IG was very clear about the teamfight at the doorstep of their grandmother's house. If they lost this teamfight, EDG would just push the base and GG would be killed on the spot.

But if EDG lost this teamfight, the worst that could happen was that they would have to fight again. IG could not possibly run to EDG's doorstep to tear down the tower.

Therefore, IG was very cautious about this last teamfight.

Unfortunately, Ye Han's Kog'Maw was always blocking the way, causing IG's team-opening pioneers Zac and Thresh to have trouble finding a chance to start!

The fans at the scene were so anxious that they almost dunked out of the three-bedroom and one-living-room house.

Commentary seat.

Wawa stared at the battle and explained excitedly,"On Baonan's side, Thresh's Q skill hit Kog'Maw, aren't you going to start? If you don't start, there will really be no chance to exert your strength!"

At this time, seeing that IG had knocked down a front tower, he was very anxious.

Inside IG.

Baonan said,"Go! Go! Look at my position!"

"Throw the lantern! Throw the lantern, I can follow!"

Ning Wang was also frantically pinging Bao Nan.

While Thresh used the second stage of his Q skill to follow up with Kog'Math, he threw the lantern W skill at Ning Wang's Zac.

Zac lit the lantern!

An incredible scene appeared at the scene.

"They are actually flying together!"

The Maitreya in the commentary booth may have had his male DNA moved, and blurted out.

Maitreya quickly gave Maitreya a look, and Wawa changed his words to explain as a fair situation:"Flying together! I mean flying together!"

It can be seen that Wawa's desire to survive is still quite high.

During Thresh's second stage Q flying, Zac picked up the lantern and flew together with Thresh to start a team fight.

"I followed up with Kog'Maw with my second Q, and then used Kog'Maw as a springboard, and used E to dodge the back row of the team, and Zac followed up with his ultimate, disrupting the rhythm of EDG's formation."

Bao Nan's idea was beautiful, but before Thresh even landed, he was hit by Kog'Maw's silence combo and had no temper at all.

"It's broken! I'm silenced!" Baonan was a little helpless.

The team battle started!

The 5v5 battle was a bit chaotic, but for Ye Han, he only needed to focus on one point.

That was A Shui's Draven.

As long as Draven was restricted, it was equivalent to strangling the lifeline of IG.

Kog'Maw: Little Druid, don't run! Let uncle give you a blow!

Draven walked and A while pulling back, trying to keep a distance from Kog'Maw. A Shui estimated that if he was blown by the big worm, he would bleed a lot!

"You guys are going to knock out the front teeth, Draven dare not move forward."

Ye Han saw Draven retreat to the edge of the fountain, and prepared to forcibly destroy the tower with his teammates.

Who knew that when Kog'Math turned around, Ah Shui pretended to be a cup again, and rushed up with a bloody sprint W skill, and slashed at Kog'Math again.

IG's roundabout tactics made it impossible for EDG to destroy the tower.

Especially Draven, relying on the advantage of long arms, three axes flew at the same time, and the coquettish positioning was arrogant!

Ye Han's temper instantly rose.

"Brothers, I will bear the damage from the fountain, come with me to kill Draven!"

Ye Han's Kog'Maw rushed to the front, followed closely by the EDG team!

Kog'Maw activated the Gargoyle Plate Armor, and the metalization instantly doubled Kog'Maw's health!

"Kog'Maw's HP has soared to 20,000! Oh my god!"

"IG's fountain can't even accommodate Kog'Math!"

"Exciting! I love watching this kind of game!"

The audience also followed Ye Han to cheer!

Ah Shui took a breath of cold air, and then became angry,"Fuck! You are shitting on my head?"

Draven used his E skill to knock back and slow down Kog'Math, and then he madly output and threw axes in the corners of the fountain.

Ye Han directly gave up Kog'Math's flash, followed by a basic attack and E skill, triggering the Bladestorm. The Giant Nine provided Kog'Math with high physical output. Kog'Math's three E skill damages plus a big move instantly killed Draven!

""Shit! How can Cho'Gath's damage be so high after he activates Gargoyle Plate?!"

Ah Shui originally wanted to rely on Draven's godly armor to deal explosive damage in the last round, but he was killed by Cho'Gath with a kiss.

Ah Shui couldn't accept it.

Everyone was extremely shocked. Why was Cho'Gath's damage still so high after activating Gargoyle Plate?

You know, after the Gargoyle Plate is activated, although it increases health, it will reduce the hero's output by 60%.

But when he killed Draven just now, it seemed that Cho'Gath's damage not only did not decrease, but it was even higher. What's the reason?

Although the audience was still not satisfied with what they saw, they were also confused.

"I feel like Kog'Math's damage coefficient isn't right. Is IG going to question Ye Han's cheating again?"

"In the last wave of killing Draven, Cho'Gath's damage was at least doubled. There must be something wrong."

"My favorite scene is when the game is stopped. I wonder if there will be such a program."

"Haha, a bunch of cloud players, this is Ye Han’s strategy, okay?"

"That’s right! I admire Ye Han very much now. How could he play Kog’Gaz so skillfully?"

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