Ye Han's move was like dropping a nuclear bomb on the commentary booth!

It completely stunned both Wawa and Maitreya.

Wawa spitted everywhere and shouted,"Oh my god! What kind of move is this!!"

"On Ye Han's side, the scorpion started sprinting! The speed was getting faster and faster!"

"Lucian wanted to leave, but he couldn't. The acceleration of sprinting allowed Scorpion to catch up with Lucian easily!"

"Because the distance from the Scorpion's defense tower is quite far, theshy wants to show off, and Lucian uses a set of unexplained combos! Scorpion approaches Lucian and directly uses EA to perform Phase Rush! Scorpion instantly gains a significant movement speed bonus!"

"At this time, the double acceleration of the scorpion's phase charge and sprint has made the scorpion's movement speed soar to more than 600!"

"Scorpion's R can lock Lucian! Then drag Lucian directly to his own defense tower! Attention! Now Scorpion is about two policewomen's attack range away from the defense tower!"

Maitreya took over Wawa's words, slammed the table and shouted:"There is a chance! There is a chance! Scorpion is still speeding up!"

Maitreya was so excited that he was a little short of oxygen. He said hoarsely:"Speed up sprint and phase rush! This is not over yet! Scorpion punishes the soldiers! Aura Cloak is triggered! It provides Scorpion with 25% of the movement speed (240 degrees)!"

"There is also the active acceleration of Scorpion's W skill! Ye Han is now at full speed! Quadruple acceleration! Scorpion's maximum speed has soared to 901!"

"The veteran driver drove the car on the spot! He dragged Lucian under his own defense tower!"

"Oh my god! The speed of the scorpion is so exciting!"


At this time, theshy kept yelling"F*ck!"

"Ouch~~~, I feel like I'm drifting……"

Lucian was beaten to low health by the defensive tower, but fortunately, Lucian was not stunned by the scorpion, so he flashed away from the defensive tower and survived by chance.

But this time, the surviving theshy was upset even after dying last time.


Because theshy is now facing a very serious problem.

Before, when theshy's Lucian pushed the scorpion under the tower, he was accidentally ambushed by the scorpion and was killed under the tower.

But theshy quickly came up with a solution. As long as the line of soldiers is controlled near the river in the upper lane, this situation can be avoided.

However, judging from what happened just now, a scorpion with a movement speed of 900 can be dragged to a place a thousand yards away!

This shows that it is not safe for Lucian to push the line near the river in the upper lane. theshy sighed,"Where is the safest place? Do I have to retreat to the door of my own defensive tower?"

This made theshy feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly. Obviously, his Lucian was very strong on the line, but he didn't dare to push the line.……

"Give me some mercury."Ning Wang said

"Well, help me catch the mercury after I make it."Theshy is at a huge disadvantage in the top lane now. If Lucian, the hero, cannot suppress the opponent in the early stage, then this hero is probably useless.

Theshy finally chose to retreat and began to hold back the Mercury's Treads, which had a very poor cost-effectiveness.

So a speechless scene appeared in the top lane.

Ye Han's scorpion obviously had no advantage, but dared to wantonly farm soldiers online. Lucian could only watch from afar. While developing peacefully with the scorpion, he had to calculate the sprint time of the scorpion. Once the scorpion's sprint cooldown was over, it was estimated that the scorpion could reach a speed of 900 yards again!

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!"

"Holy shit! If IG doesn’t change their play style in the third game, Ye Han will trick them into winning the world championship!"

"I think IG just needs to hold steady now. In the mid-game, if Scorpion fights in a team, the error tolerance rate is still relatively low."

"Indeed, this is why Scorpion has a low appearance rate. Even if you can trick your opponent in the lane, the weakness of Scorpion will be exposed in a teamfight."

"Hmm! Overall, IG still has a great chance in the mid-game, but I am a little worried about EDG. Scorpion is likely to hold EDG back."

Indeed, Ye (bafg) Han is playing a routine now. Because of the limitations of the Scorpion hero, Scorpion is a dark horse among dark horses, and it is indeed difficult for people to be optimistic about him.

After all, this is a professional game, and the top laner who has stable control and brings huge benefits to the team is a good top laner!

IG's side.

The middle and bottom lanes are completely advantageous.

Whether it is the middle lane Jinchuriki Jayce or the bottom lane Jinchuriki Xia, there is no pressure to play on the line. As long as Ning Wang's Zac grabs a little, he can take off instantly and play a huge advantage. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

To be honest, this year's IG is very strong in every position, and every position is really strong without dragging their feet!

But there is no way, IG met an LSP player who is familiar with the version and specializes in routines... Ye Han, an LSPL player! Sometimes you can only admit defeat!

Because Ye Han uses his advanced understanding of the version to use unprecedented routines, often hitting people by surprise.

IG is now tortured to the point of numbness.

If theshy wasn't a player with a big heart, if it was Wunder or Cuvee, they would have already made an appointment with a psychiatrist.

Ning Wang's Zac has already come to the top lane

"Scorpion's sprint is ready. I guess if I push the line a little bit forward, Scorpion will probably use 900 speed to R again."theshy said

"Then we will use their tricks against them. You go to the front to farm and lure the scorpion, and then I will use my E skill to kill the scorpion."

Theshy nodded.

Zac's E skill has a long range. If you can get a little bit of shadow and use E, you can catch the scorpion by surprise.[]

As time went by, theshy played Lucian and slowly started to farm and push the line.

Soon, the line of soldiers reached the river in the top lane.

Scorpion's sprint had cooled down.

Lucian had escaped by chance in the last wave because he had flash and escaped the attack range of the defense tower, but now it was different.

Sprint's CD was much shorter than Flash's. Scorpion's sprint CD had just cooled down, and Lucian's flash must be on cooldown. If Lucian was pulled under the tower at this time!

Then Lucian would die!

"Dare you lean forward to eat minions?"

Seeing Lucian crossing the river to last hit, Ye Han started sprinting! Scorpion's movement speed began to soar, ready to repeat the same trick!

After all, Scorpion's Phase Rush is easy to perform, and it can be easily triggered with EA.

Ning Wang was immediately excited,"Scorpion has been fooled! This wave of Scorpion will definitely die! Be bold to operate!" theshy!

Then in the next second, Scorpion's operation instantly slapped Ning Wang in the face!

Ning Wang's face changed drastically:"Fuck! What does this Scorpion mean? Ye Han! Aren't you a bit too disgusting! ?"

Wawa, who is in the commentary seat, is also excited at this moment.

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