Mlgb, this player... ahem, typo!

There is no need to introduce Mlxg too much!

If Ning Wang is the representative of rhythm junglers, then Xiang Guo is the originator of fasting junglers!

0-4 is 4-0! If you dare to counter my jungle, I will make you have no jungle!

It can be said that Xiang Guo's jungle style is very tough! And he has extremely rich jungle experience.

It is such a jungle overlord who was tricked by Ye Han's Karma today.

Xiang Guo's Sejuani went to the red buff to fight the boss (Stone Man).


Xiang Guo did not open the scan at this time.

Generally speaking, for Xiang Guo, an extremely experienced jungler, he knows very well that the opponent will hardly be stupid enough to put a ward at the Stone Man.

The Stone Man is not an important strategic point, and there is little point in putting a ward here.

Instead of inserting it at the Stone Man, it is better to insert it at the red buff and the entrance of the jungle.

So Xiang Guo concluded based on his experience that there is no ward in the Stone Man jungle.


Absolutely wrong!

Ye Han has so many eyes that he has no place to put them! I don’t care whether it makes sense to put eyes on the stone man, Ye Han said, he just wants to put all the eye accessories on his body.

At this time, the scene of Pig Girl beating Brother Ba was seen clearly by everyone in EDG.

Ye Han said:"Director, kill Pig Girl! You are really raising pigs!"

"That's a must! Go, go, go!"

Factory Manager's Lee Sin turned on the scan and entered the red buff jungle area with Karma.

Lee Sin is a hero with high damage and flexibility in the early and mid-term. After being chained by Karma's Ice Fist and W skill deceleration, Pig Girl with only a Sunfire jungle knife couldn't escape at all!

Factory Manager was ruthless and fucked a pig alive!

Regarding Factory Manager's pig-fucking behavior, Yan Junze's Jayce fired a shot (QE) at Lee Sin from a distance to express strong condemnation.

Mingkai said.

Jayce, if you have the guts, come and fuck you too.

Yan Junze was still afraid. He didn't want to be a pendant buy one get one free, so he could only watch Pig Girl being fucked to death.

Although Xiang Guo cursed, he also expressed understanding.

What do you expect a level 6 Jayce to do?

""Shit! Who is so crazy? Putting wards in a corner like the Stone Man? This is crazy!"

Xiang Guo was speechless. He had played jungle for so many years and had never been messed with by anyone at the Stone Man's place.

"Damn it! My first time was ruined by Ye Han just like that!"

On EDG's side,

Ming Kai felt extremely satisfied after fucking the pigs!

He has nothing to ask for now, so he was ready to leave the jungle.

Ye Han immediately called out to Ming Kai,"Don't leave in a hurry, you can fuck another wave of pigs."

Ming Kai said,"Xiang Guo is not a fool, even if he comes to the upper jungle again, he will definitely come over with a scan, and our plan to fuck the pigs will definitely not succeed.""

"Believe me, Xiang Guo has to come again this time. The lower jungle area has been cleared by Zhu Mei, and Xiang Guo has nowhere else to go! And I am sure Xiang Guo will not start scanning!"

"Okay! I'll trust you just once!"

Ye Han and Ming Kai were squatting in the bushes near the blue buff, waiting for a lucky pig girl.

After resurrecting, Xiang Guo continued to go to the red buff jungle area while cursing.

"Xiaohu, can you help me check if Mingkai has cleaned up my red buff jungle area? The red is definitely gone, I wonder if the big bird is still there."

Xiang Guo said that what he hated most in his life was the bird thief, stealing someone's big bird is no different from stealing someone's balls!

Xiaohu squinted his eyes, and was also very cunning. His Malzahar seemed to be going to the red buff jungle area, but who knew that he only placed a ward on the big bird through a wall and returned to the line.

Malzahar's ward clearly saw Xiang Guo's big bird.

"Your bird is still there."Xiaohu said.

Xiang Guo was a little embarrassed. Why did this sound a little strange?

Originally, Xiang Guo must have turned on the scan to enter the jungle in this wave, to prevent EDG from placing wards in key positions.

If his position is exposed again, his rhythm will be gone.

But just when Xiang Guo was about to start scanning, he was a little reluctant. Scanning is extremely important for a jungler, and the scanning cooldown CD is long. It is usually turned on when the success rate of ganks is guaranteed.

Xiang Guo thought about it. There are only two free trinkets. Karma put an anti-gank ward in the river. He was caught at the stone man, which means that Karma also put a ward at the stone man. Karma's two trinkets have been used up.

EDG's middle laner's Ahri had already changed to scanning, and there was no ward to put.

In this way, my upper half of the jungle must have no vision, and it would be a waste to turn on the scan again!

So, after some analysis, Xiang Guo decisively went to kill the big bird again without turning on the scan.

"Here it comes! Xiang Guo is really here! Ye Han! You are so predictable!"

""Kaizi, let's score twice! Keep fucking!" Ye Han said.

Mingkai nodded proudly,"Okay! Fuck the pig!"

When Karma and Lee Sin appeared in front of Xiang Guo, Xiang Guo stared at them,"Fuck you! RNG has opened the map! Fuck!"

"Wherever I go to play jungle, you guys follow me! ? It’s ok that the new EDG player is a beast in the jungle, but Mingkai is also a beast in the jungle!"

Xiaohu speculated:"Xiang Guo, there should be eyes at the big bird, otherwise the EDG top and jungle on the opposite side can’t be so arrogant."

Xiang Guo said helplessly:"If this is not a game, I must think that the opponent is a dog who opens the map!"

However, this is just the beginning, which makes Xiang Guo even more speechless and unacceptable. There are still things to come!!! After all, Karma’s second plan has just started!

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