Do you remember how Ornn got the pentakill?

That's right.

She took it all by herself!

When theshy's Aatrox killed four enemies with one blow, Ornn also divided IG's battlefield.

In other words, Ornn got all the experience of the pentakill by herself!

At present, Ornn has reached the terrifying level 18.

All the bounties of IG were taken by Ye Han's pentakill.

After the three core equipments of Tech Gun, Death's Dance, and Exhilaration are all out, the next equipment depends on personal preference. There are more AD outputs like Aatrox and Lee Sin on the opposite side, and the heroes of Aatrox and Lee Sin themselves have built-in blood recovery, plus Conqueror's lifesteal.

It can be said that Ornn made a piece of anti-armor at the right time, in the right place, and with the right people. It couldn't be more suitable.

But this person is Ye Han!

A man who doesn't follow the ordinary path.

He won't make equipment that ordinary people make.

"Ye Han, you have so much money now, you can make an anti-armor and become invincible."Ming Kai said

"Well, the anti-armor increases armor and has a severe injury effect, which is not bad."

Ye Han gave Ming Kai an affirmative look, and then decisively took out an ice staff


"Ye Han, are you kidding me?" Mingkai was confused again,"Why are you, an Ornnoy, making an ice staff?"

Ye Han said,"Ollaoi's passive tentacles have AP bonuses, and the magic power provided by the ice staff is not a waste, and the ice staff has a group freezing and slowing effect. I want to see the screen full of snow when Ornnoy uses her ultimate."

Ye Han's words seemed to stimulate iboy, and he said with great anticipation,"Fuck! Every tentacle has the slowing effect of the ice staff, and Ornnoy uses an ultimate in a team fight! The opposing IG will be collectively slowed down and can't escape the range of Ornnoy's ultimate at all! Awesome!"

Mingkai nodded in understanding,"Well, let's quickly shut out IG and get off work early!"

""It's time for a group fight, brothers."

Ye Han marked the middle lane for a group fight.

At this time, Ming Kai marked the position of the big dragon. It was obvious that Ming Kai wanted to take the big dragon.

"Ye Han, to be on the safe side, wouldn’t it be better for us to kill the Baron first and then use the dragon buff to push the high ground?"

"And your Ornn played very well at the Baron. If IG wants to join the fight, we are not at all vulnerable."

Ye Han shook his head and said,"No, my flash is not cool down yet. If I can't guarantee to use R to start the fight, it will be difficult for me to find the opportunity to cut in. Ornn is too clumsy."

"Don't worry about the dragon, center group."Ye Han said


Mingkai agreed readily.

EDG team fight in the middle.

IG defense.


Wawa worriedly said,"Isn't it a bit reckless for EDG to fight in the middle at this time?"

Maitreya said,"Indeed, IG's lineup has Lee Sin as the first to start the team fight, and their counterattack ability is also very strong. Not only does they have the ultimate move of Baobao, but they also have Syndra's push. On the other hand, the best developed player on EDG's side is Ornn, but Ornn is different from Irelia and Shen in the top lane. They are too bulky, difficult to start a team fight, and easy to be pulled away."

At this time, Ye Han said to the younger brother,"Baonan's ultimate move of Baobao is very tight. I think it will be difficult to trick Baobao into using his ultimate move."

The younger brother understood instantly,"OK! I can try to reduce Baobao's health."

Xiaoxuedi's Leblanc already had a big hat and a magic penetration stick in her hands, and she directly flashed W to hit the gem, then used a basic attack, R, and QE, and used Thunder and Ignite!

The gem's health dropped sharply in an instant! He was left with little health!

At this time, Baonan's hand was always on the gem's R skill, ready to use R to release invincibility at any time.

Rouji's Syndra immediately stuns Leblanc with a push ball. Xiaoxuedi's

Leblanc immediately avoided the damage with a golden body, and then used the second stage of W skill to return to her position and escape with low health.

Baonan said,"I'll go home to replenish my health first, and then release it in the middle lane directly!"

IG currently relies on the invincible ultimate of Jewel.

If Jewel's ultimate can be used well, EDG can be completely wiped out.

Ornn is standing in the front and may use R flash at any time!

Once R flash hits multiple people, it is not only a graphics card crisis, but also the position of IG!

So in order to avoid Ornn's R flash, IG's members stood in an abnormally scattered manner while Jewel went home for supplies.

Although the scattered positions avoided Ornn's R flash, the most direct consequence was that the team had no cohesion, and the scattered positions could not defend the high ground in the middle.

IG was forced to defend the front tooth tower.

According to the understanding of EDG's playing style in previous games, EDG, which is good at operations, should choose to retreat and develop conservatively at this time.

But IG had no idea that Ye Han, who had only played a few professional games, had already mastered the command of EDG.

Ye Han directly marked the front tooth tower and said domineeringly:"Brothers, finish the game early and get off work early."

"Ye Han, are you serious?"

Although Ming Kai felt that Ye Han was a bit reckless, the words"get off work early" were quite tempting, so he asked again:"How sure are you?"

"You will know after we finish it!"

After saying that, Ornn was the first to go to the front.

ADiboy said even more domineeringly:"Brothers, Ye Dad has already charged! I will also charge first to show my respect!"

Then there was another scene that shocked the commentary booth and the audience.

I saw EDG's ADC jumped from the back and arrogantly came to the front row, accompanied Ornn and demolished the tower with Ornn.

When Ning Wang saw iboy's pretentious posture, he instantly got angry,"Oh my gosh! I can't deal with Ornn, and I can't deal with you, a little policewoman!! ?"

But Ye Han's next move broke the defense of all IG people!!!

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