In the current version of the game, there are only two mainstream outfit ideas for Juggernaut.

One is the electric blade endless crit flow, which is an entertainment equipment for bullying noobs.

The other is the Ruined Sheep Knife attack speed and half-tank play.

Compared with the first outfit, the second outfit of Juggernaut is more common in high-end ranks. Juggernaut has tank and output and is not easy to be killed instantly. The tolerance rate in team battles is stronger than the endless electric blade crit flow.

So here comes the question.

What are these four long swords updated by Juggernaut?

The audience couldn't understand it.

The commentary seat couldn't explain it. It even confused Abu in the lounge.

Abu rubbed his painful forehead and said to mouse:"Seeing these four long swords, my blood pressure has risen again."

Mouse said speechlessly:"Coach, what the hell is Ye Han doing? It can be explained by releasing two long swords for transition and then synthesizing Ruined Sheep Knife. But four long swords, is Ye Han going to release two Ruined Sheep Knifes to be Zoro?"

"I think Ye Han was probably confused. He bought two daggers that were supposed to be Ruined Swords but mistakenly bought long swords. After all, the names of the long sword and the dagger are similar, and the prices are also similar. Ye Han is a newcomer who has not played many games. In his excited and hot-headed state, it is easy for him to be confused. In some aspects, he is really not as good as a stable veteran like me."

"A veteran player like you? You play stably and are super awesome in every game?" Abu taunted.

However, Abu also agreed with Mouse's idea, as it was the only way to explain it.

To synthesize the Ruined King, you need two longswords, plus a recurve bow synthesized from two shortswords.

Abu was completely misled by Mouse's remarks, and naively thought that Ye Han had a short circuit in his brain and couldn't tell the difference between a longsword and a shortsword.

Ye Han said, Coach Abu, you are too narrow-minded! What

Ye Han is going to perform today is an upgraded version of the Gem Swordmaster combination.

Since Ye Han has given the Swordmaster the burst talent Hail of Blades, the least likely equipment to be made is the Ruined King.

Both the Ruined King and the Sheep Knife are continuous output equipment, and the best way for a Swordmaster with Conqueror to use the Ruined King is to use the Conqueror!

So the Swordmaster routine that Ye Han is going to play today is, the Gem Swordmaster Blademaster's"383" armor-breaking burst damage flow!

Although the Alliance equipment has not yet updated the important equipment of the Beheading Blade, there is a certain weakening for the Armor-breaking Blademaster.

But Ye Han thinks that the problem is not very big, because this version of the Hail of Blades has not been weakened, and the Hail of Blades that appears every eight seconds can make up for the shortcomings of the Beheading Blade.

After the armor-breaking burst damage flow in this game is effective, it is necessary to land and attack people, and then match it with the ultimate move of gem invincibility. Just thinking about it is so delicious.

Ye Han is now a little impatient.

Although everyone always watches the game with the doubt of"Why does the Blademaster have four long swords".

But when a level 3 Blademaster with 142 attacks appeared online, the audience felt the horror of the Hail of Blades.

Huni's Rambo just needs to come up to last hit.

The Blademaster uses his necessary skills to rush in, and then uses E to quickly use the Blades and Dual Blades. The 142 attack power plus the true damage of the E skill, even if Rambo uses W, his health will drop to one third in an instant.

At this moment, Huni's mocking smile finally became stiff.

There were ten thousand horses galloping through his heart.

He had a cold face and carefully controlled Rambo. From the initial arrogance to now only daring to use the E skill to last hit at a long distance, it only took three minutes.

So, Huni started to mobilize people.

"Good brother, the sword master didn't dodge, come and catch him! If you go around, the sword master can't escape at all!"

In this respect, Huni is very similar to Xiaohu.

To be honest, sometimes it's better to treat teammates to a good hot pot than to stay up late to play a few more ranked games.

What is the top laner playing?

It's the human relationship.

When there is a problem, everyone comes to help.

Huni pinged Xiaohuasheng crazily

"Look at my position, I'm on the way. Can you trick the sword master?"Little Peanut rushed to the road immediately.

It seems that Huni often treats Little Peanut to dinner.~

"I'll try my best." Huni answered seriously.

At this time, Rambo drank two bottles of medicine and slowly recovered his health to more than two-thirds. Spider came over at this time.

Ye Han had already noticed Spider's position by the river ward, so he instinctively controlled Juggernaut to retreat.


Juggernaut must not start with skills at this time, otherwise Rambo has E and W skills to accelerate, and with Spider's E skill, Juggernaut will be killed instantly when he is bound.

Ye Han can only pull back temporarily.

How could Huni, who has been thinking about teaching newcomers, give up this opportunity? Rambo directly activated W skill to accelerate, and an E skill hit decelerated Juggernaut.

Spider also rushed over, constantly closing the distance with Juggernaut.

Ye Han began to get serious.

He operated the mouse skillfully, paying attention to the hand-raising movements of each hero, Rambo and Spider.

This wave is neither simple nor difficult.

As long as Ye Han can dodge Spider's key E skill, he will be sure to get a double kill.

The commentary seat was deeply worried for Ye Han.

Wawa said helplessly:"I couldn't figure this out at the beginning. Ye Han played the single Juggernaut. It's okay for Ye Han to choose the hardship mode for himself, but he also helped Mingkai choose the gem. Now Spider is caught, Mingkai's gem is currently a problem in the jungle, and he can't support the top lane at all. Alas……"

Maitreya has a high EQ and said something calmly.

"Experts can't see through……"

The comments in the live broadcast room also began

"Seriously, this is why Juggernaut can't play top lane"

"The lane is so long, and Juggernaut doesn't have any displacement skills, so he will die if caught by the jungler."

"That's right, especially for top laners like Vayne and Juggernaut, if such a top laner can thrive, the jungler is at least mostly responsible."

"Haha, in this situation, as long as the jungler is not an idiot, he will go and catch it, okay?"

"If I were a jungler, I would live in the top lane and rely on Juggernaut to buy a car and a house."


The camera turned back to the top lane.

Ye Han watched Rambo and Spider getting closer and closer to him.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at the computer screen, seeming to be really serious.

Take advantage of now!

Ye Han narrowed his eyes!

When Ye Han saw Spider raise his hand, he decisively pressed the S key!!

Then a dramatic scene appeared.

Spider's E skill was placed in front of the Sword Saint, but was perfectly dodged by the Sword Saint!

Peanut was instantly numb!

"Oh shit!"

"Holy shit! Is this Sword Master a bronze? He doesn't even take away the position?"

"huni, did you see that! I used the predicted E, but the Juggernaut didn't move at all, and even stood still! Just like a computer." huni said,"It doesn't matter if the E didn't hit. Now the Juggernaut has paused for a moment and has closed the distance with us. The two of us can just kill the Juggernaut with a set of damage."

As he said that, huni's Rumble used the E skill to slow down the Juggernaut at close range.

Ye Han laughed,"Haha, I knew that old Spider players would use some prediction when using E."

Mingkai was also amused,"Sure enough, the best prediction in the world is not to predict, and the best positioning in the world is not to move!" Mingkai saw that Ye Han was still showing off, and the level 2 Gem decisively gave up the low-health Stone Man and rushed directly to the top lane,"Wait for me! I'm coming!"

Someone asked why Gem was only level 2?

That's because Gem didn't hit the red buff and left it for the Juggernaut.

Ye Han was moved and said,"Damn it! Kaizi! You too���That's very loyal, but the stone man is already dead, you might as well finish killing the stone monsters, otherwise it will be a waste of your time. As for the top lane, I think one person can kill……"

Mingkai listened and smiled coquettishly:"I just like your cool and stylish look."

The battle on the top lane was about to start.

The director immediately locked the camera on the top lane.

Ye Han couldn't understand. Rambo's E and W skills were already used, and you were still showing off in front of me.

Juggernaut started with a skill, and after landing, he used the blades to speed up and attack Rambo.

Huni was also desperate. He was good at controlling the temperature and started to roast Juggernaut with a skill.

"Damn! I'm Rambo's high temperature, you dare to come up and show off? Spider! Get him!"

At this time, Rambo's small body can't bear it. Even though Rambo's W skill cools down very quickly, there is a key point. After Rambo uses the high temperature skill, Rambo enters the red temperature silence state and cannot release skills for a short time.

The Juggernaut finally took Rambo away with a double knife.

However, Rambo's high temperature skill at this time obviously scorched the Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut was already dead. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Juggernaut with low blood ran in the opposite direction as soon as possible.

Spider's E skill CD couldn't restrain the Juggernaut, so he could only chase him temporarily.

The Juggernaut ran in the opposite direction to the soldier line and began to refresh his skills frantically.

Xiaohuasheng didn't want to give up Spider's E skill to fly in the air to save his life, but he found that something was wrong, so he directly hit the Juggernaut with W, then R in spider form, E skill flew in the air and landed to close the distance with the Juggernaut, and then W madly bit the Juggernaut. At the critical moment, the power of the eight-second CD blade was reflected.[]

Ye Han only needs to pull a wave to easily refresh the Blade Mass.

The Juggernaut uses the high attack speed triggered by the Blade Mass to attack the spider crazily, while speeding up the refresh of skills.

The spider is even more fragile than Rambo, and it is impossible for the Juggernaut to withstand such output. However, the Juggernaut has less than 100 health, and it is estimated that he will be killed by another bite from the spider.

When the spider released the W explosion and the spider crawled over, Ye Han immediately used the skill Alpha Assault to avoid the spider's W skill.

After the skill, he landed and attacked

, and then the Juggernaut immediately used W to meditate. While resetting the basic attack, it also reduced the fatal damage of the spider's skill bite!

Finally, the Juggernaut landed and attacked AW to refresh the basic attack and hit the passive double swords, and took the spider away with dead blood.

Completed a double kill.

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked when they saw this scene!!

"Holy shit! A counter-kill at the lowest HP limit?"

"I have seen Ye Han many times, this pussy is really thin! I can prove it!"



"What have you seen many times? What is very thin? It's a bit weird!"

"Let me off, this is not the bus to the kindergarten!"

"The car door is welded shut! No one is allowed to leave!"

"I mean, after watching Ye Han's live broadcast of several games, his operation is very detailed."

"Damn it! You didn't explain it clearly and made me excited for nothing."

"Now the whole world knows that Ye Han is very meticulous"



Wawa and Maitreya were also aroused by the excitement of the Sword Saint.

Wawa said excitedly:"All I can do now is shout it out loud. Words can no longer express the shock in my heart! I can only use a loud voice to express my shock at Ye Han's operation!"

Maitreya said:"The dead blood sword saint, the desperate counterattack, for SKT's Spider, the rhythm is completely gone."

"I don't think so. Spider's opponent is a gem, so it's okay for him to stay in the top lane. If the gem is replaced by a blind monk, then Spider may become an outsider after making a mistake in the top lane and giving the swordmaster a double kill."

Just when everyone was shouting"Ye Han is very meticulous", Ye Han's"weird" operation shocked everyone again!

The routine of the gem swordmaster also slowly emerged.

Originally, the swordmaster was going to push the line and brush the red buff jungle area early, but the appearance of the spider disrupted the swordmaster's rhythm.

But now brushing the jungle is not a big problem. It's just right to go to the jungle to make money and go home, and then go home to update the equipment.

In this way, a top-lane swordmaster entered the gem jungle openly.

Mingkai's gem just symbolically hit the jungle stone man and upgraded to level three, while the red buff and the big bird were eaten by the swordmaster.

The audience was shocked to see the swordmaster brushing the jungle

"Why does this sword master look so manly and yet so foxy?"

"Just report the male gun ID card"

"No! Brothers! I don't know if you have noticed that the top lane punishment flow invented by Ye Han, which is to clear the jungle and the top lane together, is almost like a bug."

The audience has noticed this problem, not to mention the Riot designers who have been paying attention to the game.

At this time, the Riot designers who were watching the game looked solemn.

After careful consideration, they will definitely impose certain restrictions on this kind of brainless development and one person taking multiple lanes in the next version. The jungle punishment mechanism began to take shape.

In other words, Ye Han, this guy, promoted the arrival of the jungle punishment mechanism with his own coquettish operation.

On the Juggernaut side, after clearing the jungle, he went home happily.

Because the Juggernaut brought flash and punishment, he could not rush to the line in the first time.

At this time, the role of the gem came into play.

Ye Han said:"You go to help me defend the top lane, and you can also develop a level, so that resources will not be wasted."

Mingkai realized the brilliance of Ye Han and asked:"Ye Han, tell me the truth, how long have you practiced this gem Juggernaut routine silently by yourself? Judging from your use and command proficiency, it is simply perfect."

Ye Han said half-jokingly and half-seriously:"I have been using this trick for three years, do you believe it?"

"Believe it! If you say that Lun killed Faker alone, I will believe it."Mingkai obviously thought Ye Han was joking.

A certain Lun: Damn! This crappy game is not dead yet?!

Just as Ye Han was bragging to Mingkai in the team voice chat, he suddenly realized a problem.

This is also a problem that many summoners have encountered before.

That is, there is not enough money to buy equipment.

If it is a difference of three or four hundred, then there is no need to hesitate, just go online, and update the equipment when the next wave returns to the city.

If it is less than a hundred gold coins, you can also sell the starting equipment Doran's Blade, Doran's Ring, etc., and you can almost make up the money.

But the problem is that if Ye Han has equipment such as Doran's Ring and Blue Shield to sell, he himself will not be so troubled now.

Because the starting equipment Ye Han made for the Swordmaster is a longsword instead of Doran's Blade.

There is no equipment to sell.

The Swordmaster is currently short of about thirty yuan to synthesize a large item.

The problem is that these thirty yuan will have to wait for a while in the fountain to wait for gold coins. After all, this is a professional competition!

And it's a world competition!

The competition level of the League of Legends World Championship is equivalent to the dream of the brilliant hall in the eyes of musicians...

You In the world competition, under the gaze of the audience all over the world, a person is waiting for equipment at the fountain.

Doesn't it make you look stupid?

How can you raise money quickly without waiting at the fountain?

The speed at which the system automatically adds money is fixed. Logically speaking, this is an impossible problem to solve.

Because once Ye Han succeeds in stealing money, it is equivalent to developing a bug for making money.

However, Ye Han really thought of a way.

Ye Han's method is to get the money!

Who to get?

Ye Han naturally locked his eyes on the fountain merchant.

Now In the fountain, there was no one else except the Sword Master. Ye Han had no one else to steal from except the money of the fountain merchant.

Stealing the money of the fountain merchant?

You are not mistaken!

Ye Han could think of that!

The fountain merchant is like an intelligent system, a fixed computer program. How could Ye Han steal it?

Is he really going to modify the League of Legends program?

At this time, the camera turned, and the Sword Master in the fountain appeared in the audience's field of vision again.

Wawa and Maitreya in the commentary booth were shocked again after seeing the Sword Master.

Wawa's voice was almost hoarse,"Oh my God!! What is this Sword Master doing in the fountain? Maitreya, look at the Sword Master's outfit! I am about to cry!"

Maitreya also burst into tears after reading it,"Now I finally know why the Sword Master has four long swords. It turns out that the clown is ourselves. It is not that Ye Han made a mistake in the equipment, but that Ye Han is creating a brand new routine for the Sword Master."

At this time, Mingkai looked at the Sword Master in the fountain in confusion and asked,"Ye Han, what are you doing in the fountain?"

"I'm stealing money from the fountain shop."

Just Ye Han's words broke the defense of all EDG players.

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