance or good in family affairs. These people can be said to be the favored children of the whole Wentu county. Everyone feels that they should be the sun surrounded.

Being able to become a class committee, whether it has real power or not, will satisfy everyone's vanity. After all, both big and small are cadres!

"Teacher, I don't think it's fair!"

A handsome man stood up and said loudly. His skin was white and he was wearing a set of Nike Sportswear. In this age, he looked like a rich second generation.

He is still very popular in the class, because his family has money, and he is also very generous. He often invites some men and women to dinner and sing, which naturally attracts a lot of people. The reason why he did this is also obvious. When the class ran the election, he gave himself a vote!

His own performance is not good. He can enter No. 1 middle school also depends on his family. If he runs for class based on his examination results, what he has done before will not be put into water?

Tao Meijia glanced at the boy, still smiling with kindness, and said, "what do you suggest, classmate Qin Zhen?"

"We are no longer primary school students, but high school students. We are adults. I don't think we can use the junior middle school to apply it to high school. In high school, I think we should pay more attention to ability than achievement!" Qin Zhen talked with assurance. What he said was also very reasonable. Even Wu Huchen nodded slightly. This guy had some insight.

Tao Meijia also thought what he said was reasonable and asked, "do you have any good methods, classmate Qin Zhen?"

"Vote!" Qin Zhen seemed ready and said, "we can vote fairly. Whoever has more votes, let him work on duty!"

"Yes, teacher, voting is fair! The score is just a data and can't represent anything!"

"That is, teacher, if you don't choose a class by voting, we won't pay attention to the class you choose..."

As soon as Qin Zhen's words came out, twenty or thirty students coaxed aside.

Wu Huchen looked coldly at everything in front of him. He realized that Qin Zhen had already prepared all this

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