eight hundred and forty-six

Locked up by the Qi of so many powerful people, Zhou Feng sighed gently and saw Wu Huchen not far away narrowing his eyes and drinking tea comfortably. It seems that Wu Huchen, who has nothing to do with himself, has an ugly face. k";

"Everyone, please don't fall into the trap of the traitor. Do you think my Qi family dares to risk the universal condemnation to poison you?" Zhou Feng knows that he must say something, otherwise these angry guys will go crazy if they are not careful. At that time, the law will not blame the public. Even if he knows the truth afterwards, the Qi family will not do anything to them. And he and his brother will suffer a lot.

"Hum, Zhou Feng, what else do you pretend?" After hearing Wu Huchen's words and Zhou Yu's roar, Eric found that something was wrong. Yes, why did my eldest brother get the black jiaozhilin before he gradually appeared like that? Yes, it must be the black jiaozhilin. There is some magical and poisonous poison on it! Thinking of this, Eric became more excited. He looked at Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu with a gloomy face and said in a deep voice, "hand over the antidote, otherwise you two brothers won't want to go out of the door of the restaurant today!"

As soon as he said this, people around him echoed.

"Yes, you'd better hand over the antidote quickly. Otherwise, the anger of so many of us can't be borne by your relatives!"

"What's more nonsense with them? If they dare not hand over the antidote, we'll kill them directly, and the antidote must be on them!"

"* * *, what nonsense? My third brother has died suddenly, and that must have something to do with them. K"; the Qi family is really not a good thing. Do you want to keep us all in their family? "

As soon as these words came out, all the people around changed their looks.

The Qi family is really not very big, but their hometown is here. They are qualified to become a family and are recognized by other forces. Naturally, they have some capital. Not to mention whether the other party has a strong person above the sage or not, I'm afraid even a master of great power can make all these people fall here!

Does the Qi family really have such a vicious mind? If so, it would be a little too scary.

"What are you farting again?" Hearing what those guys said, Zhou Yu shouted angrily, "our Qi family never wanted to kill you. We just wanted to kill Wu Huchen. Hum, didn't you accept the black Jiao's Lin before? Now you want to deal with our Qi family again? It's really shameless and invincible!"

As soon as Zhou Yu's words were spoken, Wu Huchen couldn't help laughing, "OK, so it is!" Although he smiled, everyone could hear the anger in his tone. He glanced coldly at the people of the surrounding families and sects, snorted coldly and said, "well, it's really good! I Wu Huchen treat people sincerely, but in exchange for your secret sale. In that case, our previous covenant seems to be unable to take effect."

After that, Wu Huchen snorted coldly and left with his sleeves.

Watching Wu Huchen leave, the girls and pigs at the jade girl gate can't leave too.

However, Yang batian didn't leave, but looked coldly at Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu. Two old men didn't come to me yesterday. Don't they look down on me? Although I can't brazenly settle accounts with you, I like fishing in troubled waters best!

Yang batian hates Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu. They didn't find themselves yesterday. This made Yang batian, a rough man, feel very unhappy. He thought it was an insult, a naked insult.

But he doesn't think about it himself. His reputation has long been smelly. Almost no one in China doesn't know that Yang batian can't hold his words. If they know any secret news, he will tell others at that time. This is why even in the Yang family, the Yang family calls him to participate in any discussion.

Wu Huchen left, but it made the anger in the hearts of many people present shift towards Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu.

Originally, they all had a good relationship with Wu Huchen, but being disturbed by the Qi family is tantamount to standing on the opposite of Wu Huchen.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves.

Wu Huchen is not a powerful expert at the moment, but his potential is endless, especially his healing ability and Research on soul attack. Just now, the fight between Wu Huchen and Qin Yusheng's father and son makes many people have different views on Wu Huchen!

However, it seems that the relationship established before has been completely broken by the words of Qi family Zhou Yu!

"Hum, what a Qi family, you have made a good calculation. Before, you actually wanted to swallow the deep-sea spirit castle alone. Now you actually let us lose an ally. It's really punishable!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go together. Even if we don't kill them, we can't spare them easily!"

A group of people roared and hugged Zhou Feng and Zhou Yu.

Zhou Feng looked at these guys and seemed to have completely lost his mind. His heart was full of horror. He shouted to his brother Zhou Yu: "brother, run!" While talking, he himself slipped away quickly with a miso.

Zhou Yu heard what his eldest brother said and wanted to run away. After all, although these guys don't really dare to kill themselves, it's hard to be beaten by so many people. The most important thing is ugly face!

But when Zhou Yu wanted to escape, he found that the door was full of people. Seeing that his eldest brother had escaped far away, he could only cry bitterly: "eldest brother, you run far away, don't worry about me! Oh, come on, don't hit your face!"

Wu Huchen left the restaurant and his intention was completed. But there was no pleasure in his heart, because he knew that it was just an episode here.

Long Wushuang has said that this is an out and out conspiracy, which is the result of the common alliance of the deep-sea demon clan and the demon clan on land!

However, Wu Huchen wondered why the two different demon forces should unite together? Isn't it enough for them to directly defeat the black Jiao family and seize the holy land of the demon family? Why let mankind know the existence of demon holy land?

Conspiracy! What is their plot?!

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