Meiko was silent at this moment.

He knew how difficult it was to maintain a 100% win rate in his professional career, and he knew how awesome it was that Ye Han was the MVP in every game.

Meilo's Titan finally chose to retreat, silently letting go of EDG's mid laner.

Meiko asked Ye Han,"I did what you said, what should I do next? Even if your strategy is awesome, you won't even give up the front tower and the base, right?"

Do you remember what hero Ye Han picked as his first choice at the start of the game?

It was a sewer hero, Widowmaker, in this version.

EDG's first choice was such an important position, but Ye Han neither chose a player for himself nor locked in a strong hero for the version.

But he chose a Widowmaker?

Don't you think it's strange?

Now Widowmaker is useful.

Ye Han said to Mingkai,"Now that the five members of Gen.G have reached the high ground, it shouldn't be difficult for you to steal Gen.G's artillery vehicle, right?"

"No problem!"

Mingkai nodded in agreement.

Ye Han is actually a very cautious person. Because Garen did not bring teleport, he had already started TPing back to the city when Widowmaker was trying to steal the cannon cart.

In this way, even if Widowmaker failed to steal the cannon cart, he could still return to the city and fight Gen.G head-on.

Mingkai's operation was very decisive at this time!

"Brothers, Ye Han has always been in the limelight after playing for so long, today I will show off too!"

Mingkai said very coolly, and then he controlled Widowmaker to go around the back, and then flashed directly to close the distance with the cannon cart!

Then he used the summoner skill to punish the cannon cart, and finally used the R skill to kill the cannon cart instantly!

Widowmaker also successfully escaped from the battlefield!

This operation took less than a second!

The Gen.G team didn't realize what was going on, and the cannon cart was killed instantly!

Seeing this, Ye Han gave Mingkai a big thumbs up, and then canceled Garen's return to the city and continued to mine on the high ground.

The entire Gen.G team was dumbfounded.

Ruler asked Master An:"Now the last cannon cart is gone, and the game is only twenty-four minutes in. We haven't got the god equipment yet, and we can't do 430 to ignore the line of soldiers and push the tower."

Cuvee's suggestion was to retreat first.

Master An still shook his head,"Brothers, the more we can't retreat at this time, have you ever thought that we seem to be disgusted by Garen's disconnection, but in fact we are the ones who profited"

"Garen was disconnected, and the other four EDG members were trapped at home. Garen alone controlled all of EDG's economy. Although we had no troops, we blocked EDG's door and prevented the four EDG members from coming out."

"In this way, the four EDG players will have no economy, and as ruler, you can take the opportunity to clear the EDG jungle area and continue to squeeze EDG's resources."

"In the end, all of EDG's resources will be concentrated on a useless Garen, while our economy will mainly focus on AD and Wandering. As long as we waste time with Garen, we will win!"

"Then, when the godly equipment is finally spawned, the big tank will be in the front row to resist the tower, and the AD can output as much as they want. Even if there is no soldier line, we can forcibly pull out the front tower and win the game!"

Master An's words once again gave Gen.G hope!

So, a phenomenon that made Ye Han speechless appeared. He saw that the five members of the Gen.G team were guarding in front of the EDG highland front tower like himself, and then after the soldiers refreshed, the soldiers were all eaten by Wandering and Jhin.

The four EDG players were trapped near the fountain and could not come out.

As long as they walked out, the entire Gen.G team would focus on them.

With all the economy on Garen, EDG could not beat Gen..G


Wawa admired:"Gen.G is really too smart, this wave of economic exchange is really perfect! You Garen squatted on the high ground to open the gold mine, right? We Gen.G did the same."

Maitreya also expressed admiration:"Gen.G really played a bit cool this time, if they can't beat them, they will join in, which makes Garen very anxious!"

"And if the current situation continues, it is only a matter of time before Gen.G's output double C develops, and Garen will always be a tank that is pulled in team battles."


More and more fans in the audience began to worry about EDG, and even some champion fans had already cursed Ye Han.

They said that Ye Han deserved to be taught a lesson by Gen.G.

At this time, Ye Han was still controlling Garen on Gen.G's high ground.

Seeing Gen.G's strategy of joining in when they couldn't win, Ye Han smiled.……

"My Garen's second plan has been launched. Do you really think that Garen can only cut off the troops?"

At this time, Ye Han officially started Garen's second routine!

After clearing the soldiers, Garen directly used his skills to rush towards the front tower again!

With a few dings!

It was a blast again!

Garen's skills hit the defense tower, and then triggered the blast!

This time, there was no soldier line again, but the damage of the blast was much higher than last time!

After the blast, Garen continued to attack the defense tower, but the damage caused by the blast to the defense tower was very low, and Garen could attack as many points as he could.

When Garen was low on blood, Garen ran out of the attack range of the defense tower.

Start to recover blood!

Remember the Berserker that Garen made?

Now it comes in handy.

At this time, Garen's Berserker was passively excited, and with the passive blood recovery of Garen's own hot spring, Garen's blood recovery per second is 316!

Garen's blood recovery this time!

It's faster than in the fountain, it's outrageous!!

Maitreya in the commentary seat saw Ye Han's operation and seemed to understand something,"Oh my God, is Ye Han going to be a rogue again! ? I seem to know what will happen next."

Then something even more disgusting happened. After Garen recovered his health at the speed of light, he used his skills again to consume the defense tower crazily.

Then he recovered his health when his health was low, and consumed it again when his health was full!

During this period, two explosions were triggered!

Now a front tower is half-healthy!

The five Gen.G players standing on the EDG high ground were as stupid as telephone poles at this time. When they found out that something was wrong, Garen's third explosion had already cooled down! (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Shit! The defense tower is less than half dead! What the hell?" Master An panicked.

"This Garen used the Berserker's passive ability and then blasted like crazy in front of our defense tower!"The ruler yelled, calling Ye Han a non-human!

At this moment, Master An took a deep breath and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Ye Han has completely figured out the version. The combination of Demolition and Berserker is a perfect match!!"

"Back to the city! Let’s go!"[]

Master An gave an order.

The five members of Gen.G finally left EDG's high ground!

Master An finally discovered Ye Han's second routine!

That is the tower-destroying Garen with Demolition and Berserker!

First of all, many people know that the Demolition talent causes an additional true damage after a charged attack.

But many people have not figured out how this true damage is calculated.

The Demolition talent is quite special, and the damage extension does not increase with the increase in AD and AP values!

The damage of Demolition is related to the hero's health!

The higher the hero's health, the higher the damage of Demolition.

The damage of each Demolition is the basic damage 100+35% of the hero's health!

Commentary seat.

Wawa suddenly realized:"I finally know why Ye Han made two Berserkers! Ye Han just wants to increase Garen's Demolition damage, and then Demolish the tower!"

"Demolition plus Berserker, Berserker is the equipment that increases the most health in League of Legends and can maximize the benefits of demolition!"

"In this case, the entire Gen.G team will have to go home to defend Garen! Otherwise, if Garen is given a certain amount of time, he will be able to grind down the two front towers of Gen.G."

When the entire Gen.G team TPed back to the city, Garen was not in a hurry to leave.

Instead, he greedily used another blast.

Then the five members of Gen.G surrounded Garen and beat him.

The entire Gen.G team poured all their resentment and helplessness in this game on Garen!

Garen said to increase the intensity!

Why doesn't it hurt when you hit me!

I'm too lazy to run!

After all, the game is only 26 minutes in, Gen.G's double C has not yet been formed, and there is no hero with percentage damage. Beating Garen is completely relying on the Conqueror's real damage conversion...

Ye Han unceremoniously treated the Gen high ground as his own home, wandering around... and the Gen people were chasing after Garen...

Just like that, the Gen body chased Garen from the South Gate of Heaven to the East Road of Penglai!

This Garen didn't die.

Garen, who had only one-third of his health, ran into the blind monk's jungle and got away!

"No need to chase, just drive Garen away. We can't waste too much time on Garen, what we need is development!" Master An reminded everyone immediately.

Ruler nodded,"I'm already making big armor, wait until I make the giant killer! This Garen is finished."

Is that the end of it?


In Ye Han's opinion, this is not disgusting enough.

The audience at the scene was in a third-party perspective, and they couldn't help cursing when they saw Garen's next move!

"Damn! The most torturous place in Galen���it’s done!"

"Haha! Who said I was a slacker just now? Ye Han's Garen routine is obviously invincible!"

"Too hasty, it turns out that Garen's real flirtation has just begun"

"It's time for fun, guys! I smell the YE again! Gen.G, just wait to be tortured!"


At this time, Garen ran into the blind monk's jungle area and quickly triggered the passive recovery of the Berserker. The recovery of more than 300 per second made Garen full of health quickly.

The next second, Ye Han activated the predator's active and smiled coquettishly.

Gen.G, here I come again!

Garen, who was full of health, opened the wolf head and rushed to the high ground of Gen.G at an extremely fast speed!

"Ah~ Disgusting!!! He…he…is full of health again!" At this moment, Gen.G's core player An screamed. When he saw Garen's full health, his psychological defenses completely collapsed!

"We fought Garen for so long, and finally drove him away. Garen walked around the jungle and came back with full health! I was so upset!……"

For the first time, Master An admitted that he couldn't stand it.

Ye Han said, I haven't even started to exert my strength yet, and my mentality has collapsed?

I still have a good show to perform next!

Then, Ye Han's next series of operations!

Everyone at the scene opened their eyes wide and stared at the game screen!

RNG's top laner Yan Junze who came to watch the game was stunned,"I'm playing a fake Garen, right? Can Garen be played like this?"

"Hehe, after Garen's move, Gen.G's mentality is definitely broken." UZI covered his mouth and laughed.

Gen.G even cursed!

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