seven hundred and seventy-eight

Wu Huchen saw that the pig could not be so serious, and his face changed slightly. He looked at the pig carefully and asked seriously, "no, what do you want to tell me?"

Seeing that Wu Huchen became serious, the pig couldn't open his mouth, looked around and said, "brother Huchen, let's go to my room first.%& *"; "

Wu Huchen narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly. Pig can't. The boy had a little conscience before. Therefore, Wu Huchen has no hostility to him and has regarded him as one of the people to be handed over.

"OK, you lead the way!"

Under the leadership of pig can't, Wu Huchen came to the room that pig can't open before.

"Say it!" Wu Huchen looked at the pig seriously. At the same time, with a gentle wave of his right hand, a golden energy mask appeared around. In the eyes of the pig, Wu Huchen smiled: "unless it is a strong person who has reached the power level, there is no way to know what we say here."

Hearing what Wu Huchen said, pig couldn't be shocked. He didn't expect Wu Huchen's ability to be so good. After brewing for a while, he seriously said, "brother Huchen, there were some things I didn't intend to tell you, because it was too dangerous, but now I think I should be able to tell you!"

"Oh?" Wu Huchen picked a corner of his mouth and was interested in the pig. He smiled and said, "no, why didn't you tell me before, but now you can tell me again?"

Looking at Wu Huchen's funny smile, pig couldn't look embarrassed, but soon his face became very serious. He just opened his mouth and said, "because you didn't let me see enough strength before, I didn't dare to tell you that for the sake of your life safety. I ^"

The pig couldn't say that. Wu Huchen moved his eyebrows, his eyes flickered slightly, and said with a smile, "really? Why do you think my strength has become stronger now?"

At the moment, although Wu Huchen is smiling, he has been closely narrowing his eyes and paying attention to the eyes that pigs can't, hoping to get something from the eyes that pigs can't, but the eyes that pigs can't seem very sincere and there is no flicker of deception.

"Because you can defeat the monster that suddenly appeared before, because you can defeat Qi Rufei in the later stage of the level!" The pig couldn't seriously look at Wu Huchen and paused. He continued, "and that's because you're a good man who values love and righteousness!"

"Hahaha ~"

As soon as the pig could not say the last word, Wu Huchen was a little stunned, and then he laughed wildly. Looking at the pig, he couldn't stare at Wu Huchen. He didn't know what happened to brother Huchen. He smiled so crazy, but his madness was full of bitter taste.

"Good man, ha ha, what a good man!" Wu Huchen's eyes were confused and a wry smile came from the corners of his mouth. Is he a good man? He looked down at his hands. My hands have been stained with the blood of many people. Can such a person be regarded as a good man?

But he didn't ask the pig can't, but laughed, looked at the pig seriously and asked, "after all, what's the matter?"

The pig couldn't see Wu Huchen. It seemed that he didn't have much patience. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "the demon family left the demon family this time to open an altar!"


This made Wu Huchen's heart tremble. His face was dissatisfied and confused. He asked in a deep voice, "what exactly does it mean? I want to listen carefully."

Seeing Wu Huchen dare to be interested, the pig can't be happy. In the demon family, if each demon family wants to survive, it must have the value of survival, and his pig can't be used as a joke in the demon world!

Therefore, he decided to use the Xin secret he knew to show his value in Wu Huchen's heart. He nodded gently, looked at Wu Huchen, and said seriously: "as long as the altar can be opened, there is likely to be a great saint of Demon power in the demon clan again." After a pause, he looked at Wu Huchen and said, "in that case, the demon clan's invasion of the human world will help a lot."

Hearing that pigs can't, Wu Huchen's shock is like a sea tide. Wave after wave, there is no way to calm down.

Demon saint? How powerful is that? Wu Huchen doesn't know, but the worship that can't flash from the pig's eyes, Wu Huchen knows that the strength of the great saint of the demon family must be very powerful.

If I could get the Demon power of heaven and achieve the position of great saint, wouldn't it be further to save my aunt?

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen's heart is full of excitement. As long as he can save his aunt, he even doesn't hesitate to pay the price of his own life, but he knows very well that even if he sacrifices his life, he may not be able to successfully save his aunt. Therefore, the strength that makes the Oriental family tremble is the best card.

I must seize the throne of the great sage!

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen's eyes gradually became firm. He calmed down his excitement, looked at the pig and said seriously, "no, do you know the way to trigger the demon clan altar?"

Looking at Wu Huchen's excited appearance, pig can't feel very happy, because he knows that Wu Huchen likes the news very much. That is to say, he should have a very important position in brother Huchen's heart.

"Yes, it seems that it needs a lot of biological souls and flesh to be absorbed by the demon clan altar, and then it will open a path to the holy land of the demon clan ten thousand years ago. Only after the demon clan holy land is inherited can it become a great saint."

Speaking of this, pig can't's heart is also full of excitement. If he can become a strong man at the level of Mahatma, he can easily go back to avenge King Jinji Xiaopeng.

Thinking of hatred, pig's eyes were full of fire, but he knew his ability very well. I'm afraid he didn't have the ability to enter the holy land of the demon family?

However, he placed all his hopes on Wu Huchen. If Wu Huchen could become a great saint, he would avenge himself even taking into account his brothers' feelings!

But he didn't know that Wu Huchen's face had become very ugly at the moment.

To readers:

Thank brother Kai for his monthly ticket support yesterday. If you can, please vote for Liangzi's yanjue village. Thank you!

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