"Meiko, give me the active effect of Tam's Knight's Oath! Connect with me." Ye Han reminded the auxiliary meiko.

Mieko was a little reluctant after hearing this,"You are a dying man, isn't it a waste to have Knight's Oath?"

Ye Han chuckled,"I am trying to trick Gen.G, you can't die, give me the effect of Knight's Oath, I can disgust them to death in a while, trust me, I will live forever!"


Meiko quickly connected Tam's Knight's Oath with Alchemist.

At this time, Alchemist was in the center of the Gen.G team battle, and he was constantly releasing exhaust gas, and his continuous damage was quite high.

The entire Gen.G team saw Alchemist coming to provoke them.

They simply wanted to kill Alchemist first.

But what happened next was unacceptable to everyone!

Alchemist activated his ultimate move!

He drank a sip of corruption potion, and then stood there and let himself be beaten!

The super high blood recovery was even a little bit overwhelming for Vayne's percentage damage.

There was no other way. Alchemist's ultimate move was combined with the recovery of the corruption potion and the ring, plus the additional 30% recovery enhancement of the excitement, plus the blood recovery of the Conqueror!

Plus the two blood recovery talents dominated by the secondary talent!

Finally, add the group blood recovery of the tech gun!

Alchemist's crazy blood recovery ability now is as terrifying as a blood pump!

""Shit! This Alchemist is so tanky!"

After Lucian used a set of unexplained combos, Ruler found that Alchemist’s health remained the same. It was mainly because Vayne’s true damage output was quite strong…

Fortunately, there were five people in Gen.G, and Alchemist was riding on the face of a Gen person, so they were relatively close. Therefore, after the five Gen people concentrated their firepower, they were able to suppress Alchemist’s health…

If Alchemist with a ten thousand poisonous blood-sucking flow made Gen.G feel sick, Ye Han guaranteed that the Gen team would not be able to accept what happened next!

When Alchemist’s health was suppressed , After the suppression, it was the beginning of the real test of Gen.G's mentality!

Alchemist's health kept decreasing.

But he became more and more tanky inexplicably, just like a defense tower. The lower his health, the less damage he did to the defense tower.

When Alchemist's health was only a quarter, Alchemist began to move.

Alchemist began to run away.

But who would be willing to let go of an Alchemist with a quarter of his health?

With a little more effort, this troublemaker could be broken.

So Gen.G instinctively wanted to catch up with this Alchemist with a little health, but they just couldn't kill him!

"Wow! How come this Alchemist has only a few HP left? And he can't die!"The ruler who had been dealing damage while controlling Lucian had his hands going numb.

The audience finally laughed.

At this time, the audience seemed to see the essence of the immortal Alchemist.

"Holy shit! It feels like Alchemy is like having a health lock, it just makes me immortal? What's going on! ?"

"Haha! This alchemist is awesome! Even the Barbarian King would cry when he saw him. Haha"

"Barbarian King is a real man for five seconds, Alchemist is always a real man"

"Now the question is, how did Alchemist become immortal with low health? It feels like he always has a little blood left. He seems to be lingering on, but he is actually very energetic!"

At this time, Alchemist was running away from the poison frantically.

Ye Han joked:"It must be painful to have the duck in your mouth fly away. Keep chasing me, maybe you can kill me, Alchemist with low health."

Mieko looked at the blood-locked Alchemist in astonishment, extremely surprised and puzzled:"Fuck, Ye Han! How did you perform this operation? I don't understand it at all!"

Ye Han explained:"Remember the Knight's Oath I asked you to give me? The effect of the Knight's Oath will make you bear 10% of the damage for me. In layman's terms, Alchemist can reduce the damage by 10%, and this damage reduction effect will double to 20% when the hero's health is less than 30%!"

"I also bought Death Dance, which has a passive called Ignore Pain. Ignoring pain will reduce the damage taken by ranged heroes by 30% and melee heroes by 10%, in the form of bleeding, over three seconds. Alchemist is a melee hero, so Alchemist's Death Dance reduces damage by 30%!"

After hearing this, no one in the EDG team understood.

Mingkai's scalp even numbed:"Oh my God, Ye Han, you hid it too well! In other words, when your Alchemist is at low health, Death Dance and Knight's Oath can instantly give you a 55% damage reduction? Isn't this equivalent to your Alchemist's built-in Blademaster W skill?"

Ye Han nodded,"And I also have a tech gun, corruption potion with a ring, ultimate, exhilaration and multiple blood recovery from talent! I originally reduced damage by 55%, plus the crazy blood recovery! To be immortal is to be eternal."

"From now on, I will never die even once!"

The tactics and equipment of Alchemist made the five-second real man King of the Wild really cry when he saw it!

But Gen.G had already cried all his tears.

Master An said immediately:"Don't chase this low-blood Alchemist, he can't be killed! The blood volume can't be suppressed, let's fight head-on first!"

So, Gen.G turned around and fought with the other members of EDG.

Ye Han said that Alchemist is not someone you can chase whenever you want, or give up whenever you want.

After Gen.G gave up attacking Alchemist, Alchemist's blood recovery was like a fountain. Alchemist ran into the crowd, and the group bloodsucking of the Tech Gun and the blood recovery of the fully stacked Conqueror were too powerful!

So, the audience found that the low-blood Alchemist was running and his blood volume was half.

After Alchemist's blood volume reached half.

Alchemist immediately turned back and continued to harass Gen.G..G

You won't chase me, right?

That's OK!

I'll chase you!

Moreover, Ye Han's Alchemist didn't show off with parkour, but took the initiative to run in front of you, begging you to hit me, and then used skills under your feet.

So arrogant!

So domineering!

You can't stand it, right? If you can't stand it, just hit me!

I'm itching for trouble now!

So, Alchemist, like an old man, lay down in the crowd of Gen.G people and started to touch porcelain directly!

You won't hit me, right?

I'll lie here and let you hit me.

It's okay, just use a little force, I can bear it.

Little did they know that the entire Gen.G team had already started scratching.

Cuvee's psychological pain was magnified again, and he collapsed first:"Oh my God! How should this be played? You don't want to hit this Alchemist, and he's lying in front of you and emitting exhaust gas, so disgusting! If you hit him, it's even more disgusting! Because this Alchemist can't be killed at all!"

"We can only suppress Alchemist's health! Then chase Alchemist away and poison us. Even the gods can't stand it! We are always being hit by Alchemist and the damage to us is also very high!"

So most of Gen.G's energy and firepower were put on this Alchemist, which gave the other four EDG players a good development space.

Gen.G's teamfighting began to go downhill because of Alchemist's existence. Although it was a game with a big advantage in three lanes, they couldn't beat the EDG who collapsed across the board in teamfighting.

"Damn it! We can lose this teamfight! But Alchemist must die! Let’s focus our fire on him and kill him first! Otherwise, if this guy tries to fool us, we won’t be able to play!"

Master An gave an order.

All the members of Gen.G opened fire at full force.

Alchemist's health began to drop continuously.

When Alchemist's health dropped to 30% again, it was as if the blood lock was unlocked again, no matter how Gen.G attacked!

Alchemist's health was always low, but he would not die no matter what. Gen.G seemed to always lack that little bit of damage to kill Alchemist.

But if you give up attacking Alchemist, Alchemist will recover very quickly.

The Alchemist who was trying to scammers attracted a lot of damage and firepower in front of Gen.G, which led to the disadvantaged EDG winning the team battle easily.

Gen.G had no choice but to retreat first when everyone was low on health, and they would run as many as they could.

In the end, Gen.G's AD and support escaped by chance.

EDG, who won the team battle, did not continue to pursue. G, who got the right to fight the dragon, started to fight the big dragon directly! (To read the exciting novel, just go to Fulu Novel Network!)

With a dragon roar.

EDG took down the most critical strategic point in the show, the Baron.

And Ye Han's team battle subverted everyone's perception of traditional alchemy.

"Many alchemists play parkour, but Ye Han is awesome. He plays the touch-and-go style. Whoever he touches dies. Whoever he touches is unlucky."

"Ye Han's train of thought is really amazing, Knight's Oath plus Death Dance, how dare you think of it?"[]

"But the facts prove that this routine is really awesome! It is worthy of being called the immortal alchemy, and it is impossible to kill it."

"The W skill of Juggernaut can be interrupted, but it’s different for Alchemist. He will fall to the ground and let you hit him, which is equivalent to having a big move of Tryndamere with permanent CD!"

"It's over! The immortal Alchemist will soon lead the trend in the canyon. I am a main player and I was fooled. I am scared when I think about facing the immortal Alchemist.~!"

When the immortal Alchemist appeared, everyone was shocked by Ye Han's tactics again!

And Gen.G did not give up hope of survival.

After all, this game is different from the last game's Garen. The last game's Garen was in a state of never winning and was crazy about destroying towers. At least the Alchemist in this game can fight you head-on, so Ye Han gave him some face.

Master An said:"Go directly to the big serious injury. Now the small serious injury is not in time. After the serious injury, we will fight again."

But the question is, will Ye Han give you Gen.G the opportunity to do the big serious injury?

The routine is to play a surprise. When you react and come up with countermeasures, Ye Han is always one step ahead and think of the next countermeasures and playing methods.

After winning this wave of team fights, EDG directly got the big dragon. Ye Han directly led EDG to fight in the team, and did not give Gen.G too much room for development.

Which piece of equipment, the ghost book and the big serious injury knife, is not worth less than three thousand yuan?

Gen.G was forced to defend the tower and join the team fight. Their development time was squeezed madly, and they could only deal 800-900 heavy injuries as a token of respect.

EDG forced a team fight!

Ye Han's Alchemist went straight to the high ground first.

Alchemist: I'm home again. This familiar feeling is so good.

Gen.G: Damn it! This is our high ground!

As the saying goes, walk on the high ground and live to be ninety-nine.

In this team fight, Ye Han also updated the blue shield for Alchemist! It became more difficult for the opponent's Gen.G kitchen knife team to fight.

"This alchemist is dancing in our house, what should we do?"cuvee felt insulted

".This Alchemist is here to cause trouble, leave him alone!" said Master An.

Cuvee was horrified:"We won't fight him! This Alchemist is coming here by himself!"

Ye Han's Alchemist activated his ultimate move, and after gaining speed, he rushed madly into the crowd of Gen.G...

The entire Gen.G team was poisoned by the Alchemist's tail gas, and this Alchemist kept stopping and starting, not only did he deal high damage, but he was also very tanky, so there was no possibility of him dying.……

"I just want to ask one question. The Alchemist has come to our high ground to act wildly! Can we kill him?" said Sect Leader An domineeringly.

"There seems to be no answer to this question."Ruler said this with a hint of helplessness.

You are unsure, right?

It doesn't matter.

I will tell you the answer.

Alchemist circled around the Gen.G crowd and found that no one was attacking him.

At this time, Alchemist's Conqueror was fully stacked, so he rushed into the fountain.


EDG、Gen.G.The commentary booth, the locker room and all the spectators at the scene were all defeated!

"Alchemy to send springs? What does it mean?"

"No, why would we go to send water to the fountain when we are playing well?"

"Could it be that Ye Han wanted to abuse the fountain?"

""Fuck it!" There was no one in the fountain, Alchemist went to the fountain to abuse the air!"

The fountain attacked Alchemist crazily!

Alchemist could actually hold on for two seconds in the fountain!

When Alchemist stood at the edge of the fountain with only a little blood, his blood volume recovered as fast as a blood pump, because his skills were continuous damage to the enemy, and the blood recovery of the Tech Gun spell, Conqueror, Exhilaration and other series of blood recovery made the blood-scarred Alchemist full in a very short time.

The commentary box was stunned,"If you don't know, you would think that Alchemist was recovering blood in his own fountain."

Maitreya seemed to understand something,"Ye Han's operation of rushing into the fountain is ten thousand times more enjoyable than abusing the fountain! The most important thing is that it is not against the rules! It also hit the extremely arrogant arrogance of Gen.G hard."At this moment, Master An seemed to have the answer in his heart,"Ruler, you are right, it is a fool's dream to want to kill this Alchemist."

Cuvee even roared,"Why can't we surrender in the professional game? It will be torture for us if we continue to fight."

Although cuvee is the victim, he has been complaining and full of negative energy from the beginning of the game to now. At this time, Master An, whose mentality exploded, was also annoyed. An instantly surged with anger,"I really can't stand it anymore. After the game, I will make an appointment for cuvee to go to the brain department to check his brain! Damn!"

Ye Han seemed to feel the despair of the entire Gen.G team.

Alchemist stood in front of the Gen.G fountain.

The five members of the Gen.G team stood in front of the front tooth tower.

Separated by a base and the front tooth tower, the five members of Gen.G just looked at Alchemist next to the fountain from a distance. They didn't even have the courage to attack Alchemist. They just looked at him from a distance...

Seeing this situation, Ye Han's mouth twitched and he said to himself,"I ca n't stand it anymore. I...

"RNG, today I will make Gen.G pay you back double for all the humiliation you have suffered!"

After saying that, Ye Han's Alchemy performed another extremely speechless operation!

And Gen.G's eyes turned red when they saw Alchemy!

Master An said angrily:"Ye Han is really getting more and more excessive! Every operation is getting worse!"

"It feels like the dignity of our entire Gen.G team has been destroyed by Alchemist." Ruler sighed.

Even Wawa in the commentary booth was shocked and said,"Oh my God, what does Ye Han mean by this? Is he playing with fire? Does he really want to challenge himself and experience the difficult mode of the game?"

Maitreya answered truthfully,"Anyway, after Ye Han made such a mocking move towards Gen.G, if Gen.G cannot kill Alchemist, then the Gen.G team will never be able to raise their heads in the e-sports circle."

At this time, Lun, who was watching the game, was already overjoyed! He seemed to be about to witness the birth of another absurd and ridiculous scene in the league.

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