Lee Sin burst out with a set of skills, and Aatrox chopped down with three stages of Q!

Because Ornn didn't wear any tank equipment, the two of them used a set of skills to directly kill Ornn!

Ye Han was very smart again.

He held the ultimate skill tightly.

It seemed that he would never use it even if he died.

Ning Wang and theshy pulled briefly, still waiting for Ornn to use the ultimate skill.

However, as Ornn's health continued to drop, Ning Wang and theshy gradually relaxed their vigilance.

"What the hell! What's wrong with Ornn? Why doesn't he use his ultimate? If he doesn't use his ultimate, I can kill him instantly with just one Q!"

"Go ahead." Theshy said.

What's the use of holding the ultimate skill for Ornn with less than 100 HP?

The low-health Ornn ran to the bush on the top lane, ready to look for an opportunity.

Ye Han knew very well that this was a professional match. If you don't use up your HP to a certain extent to create a certain illusion for your opponent, you won't be able to deal damage.

All silver players know that Ornn's ultimate skill is invincible, so how could professional players not know that?

At this time, the Sword Demon and the Blind Monk did not have any free accessories. The bush where Ornn was was in a dark state. The IG top and jungle had no idea where Ornn was.

Ning Wang tried to use the Sky Sound Wave Q skill.

It didn't hit.

"Illaoi's health is only two hits away, so I just rushed in."

The blind monk went straight to the bush.

At this time, Illaoi was waiting for a passive in the bush, and a tentacle of passive stretched out from the corner of the bush.

Then Illaoi used her E skill to hit the blind monk!

"Take advantage of now!"

I saw Ornn threw the urinal in his hand!

He didn't love anyone in an instant!

Countless tentacles suddenly emerged from the ground! Surrounding the Sword Demon and the Lee Sin!

When all the tentacles swung down together, Ning Wang and theshy were dumbfounded.

Ning Wang's eyes were wide open,"Fuck! Ornn's health this time! Vampires have to call daddy when they see it!"

After Ornn released his ultimate move, the first wave of tentacles hit the ground, and Ornn, who was low on blood, instantly returned to two-thirds of his health!

"Pull! Pull!" said theshy.

At this time, the Sword Demon wanted to avoid Ornn's damage.

Ye Han knew very well that the fact that Lee Sin did not use his W in the bushes explained everything.

At this time, Lee Sin had no free accessories, so he could not use his W to run away, and could only use his W to the Sword Demon.

So Ye Han directly used the initiative of the Tech Gun to slow down the Sword Demon.

When Lee Sin's W reached the Sword Demon, the Sword Demon's movement speed was very low, causing Lee Sin to not be able to W far away, and Ornn's second wave of tentacles came again!

Slam the floor!

The Lee Sin, who had taken on two tower hits, was instantly taken away by the second wave of tentacle damage!

There was no way, Lee Sin had not pulled out the soul yet as Ornn pulled out the soul body to fight together, and Lee Sin definitely could not withstand it.

After theshy's Sword Demon was slowed down, he made a classic ouch again:"Ouch! How does this guy make a Tech Gun? I was slowed down by the Tech Gun."

At this time, Ornn used another W skill to hit the Sword Demon. The W effect triggered the surrounding tentacles, and a large number of tentacles smashed towards the slowed Sword Demon, and the Sword Demon also fell into Ornn's tentacles.

Rouji in the middle lane arrived late.

Rouji's Syndra took a shortcut from EDG's blue buff jungle area. When he passed through the bushes behind EDG's top lane tower, he was dumbfounded...

Rouji didn't know what he saw. He was stunned for a moment, and slowly said:"It's horrible, Ye Han is really horrible!"

King Ning asked:"What are you talking to yourself about, what did you find out!! ?"

"There is an eye in the bushes behind the first tower."

When Rouji said this, King Ning's heart skipped a beat and his scalp instantly went numb,"What!! ?"

PS: When I was writing a book today, I suddenly thought of a question, which is also a question I have been thinking about before, that is, how long can League of Legends be popular? In the next few years or even more than ten years, will there be a phenomenal game to replace League of Legends? There should be, but it is just a matter of time.

The author is a loyal MOBA fan.

He has been playing Dota for ten years and League of Legends for eight years.

When Dota was popular, who would have thought that it would be defeated by the League of Legends, a MOBA game of the same type? So, in the future, will there be a stronger MOBA game to replace League of Legends? Will League of Legends have the same fate as Dota? In fact, Dota has tried to seek changes.

Under the limitation of modeling, Dota2 was launched.

Although there are many players in Dota2, at least in my opinion, Dota2 is undoubtedly a failure.

The current Dota2 environment is that new players cannot integrate into it and don’t know how to play at all.

Old players of Dota1 switch to Dota2 and are confused when they enter.

It has been changed beyond recognition.

So currently on the market, whether it is a MOBA game or other types of games, they can’t shake the position of League of Legends.

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