The reason why EDG didn't attack the Baron just now was because Ye Han's Ornn didn't flash, for fear of being walked around.

But this time, Ornn not only got a pentakill at the fountain in front of IG's grandmother's house, but also his flash CD was fully restored.

So Ye Han suggested:"Fight for the Baron, and then get the dragon buff and go straight for it."


Maitreya said:"This Baron fight is likely to be the last one. EDG will win if they get the dragon, and IG can survive if they get the dragon."

Wawa nodded,"We saw that both teams drank potions and were ready to fight to the death. The supports on both sides began to place wards for vision."

"Perhaps, this is the calm before the war."

Ye Han's Ornn was almost out of money and was the last one to go out.

Ornn finished the last big item.

When Ornn finished this big item, the audience called him an expert.

"I am a player of Illaoi. I have never given Illaoi this equipment. How dare he think of it?"

"I read that right! It's fine that Illaoi makes an ice staff to slow down the enemy, but what the hell is making a Zonya?"

"Maybe Ye Han was reluctant to throw away the broken stopwatch, so he directly synthesized Zhongya."

"I would like to call Ye Han the founder of Central Asian Orloy."

"Haha, no problem!"


That's right, Ye Han's last piece of equipment was a Zonya hourglass.

After seeing Ornn's equipment, Mingkai couldn't help but say,"Zonya? I personally think that Thornmail is better, and the opponent's lifesucking is also quite a lot."

Ye Han shook his head and said,"Olla's hero is too cumbersome. Without Zonya, it's difficult to improve the compatibility of team battles. Moreover, this Zonya is part of my routine. Don't worry, Mingkai, you won't lose."

"Well, I feel relieved with your words."Mingkai seemed to be comforted. The dragon was facing the team.

Ye Han knew very well that IG, who was on the defensive side, would definitely not take the initiative to start a team fight this time, and IG's Gem and Syndra had strong counterattack capabilities, so there was no need to start a team fight.

The situation that IG wanted to see most in this wave was EDG hitting the dragon, IG poke from the edge, and then when EDG was about to finish the dragon, IG bravely started a team fight, while destroying EDG, and snatched the dragon in EDG's panic, thus establishing a comeback point.

So Ye Han decisively said:"We pretend to hit the dragon, don't go all out, and use the dragon to force IG to fight."

When IG didn't dare to move forward, EDG directly chose to start the dragon.

Especially when the dragon's health was reduced to one-third, IG was really anxious!

Ning Wang's blind monk was ready to move, and his feet couldn't hold back.

A Shui reminded Ning Wang:"Watch your feet, don't kick Aunt Ornn over again, you can't handle it! Grass!"

"Got it!"

Ning Wang's Lee Sin became more and more anxious when he saw the Baron's health getting lower and lower, but EDG's position was very good.

Ning Wang gritted his teeth and his temper instantly came up again,"Take a chance and turn the bicycle into a motorcycle!"

Lee Sin's Q skill hit the Baron, and then followed up with the second Q skill and entered the dragon pit!

Then an R skill, the Dragon's Tail, kicked Mingkai's Graves out of the dragon pit.

Ning Wang shouted,"Kill the jungle Graves first, and my Lee Sin can grab the dragon!"

Ye Han, on his side, saw that Graves was kicked out, and said,"The team fight has started! Braum, give the crown! I'll protect Graves!"

In the later period, Graves' output is not lower than that of the policewoman at all, and in some cases it is even much stronger than the policewoman, so Ye Han must protect this output point no matter what

"OK! It's on! The crown is on!" Meiko said anxiously.

Illaoi instantly gained the slowing effect of the crown and rushed towards Graves!

At this time, the IG team was about to surround Graves when they saw Illaoi rushing over! The entire IG team panicked instantly!

""Shit! Don't let Ornn use a perfect ultimate again!"

Ah Shui, who was always pretending to be a cup, was really scared this time. His full-health skateboard shoes had been killed twice by unknown AOE!

"It's okay! It's okay! Don't panic! I've got a push ball. As long as Ornn uses his ultimate, I'll push him away!" Rouji said calmly.

Ye Han's Ornn rushed in front of the Graves! Ready to find an opportunity to use his ultimate.

Rouji controlled Syndra and had already put his hand on the E key. As long as Ornn wanted to throw the urinal, he would definitely let Ornn eat the ball.

Ye Han's Ornn rushed into the IG crowd with the help of the crown's deceleration, raised his hands high, and then prepared to throw the urinal!

"Here it comes! Here it comes! The Urinal God of War is here!" Ah Shui's voice was shaking with fear.

Rouji smiled slightly,"Don't be afraid, everything is under my control! I just deliberately tricked Ornn into using his ultimate!"

""I have E for Syndra!"


Sindra screamed, and used her E skill! She wanted to repel Ornn's ultimate skill.

Just when Rouji thought he had tricked Ye Han into using his ultimate skill, the next second, Ornn's move instantly broke Rouji's defense!

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