Longguo border, the land of twin towers.

The spaceship arrived.

Xu Xuan and Bahuang Hou Miao Tian got off the ship and headed straight for their destination.

They had just taken a few steps when a figure stopped them.

"Xu Xuan boy, why are you here?"

"And you..."

Li Xingchen stared at Bahuang Hou, who had changed his usual state and was full of energy, and always felt that he looked familiar.

"Xingchen, don't you remember me?" Miao Tian smiled.

"You... you are Bahuang Hou?"

Hearing Miao Tian's voice, Li Xingchen finally recognized Bahuang Hou's identity, "Have you cured your mental illness?"

"Yes," Miao Tian replied, "Thanks to the teacher's help, I have the opportunity to recover, and now I have the possibility of going to the next level."

"Who is your teacher?" Li Xingchen was puzzled.

He was 40 years younger than Bahuang Hou. When Bahuang Hou became famous, he was still in kindergarten.

Later, he was fortunate to receive Bahuang Hou's guidance, so he remembered Bahuang Hou.

Later, in the battle of "Reversal and Crowning the King", Bahuang Hou became famous, but he also contracted a strange disease and fell from the peak to the bottom.

From obscurity to the peak and then to the bottom, he had never heard that Bahuang Hou had a teacher.

The Miao family has been teaching sons and grandsons for generations, and it has never been heard of worshipping outsiders as teachers.

In Li Xingchen's surprised eyes, Miao Tian pointed at Xu Xuan: "This is my teacher."


"Xu Xuan is your teacher?"

Li Xingchen was stunned, "What did this kid use to trick you into being his apprentice?"

Miao Tian said seriously: "The teacher has his own ability above mine, and please respect the teacher in the future, Xingchen. According to seniority, you can't call him kid, it's too rude."

Li Xingchen: "..."

He remembered what Xu Xuan said to him last time.

At that time, Xu Xuan also wanted to accept him as a disciple. Is this man going to conquer the world with a group of old guys?

"Time is running out." Xu Xuan was too lazy to talk more. "Old Li, we have to go to the Tower of Delusion first. We'll talk when we have time."

"Go ahead!"

Li Xingchen waved his hand. He also needed to slow down.

Xu Xuan nodded and continued to move forward with Miao Tian until they came to the Tower of Delusion.

He glanced at the rankings on the tower tablet. Basically, there was no change. Those people still dominated the list.

"Miao Tian, ​​we have to pass as quickly as possible. Do you understand?"


The master and the apprentice stepped into the teleportation array.

Darkness came and the scene changed.

The two had already reached the first floor of the Tower of Delusion.


The goblin guarding the tower had not seen the person clearly before he turned into energy and dissipated.

Then came the third floor, the fourth floor...

This time their purpose was to get the reward, and they did not need to hone their skills.

Xu Xuan did not even need to do anything.

Miao Tian alone could sweep everything.

Only after reaching the fifteenth floor did they have to work a little harder.

In just three hours, they reached the 20th floor, and most of the time was wasted on transmission, otherwise half an hour would be enough.

The 20th floor is the mirror heart demon level.

Even if the challengers know that there will be a mirror heart demon level before entering the level, they are still helpless after entering the heart demon level.

You are strong, and the heart demon is also strong.

For most challengers, this level is very difficult.

There are only a few exceptions.

For example, Xu Xuan.

Appearing in the mirror space again, Xu Xuan opened his eyes and saw his handsome face.

This time he did not smash the mirror immediately.

It was meaningless to go out too early. He estimated that Miao Tian would need some time to defeat the mirror heart demon.

Xu Xuan waited for a while.

He found that there were clouds of mist condensing in the mirror, trying to manifest.

"Is this my mirror heart demon?"

Xu Xuan suddenly became interested. It turned out that he also had a mirror heart demon, but it was more difficult to generate. Last time he broke the mirror with a sword, so it did not appear.

Looking at the slowly taking shape of the mirror demon, Xu Xuan had an interesting idea in his heart.

He put his hand on the mirror.

Chaos aura surged.

Skills, replicate!

Xu Xuan's eyes gradually became brighter. It was really possible to replicate?

He stretched his hand forward, energy surged out of his body, and a figure slowly took shape in front of him.

At this moment, the Mirror of Delusion finally replicated Xu Xuan's 'Mirror Demon'.


The mirror demon was confused when it just came out.

Because he saw his own mirror demon?

The atmosphere was weird for a while.

At the top of the tower of delusion, a pair of eyes were staring at the twentieth floor space, staring at Xu Xuan.

Its little head was full of big doubts.

If it weren't for the rules.

It wanted to rush out now and let Xu Xuan get out. Can you not play if you can't afford it?

Are you here to break through or to make things difficult for this tower spirit?

Last time, it was fine to smash the mirror with a sword.

This time, it actually directly created a mirror demon for the 'Mirror Demon'. It's quite fun!

The tower spirit was complaining.

Xu Xuan was thinking, why didn't the mirror demon take action?

He also wanted to see what the mirror demon of the mirror demon looked like.

While thinking, Xu Xuan suddenly felt a resentful gaze. He looked up at the mirror demon, and the mirror demon's eyes, which were originally lifeless, seemed to have a light in their eyes.

The demon cursed him with three words.

Xu Xuan didn't hear it clearly.

But from the shape of his mouth, it was very likely a Chinese quintessence, with a high content of elders.


The next second, the mirror demon exploded.

Xu Xuan: “???”

Isn’t this the inner demon?

How can the mind be so fragile that it exploded before the fight?

“Alas!” Xu Xuan sighed, “Boring, wait for the next round to replicate it for fun.”

Somewhere on the top of the tower.

A humble tower spirit trembled inwardly when hearing this.

Why didn’t the master create a blacklist function when creating the Tower of Delusion?

Big villains like Xu Xuan should be blacklisted and permanently deprived of the qualification to enter the tower.

Damn it!

If you have the ability, go to the ‘Second Sister’ and try your luck. Why do you only know how to bully yourself?

The tower spirit cursed inwardly.

The mirror inner demon was broken.

Xu Xuan passed the level.

When he appeared outside the teleportation array, he still didn’t see Miao Tian’s figure. He was trapped.

He remembered the scene when the mirror inner demon was forced to explode just now.

The spiritual light that flashed in the inner demon’s eyes at the end meant that it was very likely to have independent consciousness.

In other words…

This Tower of Delusion really has a tower spirit.

His move just now must have confused the tower spirit of the Tower of Delusion, so that the tower spirit lowered its consciousness and cursed him with those three words through the mouth of the mirror demon.

It was just restricted by certain rules, and the tower spirit could not come out, nor could it interfere with the intruders without authorization.

If his guess was correct.

Then the tower spirit should be very rich, right?

At that moment, a bold idea was born in Xu Xuan's heart.

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