"Do you remember the first time that we went on a date?"

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"I do."

"Hailey look at me."

Hailey looked up slowly and she swallowed, she was met with Valerian's light gaze, "What?"

"I love looking at you, and I missed looking at you so much."

"It's been a while, Valerian."

"Can you say my name again?" Valerian asked.

"Why," Hailey replied shyly.

"I love listening to you say it," Valerian replied.


Valerian reached over and grabbed her hand in his,

"Why the face."

"I just can't believe that it's you, Hailey, sitting right in front of me. I have dreamt many nights of you and I wouldn't want to wake up when I realized that you weren't there. I am savoring the moment."

"I am Valerian, it is me in front of you."

Their food came and they ate, the food was full of flavor and the atmosphere felt very cozy. Hailey would blush at times when she saw the way Valerian kept on looking at her. She could see the longing that he felt for her and that made her feel warm throughout her entire body.

When they were done eating, champagne, and chocolate strawberries were bought to them. The stage in front of them opened and there was a singer on the stage. The music was soft and took her back to the olden times.

She was caught in memory that she didn't remember quite well, this moment was a moment that she would look back to. A moment that she wanted to stay in and not move.

They got back into the car and started to head back, "Why don't you ask me why I left."

Valerian took her hand, "I want you to tell me when you are ready, there is a time for everything and I want you to tell me when you are ready and willing to."

Hailey nodded, "Thank you."

Valerian smiled at her, "For what?"

"For understanding me and giving me time to tell you on my own."

"Anything for you Hailey, and I mean it when I say that," Valerian said.

"I know that."

Hailey reclined back and looked at the night sky, she felt at ease and suddenly she felt her lids becoming heavy,

Hailey felt herself being lifted and everything became hazy.

Hailey opened her eyes the next morning, and she felt some sun on her face, she had slept so well and she felt energized until it hit her, where was she?

Her eyes widened and she looked to the side and saw Valerian was asleep beside her, his hair was messed up and long strands were falling against his face.

She watched his lips were slightly parted as he took light breaths, Hailey smiled when she saw his thick eyebrows and then his long eyelashes, she was puzzled as to why boys had long eyelashes.

Her gaze fell to his nose, and then to his lips, her heart started to race a bit when she remembered how they had kissed in France, Valerian's eyes opened slowly,

"I see you are awake."

"Yes," Haley mumbled, "How did I get here?"

"You fell asleep in my car, and you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you up. So I bought you here, it's not like we have not shared the same bed before."

When Valerian said that she turned so red,

Valerian put his hand on her forehead, "Are you running high on a fever?"


"Then why are you so red?"

Hailey blushed some more when Valerian asked her if only he knew what she was thinking of seconds ago.

She cleared her throat, "I don't know, must be a hot or and allergic reaction."

"What are you allergic to?" Valerian asked.

You! Hailey thought, but she answered with the first thing that came to her mind, "Mainly peanuts."

"Last night's meal had peanuts in it, why didn't you tell me this earlier? Let's take you to the hospital," said Valerian.

"It's not that serious."

"You never know, better safe than sorry," Valerian replied.

When he was about to get up, "I lied, I am not allergic to peanuts."

Valerian looked at her with a puzzled expression, "Why would you lie about being allergic to peanuts?"

"I'm not allergic to them, and I lied because I turned red because of my thoughts."

"I'm not quite getting you, Hailey, what were you thinking of?"

Hailey became redder and she looked down not being able to meet his gaze,

Valerian put his hand underneath her chin and tilted her face up, he grinned, "I'm now really curious as to what you were thinking about."

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