"Streamer! The blind monk on the opposite side is really disgusting!"

"Yes, he attacked your jungle area and got killed, then he got really mad and said you were looking for trouble?"

"I'm putting this out there! If you can kill Lee Sin in this game, go straight to the treasure map! That's what I said, bro!"

"Anyway, I think the little bitch opposite is disgusting. Just because she has four husbands, she can scream and yell?"

"Don't put pressure on the anchor. The opposing team has a high winning rate, and it's hard for the anchor to lead four people."


Ye Han looked at the barrage and assured,"We have to win for sure, but I estimate that this game will take a long time, and we are a bit disadvantaged in the early stage."

Ye Han is a professional player after all. He has a pretty good grasp of the direction of the battle.

Now, except for himself, everyone is at a great disadvantage, and Scarecrow can't help at all.

While preventing the blind monk from working together with the mid and top to counter-jungle, he just keeps brushing and brushing, catching people as fate would have it.

Catch whoever you can, and don't force it if you can't.

Ye Han said:"Brothers, if you want to play this kind of comeback game against the odds, you must keep a stable mentality. Professional players will make mistakes in the game, not to mention this kind of entertainment game. The opponent will definitely make mistakes. What we have to do now is to seize the opponent's mistakes."

"My suggestion is that when you are playing against the wind, don't blindly support, unless your equipment is one level higher than the enemy's. Otherwise, when the enemy has an advantage and your equipment is average, it is easy to help your teammates gank but put yourself in a disadvantageous situation."

"Don't be anxious when you are at a disadvantage."

Ye Han was looking for opportunities while clearing the jungle.

In fact, the hero Scarecrow has a fixed-point fear skill Q, and the success rate of catching people is relatively high.

But in this game, Ye Han had to wait until level 6 to catch people.

The opponent's lineup was really too good. The top lane weapon master had a very short Q skill, and he could jump to the eye and go directly!

The mid-lane Fizz had E, not to mention the jungle blind monk. The blind monk countered the scarecrow, and Ye Han had a way to target it, but it was not realistic for the scarecrow to actively attack the blind monk, because the blind monk was too flexible in the jungle.

As for the bottom lane, EZ and Sun Girl were even harder to catch, because Lulu on his side was not offensive at all and was a soft support.

So Ye Han's goal now was very clear, that is, to quickly reach level 6, act as a role to start a team fight, and quickly fight a team situation.

Fortunately, the hero Scarecrow cleared the jungle quickly, and soon reached level 6 safely.

During this period, the blind monk came to counter the jungle several times, but because he did not bring the continuous damage conqueror, he was beaten out of the jungle by Ye Han's scarecrow.

"Brothers, Scarecrow's ultimate skill is ranged. If you want to get the most benefit, you must gank the bottom lane."

"What's the saying? The more you withdraw money from the ATM in the bottom lane, the more awesome you become."

The scarecrow has already come to the bottom lane, and the opposite Sun Girl and EZ are suppressing Draven very much.

Scarecrow found a position, jumped over the wall and used his ultimate skill, hitting the Sun Girl and EZ steadily.

Then he used his E skill Crow, which bounced back and forth on the heads of the Sun Girl and EZ, causing damage while also applying a very disgusting punishment effect.

The loli girl was operating Lulu, and she was just playing around, and she directly used a big move on the scarecrow.

Ye Han was dumbfounded.

Good man, I'm still full of blood now!

It's too wasteful to throw this big move.

But there's no need to care about such small details. How much do you expect a girl to play games?

Draven used a big move R, and then Ye Han's scarecrow took the lead in deep sea punishment to kill EZ, and then used the Q skill to terrify the Sun Girl, and started to W suck!

"I, Draven, gave you a kill! Streamer!"

Ye Han laughed and said,"Haha, I'm touched! But I can be the C if I get the kill, so that everyone will suffer less."

Scarecrow got a double kill in the bottom lane, and then Draven and Lulu helped Scarecrow to directly control the dragon!

Lee Sin wanted to naively grab the little dragon, but was killed by Scarecrow again.

He helped to take the dragon in an instant.

The opponents were all high-end players, and they soon realized that something was wrong.

All the Lee Sin owners: After all this time, Scarecrow turned out to be Xiao Dai.

All the Lee Sin owners: I love to kill Xiao Dai! Sabi Scarecrow, have you seen my win rate? Kneel down and sing Conquer.

Ye Han ignored the Lee Sin's provocation.

He just said to the royal sister in the top lane:"Please go to the Lee Sin red buff to place a ward, I will kill him later."

""Okay." The lady nodded in agreement.

Scarecrow went home to update his equipment.

This time, Scarecrow did not directly upgrade the blue punishment to Luden's jungle knife, but bought a killing book.

"Brothers, from today on, let's start to be cultured people and read from the first page of the book layer by layer!"

Then, Scarecrow went out to brush the jungle. After clearing the blue buff jungle area, Scarecrow's ultimate skill was almost ready.

At this time, the blind monk's red buff just refreshed.

Ye Han controlled Scarecrow and entered the blind monk's red buff jungle area happily.

"Brothers, I'm not bullying anyone, it was this blind monk who provoked me first"

"I won't be polite today."

"Believe it or not, within tens of seconds, this Lee Sin will definitely appear at the red buff position, believe it or not?"

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