PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is the only game that has shaken the dominant position of League of Legends.

The popularity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds during this period was quite high!

The League of Legends Summer Finals was hot, and the next channel was the Chicken Dinner Competition.

Even under the leadership of Wei Shen, 4am rushed into the finals, causing the audience to scream!

Before the Ye Han cheating incident, the official live broadcast room of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds had a popularity of more than 80 million, surpassing the League of Legends with a popularity of 70 million.

The official Chicken Dinner even specially invited the anchor Dai Xiaomei as a guest commentator.

Major e-sports reporters even prepared their manuscripts in advance. As long as the popularity of the Chicken Dinner live broadcast room continued to exceed that of League of Legends, the e-sports media would use this as a gimmick to publish news and announce the end of the era of League of Legends' dominance!

The next is the Chicken Dinner era!

Just when the e-sports media was preparing to publish a report, the Ye Han cheating incident came out, and the League of Legends live broadcast room exploded instantly!

The popularity soared to 130 million!

The official League of Legends event live broadcast room achieved a curve overtaking!

The top management of Chicken Dinner immediately decided to reward the official live broadcast room of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and then increase the popularity of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the form of rewards!

This is a very important opportunity to catch up with League of Legends! The top management of PUBG didn't want to miss it!

So, the top management of PUBG invested 5 million! To reward the live broadcast room!

The popularity of the PUBG live broadcast room soared again.

The commentator took a look at the popularity of the official live broadcast room of League of Legends, then switched the voice channel and said:"Boss, your 5 million reward has worked."

"Dai Xiaomei, show off your long legs and black stockings more to get the audience excited!" The boss suggested.

As one of the biggest anchors in the PUBG section, the influence of Dai Xiaomei's black stockings cannot be ignored!

As for Ye Han, the situation has begun to escalate gradually!

You guys should just play the game well when you are playing PUBG, but you have to make trouble when Ye Han is on the court!

Ye Han is not a pushover.

League of Legends game scene.

At this moment, the game was stopped.

The eight members of the referee team came up together.

The leader was a woman with a black ponytail.

She was wearing a black slim-fitting uniform and light makeup on her face.

Her pair of long white legs was particularly eye-catching.

This person was the head of the referee team, Ouyang Anna.

Ouyang Anna had a stern face, and there was a bit of coldness in her dark eyes.

From Ouyang Anna's meticulous expression, it can be seen that this is a completely cold and powerful woman.

"First check Ye Han's machine to find out and confirm whether it is a third-party plug-in."

""Yes, Team Leader Ouyang!" Several referees walked towards the soundproof room on EDG's side.

Ouyang Anna herself began to ask Ning Wang and theshy about the situation.

Theshy's tongue was not straight when speaking Chinese, so Ning Wang told Ouyang Anna the whole story.

Ouyang Anna discussed with the referee team for a long time.

Why Kog'Maw inexplicably had five layers of ultimate passive skills, and they still couldn't discuss the reason.

"Team Leader Ouyang, why don't we go to EDG to check out the situation?"

"I think EDG's top laner Ye Han is suspected of using third-party cheating software."

Ouyang Anna had a cold face and did not express her opinion. Instead, she stepped on her high heels and went straight to the EDG soundproof room.

At this time, Ye Han was leaning on the gaming chair to rest.

Suddenly, several referees broke in and questioned Ye Han's cheating on the spot and wanted to check Ye Han's machine.

After hearing this, Ye Han was instantly unhappy.

"You can check my machine, but if I didn't cheat, can I sue you for defamation?"

Although Ye Han's voice was not loud, every word was like a bombshell hitting the hearts of the referees.

Several referees looked at each other, not daring to take action.

If Ye Han really didn't cheat, they didn't need to lose their jobs for it.

After all, it's hard to get a referee certificate.

"If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility!"

"I will not allow any unfairness to happen in the place where I am in charge of the refereeing!"

At this time, the cold Ouyang Anna appeared in front of Ye Han in seven-inch high heels and a black slim-fitting uniform.

"Player, if you explain how the five-layer passive skill of the giant worm came from, I may be able to give you a lighter punishment."Ouyang Anna spoke with a strong tone and aggressively.

How could Ye Han be intimidated by a woman?

He snorted coldly and said,"You suspect that I cheated, but I also have reason to suspect that your referee certificates were bought through illegal relationships. You can't even figure out the big worm's ultimate move feast, so how can you be an e-sports referee?"

"I will search it myself!"

Ouyang Anna sat down on Ye Han's gaming chair, holding Ye Han's mouse and began to check the computer Ye Han used for the game.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Everyone in EDG didn't dare to breathe, staring blankly at Ouyang Anna checking Ye Han's machine.

The Haier brothers in the commentary booth didn't care about the commentary, staring straight at the live broadcast screen, wanting to see if Ouyang Anna could find the third-party cheating plug-in from Ye Han's computer.

"I have never met a cheating player as arrogant as you! Just wait! When I get the evidence, I will carry you down with the chair!" Ouyang Anna warned Ye Han.

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