The driver got to her place and Alex opened the door for her, she climbed out the car and went into her house. She took off her gown and slumbered in bed, that was a close call she thought. She rolled over and went to sleep.

The next morning Hailey woke up and got dressed in her work suit. She made her way to work and was greeted by many on her way to the office, something she could never get used to.

She went and sat by her desk and started on her work. The door to her office opened and she looked up,

"Coffee for my lady." Said Alex.

"Thank you, how did you know that I needed it."

Hailey took the coffee and Alex sat by the edge of her table. "You welcome." He smiled at her.

Hailey leaned back on her chair, "aren't you busy?"

"I am but I wanted to spare a few minutes to be with you."

"Okay, if that's the case I might as well drink my coffee sparingly."

"Oh yeah, last night who was the guy that called out to you?"

Hailey froze for a second, "It's one of the men whom used to do deals with the previous company I worked at."

"I see, but why did you run away?"

Hailey took a deep breath, "I just don't want to mix up my current life with my old one."

Alex nodded, "Makes sense."

They chatted some more, "Well I hate to leave you, but I have to get back to my work."

"Of course."

Before leaving her office he turned around, "Let's have dinner tonight."

"Sounds good."

"I will pick you up at the front at seven."


When Alex left Hailey did her work quicker so that she would be done by the time dinner came. When lunch time came, she didn't bother going to lunch but instead work. Night-time came and she packed her bags and went outside.

She found Alex already there, waiting for her, she got into his car.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see."

After driving for some time, they finally arrive at their destination. They get out the car and she can't help but laugh.

They walk in the place and they seat down.

Alex turns to her, "I hope you like the place, I know you don't like expensive places that's why I bought us here."

"You remembered."

The waiter came and took their orders, Hailey learns more about Alex, how he grew up and what his fears were. She also shared some of her personal details about her life. When they were replenished, they decided to call it a night.

Hailey went home and slept, she had agreed to go to dinner again with him. She went to bed and woke up the next morning and she did her usual routine.

She went to work, there was knock on the door.

"Come in."

Bethel walked, "Mam, they is a client here to see you and I couldn't make them wait because they are very important."

"What client is so important that they can't wait?"

"Me." The voice boomed, and he stepped inside her office.

Hailey eyes opened in shock, "Valerian?"

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