Just when theshy's Sword Demon was about to descend from heaven and release the third heavy damage Q skill.

The"silly" Tam following behind the Sword Demon's ass exerted his strength.

Tam said: Yes! I admit! I'm not as good as you, the Sword Demon, in team fights! But I'm more sexy than you!

After saying that, Tam behind the Sword Demon's ass launched the third attack.

Three basic attacks triggered Phase Rush!

Tam instantly gained explosive movement speed bonus!

At the same time, the three basic attacks also gave the Sword Demon three layers of passive. Tam instantly swallowed the Sword Demon into his stomach with a W skill! At this moment, theshy of IG was dumbfounded.

The Sword Demon's strongest point is the damage of the third Q skill. Damn, the third stage of the Q skill hasn't been released yet! It was swallowed into Tam's stomach...

Then, Tam, who was in Phase Rush, held the Sword Demon in his mouth and moved quickly. When Tam spit out the Sword Demon, he had already carried the Sword Demon and accelerated far away with Phase Rush!

The two had already left the main battlefield.

At this moment, the IG coach in the lounge couldn't help but think of a song after seeing this scene.

Thousands of miles away.

Tam: I'll send you away thousands of miles away, can you come back?

Sword Demon: Alpaca! ~

When Ning Wang saw this scene, he wanted to vomit and couldn't help but curse:"Theshy, your top lane opponent Ye Han is really disgusting! Is he a psychopath? Why does he always like to play this kind of hero who likes to bite people?"

"In the last game, Kog'Math was full of shit, and this time, Tam is full of shit again. I can't even keep my blood pressure down!"

Theshy scratched his head, looking helpless and frustrated, mumbling in broken English:"Cheating! This Tam is cheating!"

Maitreya in the commentary booth lamented:"I thought the Sword Demon would be a god-like being able to hit four with one hammer, but Ye Han's Phase Rush Tam is even better!"

Wawa nodded,"No matter whether it's the timing of Ye Han's Tam's entry or the choice of runes, I can only say that he has a deep understanding of the version, and theshy's Sword Demon has no temper at all"

"Yes, it was originally because of this wave of three-stage damage from the Sword Demon that EDG collapsed directly, but they never thought that Tam would take the Sword Demon away thousands of miles away."Milu said helplessly

"Haha~, to be honest, Ye Han’s Phase Charge on Tam was really cool."

Now, with the advent of Tam's phase rush and mouth flow,

Tam's card support flow is self-defeating.

After the silence of the God of Sword Demon, IG was no match for EDG in the front. Now it is the Conqueror version. A Lee Sin with Conqueror in the mid-term is completely a perpetual motion machine for output.

After Tam took the biggest threat of IG, the Sword Demon, away, the Lee Sin directly R flashed to kick Xia out of the crowd, and then the Lee Sin's Q skill hit Xia! The

Lee Sin's handsome in and out, followed by the Sun Girl's RQE chain of deadly woman control!

Poor Ah Shui didn't even have the chance to use his ultimate move, and was killed in one set!

When IG lost the main output Xia, no one could kill the Lee Sin.

IG was directly defeated in the front battlefield.

The Sword Demon in the second battlefield was tightly entangled by Tam.

Theshy was anxious, but helpless. After Tam took the Sword Demon out, the Sword Demon was about to rush to the front battlefield, only to see Tam use another Q giant tongue whip to stun the Sword Demon directly!

After EDG wiped out IG's frontal team, they turned around and dealt with Aatrox with Tam!

At this time, theshy could only watch Aatrox die in despair.

There was no way, Aatrox didn't kill anyone, the big kill effect was not continued, and he was killed by EDG...

After this team fight, theshy wanted to cry but had no tears, and said in broken Chinese:"It's really disgusting! Disgusting.……"

How many important nodes can there be in a game?

The first blood was taken by Tam.

In the 20-minute important dragon group, the Sword Demon instinctively descended to earth and hit four people with one blow to create history, but he never thought that he would be ruthlessly tricked by Tam again!

After EDG wiped out IG, they went straight to the big dragon!

With the sound of a dragon roar coming from the system, EDG officially started snowballing and established the advantage in this game.

And IG also completely lost the initiative and had no power to fight back.

Why is IG strong?

In fact, it is similar to G2 in the LCS region. They are all reckless and make war fortunes by fighting and snowballing.

Such teams often have weak operational capabilities.

So IG should have taken the initiative in the early stage, but EDG took the advantage instead. EDG's slight operation in the middle and late stages overwhelmed IG.

If you want to say which team in LPL is the best at operation?

It must be EDG!

In the early stage, Tam helped EDG establish an advantage, and EDG operated in the middle and late stages. Wawa and Maitreya just implicitly said that IG would be very difficult to play later and it would be a bit difficult to turn the tables.

But people who often watch the game should know that in this game, IG had already lost since EDG got the Baron...

It was just garbage time to fight further, a completely meaningless struggle.

Phase Rush Tam restricted the version's answer, Aatrox, too much.

What's the most disgusting thing?

Damn, Tam's W skill is not a stun skill. Tam's skill is the same as Malzahar's R, which is quite special and has a high priority. Whether Aatrox makes Mercury's Boots or Mercury's Treads, it can't solve Tam's W skill.

Theshy can't find a way to restrain Tam.

When Tam is in a team fight, he doesn't have to do anything. He just triggers Phase Rush and runs away from the battlefield like crazy, causing Theshy's Aatrox to not deal any damage. Do you think this is over?

Is this the ceiling of disgusting people?


When the game reached 30 minutes and the last wave of team battles started, Ye Han's Tam came up with a new life, which raised the disgusting people to a new level again!!

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