seven hundred and ninety-one

Hearing Wu Huchen's murderous words, all the people present couldn't help laughing. i^

"* * *, who does the boy think he is? Sentence others to death?"

"Yes, he's a fucking fool. What do you think he is? Does he think he's a judge?"

"Are you two? The judge can manage us? Hum, if you want to sentence a strong man with first-class strength to death, does this force pretend to be a little angry?"

"Hum, overestimate your strength!"

When ye silently heard Wu Huchen's words, he was stunned. Is this guy stupid? I'm already a class. He dares to speak so wildly.

"Hahaha, sentence me to death?" Ye silently and disdainfully glanced at Wu Huchen, pointed contemptuously at Wu Huchen and said, "come on, I want to see how you sentenced me to death!"

The expression on Wu Huchen's face was still full of cold breath. Looking at Ye silent with contempt on his face and the laughter around him, the expression on his face did not change at all, and walked towards Ye silent step by step.

Everyone was stunned, and those who were laughing at them were stunned. Their faces changed slightly and all looked at Wu Huchen.

No one can imagine that the boy really dared to move forward. Isn't he dying? Pretending to force a level strong man, the result is very tragic!

But those young people did not expect that the older generation of strong people present all sighed slightly in their hearts, overestimating their strength!

However, the object of these old guys' overconfidence is not Wu Huchen, but ye silent opposite Wu Huchen, because these old guys see Wu Huchen's strength!

One is a level strong person who comes out of his own perception, and he doesn't know whether he has been fully integrated with his own strength&* ";

The other is a level strong person who forcibly promotes with the help of secret law. He will not have much understanding of this powerful power and the sublimation of the law.

In contrast, we can see the difference between high and low!

But ye silent didn't know this. In his heart, Wu Huchen at the moment was already a dead man.

"Demon desire, fascination!"

Seeing Wu Huchen walking towards him fearlessly, ye silent no longer kept his hand and shouted angrily. Suddenly, a dark fog appeared on the edge of his body as the radius.

Ye silently stood in the dark fog, and twelve black, ferocious shadows with a height of three or four meters gradually floated behind him!

Suddenly seeing the sudden change, Wu Huchen's face suddenly changed, and a person suddenly came to his mind. Suddenly, his originally calm face showed a look of rage, and some ferocious, "I see, hahaha ~ I see!"

Ye silent's sudden move and Wu Huchen's loud laughter surprised everyone around.

What happened to that boy? Why suddenly burst into laughter!

"Moon magpie palace? I think it's better to call YuQue palace!" Wu Huchen drank coldly, and the golden burning Buddha fire in his eyes, which had been dimmed, became very sharp.

He was stunned. No matter how he thought, he couldn't think of it. He actually met that crooked disciple again here!

Nothing else, because as like as two peas, the twelve black shadows of heaven are the best proof.

"Hum! Yueque palace or YuQue palace! Wu Huchen, today is your time of death!" Ye silently heard Wu Huchen's words, gave a cold drink, laughed wildly, and shouted, "the shadow of the devil, listen to my orders and swallow the garbage for me!"

Hearing the master's command, the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons made a strange cry of joy and rushed directly towards Wu Huchen.

The shadow of those demons was so fast that even Wu Huchen's naked eyes were blurred. But he stood there calmly. If someone could see Wu Huchen's eyes, he would be surprised to find that Wu Huchen's eyes were tightly closed.

However, Wu Huchen's body gradually floated layer by layer, some hazy, naked eye visible golden flame appeared on him.

"No!" When he saw that the twelve black demons swallowed up Wu Huchen's whole person, Xiao Qi couldn't help shouting. The pure water spirit's eyes were gaping, and the big tears fell down.

She cried and shouted and rushed to Wu Huchen's side to save Wu Huchen, but she was tightly held by Zhou Ziyi.

Zhou Ziyi's face was also like a dead gray at the moment. She tightly hugged the crying little seven, and her eyes were full of pain and confusion.

Dead? Huchen, just die? No, no! Tiger minister can't die like this.

I, I haven't told him. In fact, I like him very much. I, I haven't told him that I want to be his woman

One, two, three

Drops of crystal tears kept falling from Zhou Ziyi's clear eyes. She suddenly felt that her heart was so painful. She felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Is this love?! She looked at the twelve black shadows of heaven demons wrapping Wu Huchen's body. She was constantly roaring ferociously, but her heart was like a needle.

At this moment, she knew that it could be so painful to love someone!

She took a deep breath, trying to ease her pain, but she found sadly that the more she breathed, the more painful it was!

"Ha ha, Wu Huchen, as I said, I am the first expert of the whole Chinese young generation. You are nothing!" Watching the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons devouring Wu Huchen's body, ye silent couldn't help laughing wildly.

He knew that as long as he was swallowed by the twelve heavenly demons refined by himself, they would first devour each other's blood and flesh, and then devour each other's soul. Therefore, Wu Huchen will die!

Hearing Ye's silent words, Zhou Ziyi's face changed and her tears suddenly listened. She handed Xiao Qi to Cai Yi, looked at Cai Yi and said, "Cai Yi, watch Xiao Qi. If I die here, don't avenge me and go back to the school directly!"

"Elder martial sister..."

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