eight hundred and forty-four

Hearing a crisp sound in his ear, Qin Zhongze, who was already gloomy, changed his face and looked at Qin Yusheng, but he saw Wu Huchen standing next to Qin Yusheng, grinning and saying, "I killed him!" After a pause, Wu Huchen continued: "this matter has nothing to do with you from beginning to end. I'm not aiming at the Qin family. I'm a little lofty and can't hold any sand in my eyes, so..."

Looking at Qin Yusheng, who was paralyzed on the ground and his eyes were full of unbelievable look, Qin Zhongze was stunned in his eyes, and then returned to his mind. Looking at the little man grinning in front of him, he suddenly felt a sense of gratitude

He knew that he had been secretly injured by Qin Yusheng's grandfather. It was almost impossible for him to pass the power level. K "; of course, with Wu Huchen's help, he might become a strong man at the power level, but even so, what can he do? The strong man at the power level is not invincible in the world! It will take him many years to revenge.

Because Qin Yusheng's grandfather is a strong man above Da Neng, otherwise, he will not be able to enter the elder Hall of the Qin family!

It has taken Qin Zhongze almost a lifetime to reach the high level. His talent is not so amazing. Unless there is an opportunity once in a thousand years, it is too slim to take another step up from the high level in his lifetime.

If there is no way to surpass the power level, it is a fool's dream to want revenge!

But Wu Huchen helped himself kill the enemy who had kept him in hiding for so many years! This makes Qin Zhongze feel almost nothing but gratitude! Because he knew from Wu Huchen's profound tone that he killed Qin Yusheng to help himself!

"Wu Huchen, how dare you kill the elder of the Qin family?" Although he knows that Wu Huchen is helping himself, he still has to do some face saving things. After all, he is the Qin family!

"Damn it, Qin Zhongze, you old man, my tiger minister avenged you. You don't appreciate him, but you still have to blame him? Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?" Yang batian didn't expect Qin Zhongze to speak and ask Wu Huchen. Suddenly, he looked like he was going to work hard with Qin Zhongze| i^

In fact, all the people present know Wu Huchen's intention, but Yang batian's nerve is thick and hasn't recovered yet! Wu Huchen smiled and said, "adoptive father, this is a grudge between Qin Yusheng and me. I heard what you said before and didn't kill him directly. Who would have thought that he still talked wildly and wanted to come back to me for trouble. Hey hey, I don't like trouble, so I'd better solve him here after thinking about it!"

Then Wu Huchen looked at Qin Zhongze and said, "if you want to avenge Qin Yusheng, come on, I'll be Wu Huchen alone!"

The people who can follow behind Qin Zhongze are naturally Qin Zhongze's confidants. They have long bought Qin Yusheng's superior appearance, but they dare not do anything because of his identity. At the moment, Wu Huchen helped them kill Qin Yusheng. It's too late for them to be happy. How can they fight with Wu Huchen?

"Wu Huchen, I see you are a talent. If you are willing to make friends with the Qin family, I can ignore the previous things and let you become my son-in-law of the Qin family. What do you think?" As soon as Qin Zhongze said this, everyone present couldn't help scolding loudly.

"Shit, the old man of the Qin family, what do you mean? People have killed your Qin family. When you are good, you not only don't take revenge, but want to win over others? You also want Wu Huchen to be your Qin family's son-in-law? What kind of truth is this?"

"Hey hey, the Qin family is really good. They all use beauty tricks! It's true that they are the first emperor in those years. They do everything they can to achieve their goals!"

"Brother Wu Huchen, we also have beautiful girls in our family. If you like, you can find seven or eight to be your daughter-in-law. Come on, come to our house..."

Hearing this, Wu Huchen was moved, grinned and said, "Hey, uncle, is what you said true? There are really seven or eight so good?"

Originally, some people thought Wu Huchen was a good young man with great integrity, but as soon as he said this, everyone's eyes fell to the ground. NIMA, is this boy really a decisive young madman?

"Ha ha, tiger minister, if you don't dislike it, you still have a righteous sister. Although the girl has a bad temper, she looks absolutely speechless!" Hearing that all the people around began to prepare to seduce Wu Huchen with beauty, Yang batian standing aside also smiled and said shyly.

"Cough ~" Yang batian's words made Wu Huchen cough. He looked at Yang batian with a bitter face and said, "adoptive father, are you sure my righteous sister really looks good?" Wu Huchen looked at Yang batian carefully up, down, left and right. He couldn't see where Yang batian was good. Suddenly, a shameless idea came into his mind. Was it not that my sister had a genetic mutation?

It seems that he saw Wu Huchen's thoughts. Yang batian yelled and said, "what do you think in your heart? I was also a handsome young man in those days, but the years are really a pig killing knife, which just turned the originally handsome me into today's rough and crazy uncle!" With that, Yang batian sighed and seemed to have great emotion!

"Cough, adoptive father, I believe!" Wu Huchen coughed softly, pursed his mouth and looked sincere, but the sincerity changed a little!

Looking at the appearance of the father and son, Qin Zhongze shook his head and smiled lightly and said, "tiger minister, come to my Qin family sometime. Not all Qin family regard you as an enemy! Also, the girl Mengqi has been shouting to come out to find you!" Then, in Wu Huchen's surprise, Qin Zhongze's face became cold and said to the two people around him, "take away the bodies of Qin Yusheng and Qin Haitian and his son!"

With that, he left first.

Watching the Qin family leave, the farce is over, but the collective poisoning is just the beginning. Eric of the sun family has been kneeling on the ground, hoping to get Wu Huchen's forgiveness!

And Wu Huchen also raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth, flashing a cold light in his eyes, looking at the two figures in the corner!

To readers:

Thanks to q11148844 brothers for the reward of small 1000 grains and the strong support of brothers! Yoko, thank you very much!

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