Chapter 100 []: I am underage!

Ding Xuezhu couldn't use words to describe the shock in his heart!

Her white chin was slightly raised, and she stared blankly at the tall young man in front of her. She was stunned for five seconds before she reacted.

"...You, can you understand the ancient demon language?" she asked tremblingly, her voice mixed with excitement.

This magic stone slab is an ancient cultural relic collected by this Baoqi Pavilion branch several years ago. Although it is far from being called a "store treasure", it is still very precious.

The textual information in it has already been decrypted by archaeological experts.

So she knew that Lu Xun's answer just now was completely correct. It was analyzed word for word, without any omissions, and it only took a few minutes.

Not only could he understand this extremely abstract ancient magic text, he was even extremely proficient in it.

What Ding Xuezhu said just now was not a question, but an expression of exclamation.

All the previous doubts were gone at this moment.

Ancient magic texts are not for "seeing", but for "feeling" what they say with your heart based on mastering a vast amount of historical knowledge.

Requires understanding!

If you can't understand it clearly, it means you haven't accumulated enough and you still need to settle.

You have enough knowledge, but you still can't understand it, which means you don't have this talent, and it's useless to accumulate it.

How powerful can a scholar who is proficient in ancient magic texts have in the historical field?

The answer is: a position that even a daily salary of 50 million cannot afford.

‘Damn it, I found a treasure! ’ Even a well-educated and dignified lady like her couldn’t help but curse in her heart at this moment.

"Xiaojia...hey, little sir, may I ask your surname?" She took a deep breath and stared at the young man in front of her fiercely and asked.

"My surname is Lu, Lu Xun." He answered truthfully.

In the past, the reason why people were yuppies was because they were very weak. Once they became famous and were in the spotlight, they would be easily targeted by people with evil intentions.

Peerless geniuses are envied by others, but they are also hated by others; they are sought after by people, but they are also easily killed.

If someone randomly pointed a silenced pistol at Lu Xun, would he dare to move it? I dare not move at all!

If you can't protect yourself or your family, you can only hide in silence, bide your time, and grow slowly.

But now and then, he is now a powerful creature of level 6, lord level.

The first and second greatest swordsmen in Jinghaicheng were all killed by him.

In this second-level self-circulating city, he is fully equipped to protect himself.

From now on, in the field of scholars, there is no longer a need to walk on thin ice, step by step, and go to great lengths to hide one's edge as before.

Lu Xun's average academic performance, from elementary school to high school, impressed all the teachers and students of No. 1 Middle School, but is there any problem? No.

Although the two are incomparable, and the "archaeological genius" is more famous and attracts more attention, he is stronger now and can withstand greater fame and prestige.

He has the strength to bear the name of such a genius.

It just so happens that I take this opportunity to make a name for myself first.

When he becomes an adult next month, he will make a name for himself as an "archaeological boss", save enough contribution points, advance to the elite class, and move his family to live in the inner city. By then, his uncle will recover and regain his wealth. Now that they are new students, transfer Xie Manyu to Noble High School and the family can live a good life!

This is Lu Xun's plan.

Of course, his evolutionary path must still be hidden from the eyes of others, and his ability to project all races cannot be revealed.

Let’s start with the “scholar” aspect for now.

The "personality" of a weak scholar with no power to restrain a chicken is used to cover his super muscular tyrant form that can tear apart mechas with his hands!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu Xun. I underestimated your business ability just now because I was blind to gold and jade." Her voice was gentle and she bowed to apologize to Lu Xun. Her slim-fitting cheongsam outlined her perfect body curves.

"I'm not angry, no need to apologize." Lu Xun reached out to help her up and said calmly, "So, I passed your assessment?"

"Of course! It is an honor for our store to have an outstanding appraiser like you join us." She nodded.

"When will you arrange work for me?" Lu Xun cleared his throat and asked:

"It doesn't matter if the salary is less, but I love working more and hope to get started as soon as possible. The four masters are so old and I can't bear to see them working so hard. From now on, all cultural relics should be appraised by me. The more the better. , especially paleontological remains and fossils, are my strongest areas.”

Ding Xuezhu: "..."

The other party's small mouth was so eloquent that she was left speechless.

Good guy, don’t love money, love work?

Well, as a young man, that's normal.

It's not like a veteran who has been in society for many years, just showing off, and never works if he can fish!

"I'll take you to the Human Resources Office later to go through the relevant procedures. After that, you can start working whenever you want. The monthly salary is 120,000... This is the minimum. If there is an assignment abroad, the salary will be calculated separately. Do you think this is okay? "She asked seriously.

Lu Xun nodded. The basic salary alone was 120,000 yuan, which was very generous.

But in fact, the vast majority of appraisers in the world reach the peak of their careers after the age of 40.

This is a profession that requires you to slowly accumulate archaeological experience, knowledge, and qualifications bit by bit, day by day, and finally become a late bloomer.

Like the four powerful old gentlemen just now, they have studied all their lives and are all masters of archaeology, but they also make mistakes in identification.

Not to mention young people.

Very few geniuses can receive a monthly salary of 120,000 yuan at a young age.

Lu Xun was very satisfied with the salary, but he was more interested in another treatment mentioned by Ding Xuezhu——

"Assignment?" He asked curiously, "Is it also appraisal business?"

"The cultural relics trading shop is just one of the many businesses of our Fuyuan Baoqi Pavilion." She explained patiently, "The excavation of ancient ruins and the opening of fissures are the main businesses..."

Two minutes later, Lu Xun understood.

The background of this Baoqi Pavilion is actually so great, with connections in the State House and even the People's Federation Council.

They will spend money to contract ancient ruins and newly born rift worlds, and then excavate and open up wasteland.

Then they sell mineral resources, rare metals, special energy, and biological materials to various forces around the world... and their business spans the world.

The fissure production areas around the Loop City and the ancient ruins on the territory of various states are all monopolized by the People's Federation and cannot be touched by private individuals.

But fissures and ruins are scattered all over the world and do not belong to the Human League.

Many races from other worlds are not "technical", either they are not particularly interested in these things, or they do not have the strength to develop them, so they simply contract them out to outsiders.

Lu Xun was surprised. Baoqi Pavilion, a private company, was so powerful and very low-key and unassuming.

It is estimated that many people in Jinghaicheng do not know that this "cultural relics trading house" is also engaged in energy...

Lu Xun hugged her and realized that this thigh... was so thick.

Expatriate assignments carry certain risks, but they are voluntary and you don’t have to participate.

"Sir, to be honest, we at Baoqi Pavilion are going to the distant Naga territory to conduct an excavation of undersea ruins."

After Ding Xuezhu took a few deep breaths and regained his composure, he opened the skylight and spoke frankly.

She stretched out her slender hands with fair skin and flawless skin, and invited him in a very sincere tone:

"We are in need of a master archaeologist who is proficient in ancient magic texts. I would like to ask you to join this mission. Please don't refuse...well, the daily salary is 50 million, do you think it's okay?"

"Undersea ruins? Fifty million...daily salary? No refusal! Never refuse!"

Lu Xun took a breath of air, quickly stepped forward to hold her hand, and asked:

"When will it start? Tonight? Or tomorrow? Could it be the day after tomorrow?"

Ancient ruins under the sea!

To Lu Xun, that kind of place was like a mountain of gold and silver, a holy land.

How many characteristic points do I need to earn in one trip? He didn't even dare to think about it.

Dutch is no longer worthy of being a unit of measurement!

He had previously wanted to go to the ruins to earn attribute points, but he had no way and nowhere to start.

Now that someone is taking him to play, is there any reason to refuse? !

And the daily salary is 50 million... This is not black money, but legitimate income, which you can spend with confidence and boldness!

Lu Xun's eyes were burning, and his eyes were extremely fanatical.

Ding Xuezhu had no doubt that even if she said she would leave in an hour, he would follow her without hesitation... without even bothering to pack her luggage.

She couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile, smiling:

"Why are you in such a hurry? It won't start until next month. Don't worry, the headquarters attaches great importance to this project. It cost a lot to contract it to the Naga tribe. It cannot be canceled. As soon as the time is up, we will set off immediately."

"That's good!" Lu Xun nodded, it's only a month, I can afford to wait.

It just so happened that my uncle had recovered by then. He was relaxed, no longer worried, and could go out for a while.

"Yeah, let's go. Come with me, young gentleman. I'll take you to sign the contract."

Ding Xuezhu said.

"Um, okay...huh? Contract?"

Lu Xun suddenly woke up and remembered something——

Damn it, I’m underage!

Sign a der~ contract.

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