seven hundred and ninety-three

The fierce agitation of the shadow of the devil also made all those who had been paying close attention to the battlefield frown, and then lowered their heads, as if they were thinking about something

Many people know the power of the shadow of heavenly demons, and there are some numbers about the skill of the moon magpie palace.

But this time, the shadow of the devil appeared such a change, which really made people feel a little surprised.

In particular, the bright plum of yueque palace, who is drinking tea calmly, is a light frown of willow eyebrows, and the cold and gorgeous eyes project a great shock.

The power of the shadow of the devil is the strongest attack of the moon magpie palace, but the violent commotion of the shadow of the devil in front of us is really incomprehensible.

What the hell is going on~

Everyone's mind tightened up. Then an incredible idea appeared in their mind. Can it be said that the little man didn't die under the swallow of the shadow of the devil?!

"This, this is impossible!" Ye silent seemed to think of this possibility. His face was frightened and even scared by this idea. He stepped back two steps in a row and finally stood firm. As soon as his face changed, he looked at the crazy shadow of the devil with a gloomy face, and a cruel sneer arose from the corners of his mouth, Whispered, "Wu Huchen, even if you can't be swallowed up, so what? Even if you spell the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons, don't, I must remove you!"

Ye silent had made up his mind. In order to prevent Wu Huchen from changing, he decided to abandon the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons and let the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons explode!

Although it is said that the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons has existed since his cultivation, and it is unknown how many human and animal souls he has swallowed for so many years before he can have such a fortune today, at the moment, in order not to give Wu Huchen any chance to survive, ye silently decided to let the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons explode.

"Hum, I don't know how many souls are integrated into the twelve demons. If it explodes, I'm afraid even the powerful at the level of power will feel palpitation?" Ye silent, a sneer came from the corner of his mouth. Then he pinched his hands, looked at Wu Huchen bitterly, and recited some strange spells in his mouth.

Wu Huchen, you must die!

"Do you think I'll give you another chance?" When ye silently recited the spell, his heart suddenly trembled. He was frightened to find that the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons had completely lost contact with himself. How is this possible?

And to everyone's surprise, the young man surrounded by the shadow of the devil just now spoke!

This is not too terrible. The most terrible thing is that his body came out of the dark shadow of the twelve demons.

At the moment, he stepped out of the attack of the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons, just like walking in a leisurely court, and there was no worry on his face.

"No, impossible!" He felt that the shadow of the twelve heavenly demons he had worked hard to cultivate had completely lost contact with himself, and Wu Huchen came out easily from the black shadow. Ye silent, standing in the distance, was completely stunned. He didn't know what was going on at the end.

But soon, the scene that made Ye silent, no, shocked everyone in the whole restaurant appeared.

Wu Huchen's body is shining with dazzling golden light. At the moment, he is like a God coming to earth, which makes people have an impulse to worship. However, behind him, there are twelve black demons floating in the void.

This golden Buddha fire and black magic light not only did not produce any disharmony, but gave people a very powerful feeling.

The shadow of the twelve heavenly demons is suspended behind Wu Huchen, who is shrouded in golden light, like the peerless guard of the twelve ancient witches, and Wu Huchen is the Lord of the twelve ancient witches!

At the moment, he is like the monarch of the world. No one dares to say no, because as long as he waves his big hand, the twelve black shadows behind him will kill and devour his opponent without hesitation!

"Thank you for working so hard to cultivate these twelve heavenly demon guards for me!" Wu Huchen in the golden light gave a faint sneer at the corners of his mouth. Looking at the shocked and puzzled leaves on the opposite side, Wu Huchen said, "it's hard for local chickens and dogs to become a climate after all! Class? Hum! Ignorance!"

"Tiger Minister?" Zhou Ziyi was surprised to see that Wu Huchen survived the attack of the twelve demons, and seemed to let the twelve demons obey his command.

But more surprises! Because Wu Huchen is not dead!

Before, Wu Huchen was aware of everything outside. Therefore, Zhou Ziyi's attitude towards himself was very clear. A gentle color flashed in Sen Leng's eyes, and the golden light on him gradually dissipated. In his heart, he secretly issued an order!

"Sister Ziyi, you are surprised." Wu Huchen went to Zhou Ziyi's side and looked at Zhou Ziyi with wet tears on her cheeks. The corners of her mouth pursed slightly. In everyone's surprised eyes, he gently hugged Zhou Ziyi and kissed him

Zhou Ziyi's beautiful eyes were full of panic. When she came back to her senses, the whole face was red and could exude water. She never thought that Wu Huchen dared to make such a bold move in front of so many people!

This made her very shy, but she had never been kissed like this by a boy!

She shyly wanted to push Wu Huchen away, but she found that her body didn't listen at all. What's more, her tongue met Wu Huchen's tongue, as if she hadn't tasted water for many years, jumping with joy

Everyone present was stunned. Many of the older generation of strong people slowly took back their eyes and admired them. The man is a big husband, up to the sky, down to the ground, and dare to do something! Okay, okay!

And those young people stared at Wu Huchen and Zhou Ziyi with a gloomy face. They kissed like no one else. Damn bastards, do we all think we are air? To do such a thing in front of so many people!

However, no one said anything to stop them, because they had seen that the twelve Taoism behind Wu Huchen had been completely refined by Wu Huchen into the guard of the twelve demons, and they were flying towards Ye silently.

At the same time, ye silent had a scene that made people angry and tongue tied!


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