Speaking of which, this Aunt Wang was really strange!

Previously, Chen said that the reason my mother poisoned my wet nurse was because my wet nurse let Aunt Wang come to visit me. Now that she saw that my mother was very strict with me, she also started crying like that.

From the looks of it, this Aunt Wang seems to be even more concerned about me than Mother!

Grandmother could not help but laugh. "You damned girl!" He lightly tapped the tip of my nose as he took the chopsticks from me.

"Isn't it all because of the old lady? She has been very lawless all day." My mother rarely smiled.

"I like her that way." "My grandmother took my hand, and a warm feeling came over me." Women are supposed to be like this. "

Aunt Wang stood behind with her head down, tears shining in her eyes.

"Aunt, your pea bean yolk is delicious. Seeing that her father was coming back, Yuan Er wanted to do something for him. I don't know when you're going to have time, but I'll come and learn from you. " I smiled and turned back to wink at Aunt Wang. Her hands trembled, but her eyes drifted towards my mother.

His mother frowned and rejected him without thinking, "How can a lady cook herself? Don't you still have lessons?"

"Mother Qing, Yuanyuan is full of filial piety too, let her go."

Grandmother's wrinkled face relaxed a lot as she put down the chopsticks in her hand.

"My grandmother is still the enlightened one." I smiled and picked up a fried yellow croaker from the sweet white porcelain plate in front of my grandmother.

"Please come to my yard later, Miss." Aunt Wang lowered her head to show her courtesy, a hint of joy showing on her face.

When his mother saw that it was already a foregone conclusion that he would go to the Imperial Concubine's courtyard, she said with slight displeasure, "Even so, I'll go with you."

Grandmother looked at her mother and pursed her lips, but didn't say anything more.

After tea, Grandmother said she was tired, my mother and I watched Grandmother rest before leaving the house.

Aunt Wang followed behind her mother out of the house.

It just so happened that I was a step behind my mother as well, just in time for my mother to enter by her side.

"What exactly is the difference between a concubine and a concubine? Yuan'er, come with me!"

My mother extended her hand to me, and when Aunt Wang saw this, she hurriedly took a step back. Her mouth pursed into a smile, as if she was afraid that my mother would be displeased if she walked with me.

Suddenly, I looked at Aunt Wang with a bit of sadness.

This was what a mother should look like who was wholeheartedly planning for her daughter, right?

To my mother, what am I really to her...

At this moment, the horizon was covered with faint rays of light. The red light was reflected through the eaves of the roof, creating a very beautiful scene.

"Everything is done!"

I smiled and said something to my mother, but she just looked at me.

"Illusory … illusory … bubble … illusory … illusory …!" Aunt Wang spoke in a low voice, surprise written all over her face.

I smiled lightly and stroked the La Plum embroidery on my sleeve.

"Mother doesn't study Dharma?"

Carrying my mother's hand, I walked up the steps of the Warm Fragrance Dock and smiled at my mother.

This Warm Fragrance Dock, in my memory, has never been in the future. The door to the courtyard was ordinary, but a mother was waiting at the entrance. She saw that our group had long since opened the door and were waiting for us.

As I stepped through the door, I felt a chill coming from the bottom of my heart. It made me dizzy and cold from the cold air rushing towards the top of my head.

"What's going on?" My mother, aware of my strangeness, drew my hand close and looked at me. He took a handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it to me.

The entrance to the courtyard was filled with corridors. It didn't look like a path where wealthy families would use wood to connect to each other. Instead, they would use vines to weave their way in. It was in the middle of winter, but the top was made up of vines and vines. The net was extremely large, and there was basically no snow falling on it. The yellow rattan chair reflected the pure white snow, making it very interesting. The courtyard was densely planted with pine cypress and plum blossoms, and at this moment, it was the same as the red plum cypress, red, green and red, with a strong sense of spring. There were three large vats in the middle of the yard. They were made of glazed glass, and were extremely exquisite. Plum blossoms lay on top of the snow, looking like a huge crystal that was piled up in the sky. On the beam of the main house hung a signboard with the words "Gentle Fragrance Jade" written on it.

For a moment I froze in the doorway, a million thoughts flashing through my mind.

This... This isn't the small courtyard that Grandpa Xue and I used to live in back then!

Everything was so familiar, so familiar, so full of my memories. In the summer, I sat on the rattan chair and made clothes for my unborn child. In the spring, I rubbed my stomach and watched him build swings for our child in the courtyard. In the autumn, I had a big fight with him and locked him out of the house.

Everything was still fresh in his mind.

I had always thought this was an ordinary house that Xue Lang had bought, but now it seemed that this house was a replica of Aunt Wang's.

How could the eldest young master of the Xue Clan have seen Aunt Wang's courtyard?

I felt the sky spin and the earth spin as a feeling of helplessness arose in my heart. Why do two lifetimes of being human beings look down on me like a piece of meat? As the evening wind blew in, I felt a chill go down my spine.

"Yuanyuan, don't worry." My mother put her hand to my forehead to feel if I was feverish. Aunt Wang had long since stood by my side with concern. She suddenly grabbed my hand and took the opportunity to stuff something into my hand. I tightly clutched the lapels of my clothes and couldn't help but shake, making sure that the paper cylinder Aunt Wang gave me was tucked away in my bosom.

"Mom, I'm so cold."

Inadvertently, I called out a name I had never said before.

Mother's hand that was hugging my shoulder trembled, but Aunt Wang's eyes reddened, and the hand that was holding my arm also silently loosened.

Before, I had wanted to find out what was so strange about this Aunt Wang, but now that I saw this courtyard, I didn't want to do that anymore. So many memories came to mind, images of my tender, intimate love with Xuelang, my humiliation, the child I had lost, flashed through my mind like a picture — these images suffocated me.

And the woman I called my mother killed my child!

I really didn't want to stay in this yard any longer. I just wanted to find a quiet place to stay.

"Aunt, I may have caught a chill, but I have no choice but to come and bother you another day." I pulled at my clothes, but I couldn't stop the chill in my heart.

I really want to shake off Mother's hand!

For the first time, I found it very difficult to make friends with my enemy!

"Mother, I'm not feeling well!"

Even though he didn't want to, he couldn't show it on his face. I leaned on my mother's side and spoke softly and slowly.

But for a long time my mother didn't give me any response.

I couldn't help but look up at my mother.

His mother's eyes were looking at Aunt Wang!

That look, I can read it, it is a flicker of guilt.

Could it be that my mother is Aunt Wang?

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