seven hundred and ninety-eight

Wu Huchen's words really made some people in these families feel dissatisfied. Many elders snorted coldly and wanted to attack, but after thinking about Wu Huchen's terrible before, they finally endured their emotions.

Seeing that none of the disciples of the families and sects who wanted to make trouble for themselves dared to show their heads, Wu Huchen raised a sneer of disdain at the corners of his mouth and took back his eyes.

Zhou Ziyi looked at the arrogant little man in front of her and didn't mean to blame him. Instead, she raised a gentle smile from the corners of her mouth and looked at him as if she were a gentle little daughter-in-law watching her husband win and return.

If she had done this before, she might have thought Wu Huchen was arrogant, but ye silent's inexplicable appearance in the eyes of everyone really changed her view.

This world doesn't mean that if you don't want to provoke others, others won't trouble you.

Wu Huchen didn't do anything too much before. He just fought with Zhong Ziqi, and then Zhong Ziqi fanned the flames.

Then those people all came towards Wu Huchen and wanted to compete with Wu Huchen.

That sounds good. It's called a competition. If they really have strength, it's probably easy to kill Wu Huchen, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ziyi thought of the culprit of this matter. Her gentle eyes flashed a look of contempt and took back her eyes in an instant. It seemed that she was afraid to look at the person more and pollute her eyes.

Zhong Ziqi didn't expect Wu Huchen to be so strong.

When he saw Wu Huchen appear around the woman named Yanmei in yueque palace and subdue her easily, his whole heart was confused.

How is that possible? How could he be so strong?!

Wu Huchen's powerful strength really surprised Zhong Ziqi. Seeing that the young people of those families and sects had all shrunk their heads when they heard Wu Huchen's rampant provocation, Zhong Ziqi couldn't help scolding in his heart, "a group of waste, so many people are still afraid of one person. No matter how powerful he is, he is only one person!"

But he didn't know that when he said that others were rubbish, he didn't think that he was the first fool who didn't dare to face Wu Huchen.

Hum, no, it seems that you have to practice with the Qi family to get rid of this damn guy! Zhong Ziqi thought about it and finally decided to cooperate with the Qi family!

Seeing those families and sects, I don't dare to continue to trouble myself. Wu Huchen then restrained his strong murderous spirit, turned his head and looked at Zhou Ziyi. His face soon recovered its previous look. A faint smile full of tenderness came up at the corners of his mouth and said, "sister Ziyi, let's continue to eat."

Looking at Wu Huchen's eyes full of tenderness, Zhou Ziyi thought of the scene of the little villain kissing herself before.

Thinking that he was shamelessly intersecting with the tip of his tongue, Zhou Ziyi's heart was full of shame. His white face suddenly turned red.

However, she didn't blame Wu Huchen. Instead, she pursed her rosy lips and nodded gently. It was a promise, but she lowered her head and didn't dare to look up.

Because she was afraid that her younger martial sisters looked at her expression curiously. She was very clear in her heart that these younger martial sisters knew that Wu Huchen was the man of younger martial sister Yueru, but now she had such behavior with Wu Huchen in front of them, which filled her heart with shame.

The girls of the jade girl sect were really surprised by Zhou Ziyi's and Wu Huchen's previous kissing behavior, but now they are all attracted by Wu Huchen.

"Wow, brother Huchen, you're great. You defeated the big villain. Hee hee ~ people want to kiss you and reward you well!" When Xiao Qi saw Wu Huchen coming this way, he was the first to rush to Wu Huchen's side. The whole person hung directly on Wu Huchen like a tree wrasse bear and kissed Wu Huchen hard on his face.

Being kissed by the little girl Xiao Qi, Wu Huchen's sophistication suddenly became red, which was not very interesting. He coughed twice and pretended that nothing had happened. He waved to the waiter who had already lost his soul and shouted, "waiter, come and serve quickly!"

The waiter is well-trained, otherwise he would have run away. At this moment, I almost didn't scare my soul when I heard the previous murderous God calling me, but I didn't dare to offend the murderous God. Who knows if he would crush his head in anger.

He answered and hurried out of the restaurant to find the general manager to deal with the affairs here.

"Hey, boss, you're really powerful. Old pig, my admiration for you is like a continuous river!" Xiao Qi had just finished his praise, and Wu Huchen had just sat down. He saw the pig can't. The guy smiled obscene and praised without restraint.

Wu Huchen frowned and said, "your grandfather's, how can I hear this sentence very familiar?" He couldn't take a look at the pig. He thought of Zhu Daming's son, his mother's feelings. If these two bastards are together, what's wrong?

Hearing what Wu Huchen said, the pig couldn't talk to him, smiled and said to Wu Huchen, "brother Huchen, you were too windy just now. I admire the old pig!"

After a pause, the pig couldn't look at Zhou Ziyi, who was a little embarrassed from sitting back to his position. Hehe smiled and deliberately said, "brother Huchen, I think your technology is very good. When will you teach me?"

"What technology? What technology does your grandfather need to kill? There is no technical content. You can study it yourself." Wu Huchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with the pig. He picked up a teacup and drank water.

The pig couldn't know that Wu Huchen didn't understand what he meant. He smiled and said, "brother Huchen, people, people don't talk about killing skills ~" this guy was like a woman, so Wu Huchen almost couldn't help smoking him.

"Damn it, you have something to say. If you have nothing to do, go away. If you do this again, be careful I'll beat you!"

Seeing that Wu Huchen was angry, the pig couldn't smile. He pointed to Wu Huchen with his finger, and then pointed to Zhou Ziyi who lowered his head and didn't dare to speak. Then his two hands made fists and touched together, but the thumbs of his two fingers turned up and touched together

But they didn't know that when they were laughing, someone's eyes always looked at this side in an insignificant corner of the restaurant!

To readers:

Thank you for learning that you are not willing to reward 1 grain for your brother, 388 grains for your brother, and 1 grain for the Oriental red line! Thank you for your support

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