"Miyazawa is a waste."

Yukasora Yui looked at Miyazawa who was being beaten by Zhang Mu, and she was so angry that her teeth itched.

The face of Sakura Country was completely lost.

Beside Sakura Yui, there was a feminine man holding a fan, who smiled disdainfully: "It's just a low-level horse. If you lose, you lose.

The professionals of Dragon Country can't keep winning."

This person is the No. 1 seed of the first school of Sakura Country, the most talented person among the new generation of Onmyoji, Abe Renji.


He looked down: "Gray, the No. 1 seed of Jinniu School, is not simple. I heard that he is a disciple of Wan Lei Wang, the strongest king of Eagle Country. Maybe Dragon Country's first defeat will be in this battle."

On the duel field.

Both players have entered the field.

Long Aotian carried a long sword, while Gray had empty hands.

Gray is a psychic. This profession is similar to a battle mage. He is good at using elements, but it is a melee profession.

The difference is that psychics only focus on the use of one element.

They will focus on developing the most suitable aspect of themselves, using elements to transform their bodies to the degree that best matches their superpowers, so as to maximize their power.

"Global Higher Education Institutions Exchange Competition, the second match of the second day."

"The third-year first seed Long Aotian of Dinghai University in Dragon Country will face the third-year first seed Gray of Jinniu University in Eagle Country."

"The competition begins!"

At the moment when the electronic referee sounded.

The two rushed towards each other at the same time.

Long Aotian held the sword in one hand, his figure was ghostly, like a dragon swimming into the sea, and his swordsmanship was elegant and flexible.

Gray's speed was not weak either, with thunder and lightning under his feet, and the paths he stepped on were burned black by thunder and lightning. The profession of superpowers can be said to be integrated with the elements.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Gray is a magical life form of thunder and lightning elements.

The two finally fought.

Long Aotian slashed down with a sword, Gray sneered, his whole arm turned into thunder, and he actually grabbed Long Aotian's sword and swung it away.

He threw Long Aotian away with his sword, and at the same time, thunder surged under his feet, and burst out in an instant, rushing to Long Aotian who had not yet stood firm, and used another move of "Black Tiger Heart-Digger".

The surging thunder power paralyzed Long Aotian's body, and it seemed that even his heartbeat became slow, his head was congested, and his movement speed also slowed down.

Gray, who had taken the lead, did not hold back at all, and his fists turned into thunder and lightning kept hitting Long Aotian like a storm.

On the viewing platform, the audience of Long Country was worried.

Long Aotian's strength was not fully exerted, and he was completely suppressed by Gray.

Long Country students can lose, but they must not lose so aggrievedly.

Bang bang bang! !

Punch after punch, Long Aotian resisted with difficulty, he was looking for an opportunity.

As long as he got rid of Gray's constant sticking punches, he could reverse the situation.

Finally, when Gray threw another punch, the shadow of a blue dragon flashed around Long Aotian, and he withstood the punch, and then jumped back to distance himself.

Gathering strength, he suddenly drew his sword.


The arc-shaped sword light flashed past, cutting off the thunder shield around Gray.

Then the dragon roar sounded.

The dragon god bone was activated.

Long Aotian swung his sword forward, and his body was also driven forward like a sword. The sword energy condensed like a dragon head charging, drawing a long white rainbow behind him.

"Fierce Dragon Breaking Sky Slash!"

With the power of the dragon god bone, it was like a real dragon coming to the world.

A sword was raised.

Gray was lifted into the air.

The sword turned, and another back slash was slashed, fiercely slashing Gray's body.

"Phantom Sword Dance!"

As Gray was about to land, Long Aotian's sword danced wildly, swinging out sword energy after sword energy, as if tens of millions of swords were releasing sword energy at the same time.


The last huge sword energy was slashed out, trying to end the battle.

At this moment, a bucket-thick thunder fell from the air.

Long Aotian's face changed and he jumped back.

Looking forward, he saw that Gray was completely swallowed by the thunder. Except for a pair of eyes, his entity could no longer be seen.

Thunder continued on the duel field.

It seemed that this world had become Gray's dominance.

"Are you serious?"

Long Aotian stared at him without any fear, with fighting spirit burning in his eyes, and smiled faintly:

"The stronger you are, the more I like you. Only in this way can I prove my value as the No. 1 seed.

Very good, you are qualified to be my stepping stone."

The voice fell.

Dragon scales appeared on Long Aotian's face, and his arms turned into dragon claws, with half of the shadow of a blue dragon hovering behind him.

The blue dragon roared, and the thunder retreated.

Half of the field was taken back by the dragon shadow, and the two formed a situation of confrontation.

"Is this the Dragon God Bone? It's really a good thing."

On the viewing platform, Xu Xuan watched this scene with interest.

Sitting on the platform, he could also feel the pressure from the Dragon God Bone.

However, Long Aotian was too weak and only exerted a very small part of the power of the Dragon God Bone.

That Gray should also have a special physique, but he couldn't fully exert it. The two were equally matched, and it was hard to say who would win or lose.

But this battle did show the style of the No. 1 seed.

The two of them opened fire at full power, and the battle was pushed to a climax.

After Gray transformed, every wave of his hand was accompanied by a thunderbolt. Long Aotian was also extremely strong. He was not afraid of the thunderbolt falling on him.

The power of the Dragon God Bone was attached to his sword, and even if Gray was elementalized, he could still cut him.

The two kept bombarding each other.

Lightning and the sword energy of the Dragon God flew, shattering the duel field and shaking the protective shield.

The strength of the two was very close.

The victory or defeat was only a matter of seconds.

The audience could no longer see the real scene, only the interlaced light and shadow, and the thunder and lightning.

On the referee's seat, King Wu'an stared at the field intently, and the mere light and shadow could not stop his gaze.

"I think Long Aotian is a good kid, King Shuiyue, who do you think will win?"

"Of course I hope that my Dragon Country students will win." Lin Suying replied.

She had just finished speaking.


In the interlaced light and shadow, a figure flew backwards and hit the edge of the field.

A huge lightning column followed closely and smashed up hard.

In the thunder, Gray grabbed Long Aotian's neck, "You lost, the number one seed of Dinghai Academy, but this is all."

Long Aotian's vitals were pinched, unable to move, and could only stare at Gray.

"This time, not only you will lose, but Longguo will also lose."

"Just like King Dinghai lost to my teacher King Wanlei in his time, the younger generation of Dinghai City will also be trampled under my feet."

"Longguo has been flaunting for so many years, it's time to face reality."

At this moment, Gray looked very violent.

The killing intent was flowing through his body.

This was a manifestation of killing blindly, rationality was suppressed by the desire to fight.

Gray just pinched Long Aotian and waited for the verdict.

Long Aotian wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.


The next second, Gray suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and looked at Long Aotian in disbelief.

He saw a golden bone piercing Long Aotian's chest and then piercing his heart.

"I didn't lose!"

"Longguo! I won't lose!"


The two lost consciousness at the same time and fell to the ground.

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