eight hundred and thirty-one

Zhong Ziqi's words made Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu shocked in addition to being surprised!

Because their talents are great, but they don't think that there are people who have the power of two laws at the same time. This is unimaginable. In particular, Zhong Ziqi said that the power of Wu Huchen's law is still the kind of invincible therapeutic effect. Isn't it equal to an invincible Xiaoqiang?

Yes, it's Xiaoqiang!

A person with such recovery speed and strength, unless he dies at one time, he will heal himself, then fully recover and stand up to fight you again?

Second Olympic Games, is this too shameless? How many people can stand such wheel fights?

Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu were silent for a long time. Zhong Ziqi also sat aside and looked at them without urging them. But the tower clock flashed a little disappointed.

Alas, the small family is still a small family. Even if it has very good strength, it will lose in the lack of inside information!

"Ziqi, what do you think?" Zhou Feng really didn't know what to do for a while. He was completely depressed by Wu Huchen's abnormal strength. That boy is not human at all. Since Zhong Ziqi can come to find himself and others, he already has a comprehensive plan in his mind, so he is determined to ask Zhong Ziqi's ideas.

"It is undeniable that Wu Huchen is a genius, but two predecessors, have you ever thought about one thing?" Zhong Ziqi looked at Zhou Feng deeply. Hearing Zhong Ziqi's question, Zhou Feng said in a deep voice, "I'd like to hear it in detail!"

"Although Wu Huchen is a genius, he is just a genius who has not grown up! That's all, elder, what do you say?" With that, Zhong Ziqi had a sinister sneer on his mouth. Wu Huchen, I just want to see how your genius fell! Thinking of this, Zhong Ziqi's eyes showed a look of madness.

After hearing Zhong Ziqi's words, Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu were all slightly stunned. Then, Zhou Feng's eyes flashed a color of enlightenment. He looked at Zhong Ziqi and praised him. The young man was really not simple.

Yes, what if Wu Huchen is even a genius? No matter how powerful a genius is, as long as he doesn't grow up completely, he is not a peerless strong man, so he can die prematurely!

Are there few dead geniuses in the world? Why can't he be the next genius to die? At the thought of this, Zhou Feng laughed, looked at Zhong Ziqi with appreciation and said with admiration: "Ziqi, what you said is really great. Yes, I also admit that I have never seen such an amazing young man. Hum, but I say that he is only a young man to treat the enemy! Ha ha ~"

As long as they are young people, how strong will they be even if they are strong? Thinking of this, Zhou Feng smiled more brightly. But soon his face was a little ugly again.

Although Wu Huchen's problem has been solved, how should other families and sects deal with it? This is really a little nerve racking!

Zhong Ziqi is right. It costs huge profits to prevent other families and sects from participating in the battle between the Qi family and Wu Huchen, but what kind of price does it cost?

If Wu Huchen had not become an immortal enemy with the Qi family earlier, I'm afraid the Qi family would have spent a huge price to win Wu Huchen over to become an honorary elder of their family. After all, who in the family dares not to fight?

As long as there are casualties in the battle, Wu Huchen's healing technique has achieved great results.

Therefore, it is too difficult to balance the battle between Wu Huchen and Qi family.

Suddenly, Zhou Feng's eyebrows showed and he secretly scolded himself as a fool. Isn't there Zhong Ziqi here? He has already told himself about it. I think he has already helped think of it.

"Ziqi, Wu Huchen has me and my brother. We are both the peak strength in the later stage of the level. Unless Wu Huchen has reached the level of great power, it is difficult to escape our palm. However..." speaking of this, Zhou Feng hesitated a little. After all, this matter is really a little disgraceful.

Zhong Ziqi just saw Zhou Feng faltering, so he knew what Zhou Feng was thinking in his heart. He smiled. Before Zhou Feng could speak, he smiled and said, "master Zhou, are you worried about the pressure of other families and sects?"

"That's right." Zhou Feng nodded. Since Zhong Ziqi had seen through it, he had nothing to install. He smiled and asked, "Ziqi, I don't know what you have better ideas. If so, please let me know!"

Seeing that Zhou Feng trusted himself so much, Zhong Ziqi was a little proud, but he covered it up very well. He smiled, He said: "master Zhou, I think you should know how much Wu Huchen's value is. Therefore, if you want to impress other families, you should at least provide an equivalent condition that can benefit them for a long time! For example, the black jiaozhilin!"

"What? Black jiaozhilin?!"

Hearing Zhong Ziqi suddenly mention the black Jiao Zhilin, Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu are stunned at the same time. They both look at Zhong Ziqi with a wary face.

How did this boy know about Heijiao Zhilin? Is it

Watching Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu look surprised, Zhong Ziqi smiled and said, "don't be nervous, two elders. We are friends. Do you think I will harm you?" However, he found that the other party didn't seem to listen to his explanation. Then he continued: "two elders, to tell you the truth, Wu Huchen learned the secret of your Qi family from a member of your Qi family. I'm afraid Wu Huchen has publicized the secret at the moment?"

"What? He dares!" When Zhou Yu heard Zhong Ziqi say so, his eyes were wide open. He wanted to rush over and work hard with Wu Huchen.

For Zhou Yu's expression, Zhong Ziqi smiled with some disdain and said, "senior, Wu Huchen dares to kill even your Qi family. Do you think he has anything else he dare not do?"

"This..." listening to Zhong Ziqi's words, Zhou Yu was speechless for a moment. Yes, people even dare to kill people in your family. What else does he dare not do?

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