"Don't overestimate your own abilities."

Looking at Yin Xiaoshuang rushing up, Abe Renji smiled evilly.

Behind him, the Great Tengu spread its wings and fanned the wind and clouds.

"Feather Blade Storm!"

Its feathers turned into sharp blades, attached to the hurricane, and swept towards Yin Xiaoshuang.

At this time, Yin Xiaoshuang was shuttling in the hurricane, her physical strength was constantly being consumed, and coupled with the obstruction of the Word Spirit Spell, it was difficult for her to get close again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The feather blades kept passing through her body.

Even if the knife was faster, Yin Xiaoshuang could not resist the attack of tens of thousands of feather blades. She had more and more wounds on her body, and her physical strength was gradually exhausted.

The audience of Longguo was also very nervous, and silently prayed for Yin Xiaoshuang in their hearts.

On the stage, Xu Xuan's eyes passed through the feather blade storm and looked at Yin Xiaoshuang who was in the center of the storm.

He saw layers of frost condensing on Yin Xiaoshuang's face.

Frost formed a protective armor around her body, blocking most of the feather blade thrusts, but Yin Xiaoshuang's face was filled with disgust, as if she didn't like this ability.

As a genius ranked in the top three of this session, Yin Xiaoshuang naturally has her own uniqueness.

Until this moment, she began to show her own abilities.

Abe Renji also found something wrong.

He saw that a layer of blue frost was hanging on the feather blade storm, and even the rotation of the storm became slow, and then he saw the figure walking out of the storm.

At this time, Yin Xiaoshuang was covered with frost all over her body.

Even her double swords turned blue.

Circles of ice-blue ripples formed, whooshing around Abe Renji.

Bloodthirsty Demon Sealing Slash!

Unlike the last time, this time it was no longer the blood and sword force that activated the Bloodthirsty Demon Sealing Slash, but the ice power that kept lowering the surrounding temperature.

Abe Renji's body was dragged forward little by little.

Even the Great Tengu, who was a spirit, had his feather blade stained with frost.

Seeing that he was defeated, Abe Renji wanted to use the same trick again, devouring the shikigami to strengthen himself, and bit the spirit of the Great Tengu.

"There will be no second time."

Yin Xiaoshuang clenched her hand.

A layer of frost grew on Abe Renji's neck, preventing him from wanting to devour the Great Tengu.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

When Abe Renji was pulled closer, the blue ripples completely dissipated, and Yin Xiaoshuang raised her knife and cut it down.

The panic on Abe Renji's face disappeared.

Instead, a strange smile rose at the corner of his mouth, his pupils turned purple, and eight purple heads flashed behind him.


The frost blade slashed down.

Half of Abe Renji's head was cut off.

The strange thing was that Abe Renji seemed to have not suffered any damage, and still smiled at Yin Xiaoshuang.

The latter's black ice armor shattered.

A knife wound appeared on her head.

"Damage transfer?"

The more skilled audience members instantly noticed Abe Renji's method.

"Dare to kill me?" Abe Renji looked at Yin Xiaoshuang and laughed coldly.


As soon as the words fell, Yin Xiaoshuang stabbed Abe Renji in the heart with a knife.

This knife went down.

Intense pain broke out from Yin Xiaoshuang's heart, causing her to bleed from all seven orifices, but she did not cry out in pain, just staring at Abe Renji.

"Why do you think I dare not?"

The so-called damage transfer was not entirely borne by Yin Xiaoshuang.

Even though Yin Xiaoshuang was in great pain, Abe Renji's physical injuries were real. As long as his flesh was cut off,

When the magic was over, Abe Renji would definitely pay the price.

"Crazy woman, aren't you afraid of death?"

A trace of panic flashed in Abe Renji's eyes.

He had calculated everything, but he did not expect that the women of Longguo would be so crazy.

He actually endured the pain of piercing his heart.

Yin Xiaoshuang grinned, blood flowed out of her mouth, and her right hand suddenly pulled out the long knife, and stabbed it into Abe Renji's spleen again.

"There is an old saying in our Dragon Country, called women are not inferior to men."

"Who says women are inferior to men?"


The long knife was pulled out again, and another knife was stabbed in.

"I tell you again, Berserkers are not afraid of pain."


Another knife.

Abe Renji was going crazy, and the panic in his eyes could no longer be concealed. If he continued, he would be fatally injured once the "Word Spirit Substitute" ended.


He shouted: "We are tied in this round, can we end it here?"

Yin Xiaoshuang grinned: "What do you think?"

She stretched the long knife in front of Abe Renji's head and pressed it against his forehead.

"There are countless geniuses in my Dragon Country. Even if I die here, there are thousands of me standing up."

"It must be difficult for Sakura Country to train an Onmyoji like you, right?"

"One for one, not a loss!"

Yin Xiaoshuang pushed the knife forward and pierced half an inch into Abe Renji's forehead.

Blood also flowed from her forehead.

At this moment, Abe Renji could no longer hold back.

He had no doubt that Yin Xiaoshuang dared to exchange her life for hers. He also knew how crazy the people of Dragon Country were.

In the first round, even Gray, the disciple of Wan Lei Wang, was killed by Long Aotian in a one-for-one exchange. Now the two are still lying in the sanatorium, unconscious.

The tip of the knife slowly pierced in.

Yin Xiaoshuang stared at Abe Renji.

Even though the intense pain made all her nerves tense, there was no hesitation in her eyes.


At this moment, the fear in Abe Renji's heart was infinitely magnified.

Although he could not feel any pain, the fear of death oppression made him feel cold.

That feeling was more uncomfortable than being killed directly.

He knew he was going to die, but he didn't know when he would die. It was like there were millions of bugs crawling on his body, but he could do nothing.

Various emotions gathered together, as if they were about to burst out from the top of his head.

His spirit was about to collapse.

Abe Renji did not expect that the means he was proud of and could be invincible were actually resolved in this way by a girl from Dragon Country.


"I give up!!"

Abe Renji shouted those three words unwillingly.


As soon as the voice fell, Yin Xiaoshuang, who was standing in front of her, could no longer hold on and fell backwards.

"The competition is over."

"The winner is Yin Xiaoshuang from Dinghai Academy of Dragon Country."

The electronic referee announced the winner.

On the viewing platform, there was an overwhelming cheer.

The significance of this battle not only represented that the No. 1 seed of Dinghai Academy defeated the No. 1 seed of Sakura Country, but also represented the blood of the Dragon Country people.

This battle also nailed Sakura Country to the pillar of shame.

Abe Renji became the only person who surrendered voluntarily in this competition, and was forced to admit defeat by a Dragon Country woman under disadvantageous circumstances.

This was unacceptable to the people of Sakura Country.

Many Sakura Country people cursed directly in the audience.

At the same time.

The voice of the system sounded in Xu Xuan's mind.

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