seven hundred and seventy-one

When the name of a person you have never met always appears in your life, you will be full of expectations for that person, looking forward to meeting him and meeting him. i^

When Wu Huchen killed the Qi family without any hesitation, Zhou Ziyi was still uncomfortable at first. Because in her heart, that man should be a hero, not a butcher!

But Wu Huchen did that. She wanted to blame, but after much consideration, she finally decided to stand on the side of the little man and leave the jade door with her younger martial sisters.

Then, in the woods, she saw Wu Huchen kill Qi Wenzhi of the Qi family and Zhou Huan of the Zhou family. Especially when she saw that Wu Huchen would kill Zhou Huan who did not resist, Zhou Ziyi's dream was completely broken.

She thought of a word someone had said, the ideal is too plump, the reality is too skinny! It turned out that the little hero in her heart was not a hero, but a murderer without any sympathy!

So, under the same idea of those younger martial sisters, she decided to leave the little man. Because she found that the existence of this little man was uncertain. She didn't know when it would bring danger to her younger martial sisters.

But the next thing changed her mind completely.

Qi Feihua humiliated herself and Qi Rufei forced her.

Especially when Qi Rufei was about to kill herself, she was completely desperate, but even so, her heart still expected someone to appear in time, but she also knew that it was almost impossible.%&* ";

But just when she was completely desperate, the little man who had been driven away by herself appeared again. Look at his bleak and lonely back when he left, and then look at his majestic back standing in front of himself to help him resist strong enemies.

These two strong contrasts filled Zhou Ziyi's heart with bitterness. She knew that the shadow of the little man would never leave from the bottom of her heart again. Because she has been verified, he is his own hero!

But Zhou Ziyi was in great pain, because the little man was not Zhou Ziyi's. The little man was the popular and good younger martial sister of her own school!

Nevertheless, at the thought that the little man might have an accident, Zhou Ziyi's heart still hurt like a needle. From this way to the seaside holiday hotel, her heart was haunted.

"Xiao Qi, you dead girl, what are you talking about? Tiger minister will be fine!" Seeing Xiao Qi crying so sadly, her face in colorful clothes had already been filled with tears. She looked down and said nothing, but the eldest martial sister with spots and marks on the sheets also slowly lowered her head.

Everyone knows the monster's ability before. Although Wu Huchen is very strong, they all know that Wu Huchen may not be the opponent of the monster!

Pig couldn't look at these crying women. His face was full of haze. His heart was full of bitterness. He didn't think he finally met a good boss. He thought he could go back for revenge from now on. But I didn't expect to die so early!

"Don't cry!" The pig couldn't stand up from his chair, looked at the crying girls in front of him, and said bitterly, "let's go and help brother Huchen collect his body. We can't let his body be eaten by wild animals." Speaking of this, the pig couldn't help but turn a reddish color in his eyes.

"You villain, don't you say that. Brother Huchen won't die, brother Huchen won't die..." when he heard the pig, Xiao Qi attacked the pig with the power of thunder, and each punch hit the pig hard, causing a trace of blood to overflow from the corner of the pig's mouth.

In the end, the little girl seemed to have no strength, but she still used her last strength to fight on the body that the pig couldn't.

Pig couldn't look at the sobbing girl in front of him, and couldn't help crying loudly, "I'll go to * * * Qi's house, old pig, I must become stronger, and I must help brother Hu Chen take revenge." When he said this, he no longer thought of Wu Huchen as a big brother who could be used, but sincerely wanted to avenge Wu Huchen!

"Xiao Qi, that's enough!" Zhou Ziyi looked at Xiao Qi who had no strength to beat the pig. She couldn't stand up slowly. It seemed that she didn't even have the strength to speak.

Then, Zhou Ziyi walked directly towards the door.

"Eldest martial sister, you......" seeing that Zhou Ziyi was going outside, Menglan couldn't help shouting.

Zhou Ziyi heard Menglan calling herself. Her hand had been put on the doorknob and didn't look back. She just whispered, "stay here and wait for little martial uncle to come." After a pause, her head slowly lowered, "I, I'll find the tiger minister."

Hu Chen, even if you die, I will accompany you!

At the moment, these younger martial sisters are no longer in great danger, so she can completely let go of everything. Her mission has been completed!

"Elder martial sister!"

Hearing Zhou Ziyi's words, the girls of the jade girl door suddenly changed their faces. They all raised their heads, wiped their tears, looked at Zhou Ziyi in surprise, and the colored clothes couldn't help shouting: "elder martial sister, don't be silly, tiger minister, tiger minister, he may be dead. Even if you go now, it's just death."

As soon as Caiyi said this, all the girls of the jade girl school glared at Caiyi. Although they thought so in their own hearts, they didn't want to say it.

Looking at the younger martial sisters all glared at themselves, they frowned lightly, sighed slightly and stopped talking.

When Zhou Ziyi heard the words of colorful clothes, he raised a faint smile at the corners of his mouth and said, "there are some things you don't understand. When you get older, you will understand what I'm doing now! He saved my life. Even if I die, I'm happy!" After that, Zhou Ziyi opened the door of the room without any hesitation.

"Elder martial sister..."

All the girls of the jade girl gate look at Zhou Ziyi with a sad face. They know that although the master sister looks very gentle on the surface, she is very tough. She is sure to do what she believes!

But when Zhou Zi opened the door, she was completely stunned. A little man with a bad smile on his mouth leaned against the door, looked at her playfully and said, "sister purple, is this going to be buried?"

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