Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 249: Parliament's Movement, Plan to Start Early

Under the moonlight.

Atana's figure appeared in front.

Looking at Xu Xuan walking quickly, her heart beat fast.

"Atana, how long will it take for the fusion of the Eternal Ancient Tree and the Moon Well?"

Xu Xuan didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point, "I have a hunch that there may be some turmoil recently."

Atana frowned slightly: "Do you have a premonition too? I've been feeling restless lately, as if something big is about to happen. I thought it was because I've been worried too much lately.

But the integration of the Eternal Ancient Tree and the Moon Well will take at least half a month, and we can only wait. "

Xu Xuan was shocked and became more certain of his guess.

The power of fate and cause and effect is so mysterious that it cannot be accurately perceived, cannot be touched, and it is not even known whether it exists.

But sometimes it can really play a key role.

Xu Xuan asked worriedly: "Are there other forces that know the core of our plan?"


Atana shook her head: "Only you and I know about transporting the Eternal Ancient Tree, but our Lord and the sect will follow the prophecy of Moira's Majesty.

While you are taking away the Eternal Ancient Tree, we will launch an attack on the super-large world passage near the Eternal Forest and head to Blue Star. "

Xu Xuan was puzzled: "Why?"

Atana smiled bitterly, "I don't know either, but this is Moira's prophecy. If we stay here, we will all be destroyed. Going to the Blue Star is the only chance of survival.

This is also why other races of the Lord Peace Party support us so unswervingly. "

Xu Xuan paused, with some doubt, "Moira...is she really so magical? Worthy of such deep trust from so many races?"

"Tell you a secret."

Atana pointed to the distance, "The fortune teller of the Council of All Races now, Daisy, the great prophet who has made countless races of Loland star worship, is just a student of Moira's crown.

Why do you think Moira was named ‘Destiny’? "

"Got it!"

Xu Xuan no longer worries about this.

Moira is so great, but she still can't control the overall situation.

What he executed and arranged is still just a link in Su Ying's plan. So how big is the involvement behind this plan?

In this way, there is no room for mistakes.

"Atana, in short, you must be extremely careful in your actions these days."

Xu Xuan warned: "Your plan involves too much, and there are many people with mixed eyes. If the Council of Ten Thousand Races investigates carefully, they will definitely find some traces. It is better to be cautious."

Atana nodded: "I understand, everything is based on our plan. No matter what, I will let you take the things back.

I'll remove all the friction before you get your stuff. "

City of all nations, Parliament.

Ever since the decision against the elves was made, Daisy prayed for the power of the divine messenger to come.

Only the power of the divine envoy can break the ancient magic circle in the eternal forest.

Otherwise, if the lives of soldiers from all races are used to fill the gap, I don’t know how many kings and princes would have to be sacrificed to completely defeat it.

Divine Messenger is a title that has been passed down from ancient times.

He is a being above the demigods.

It's just that no one has actually seen the divine envoy, including Daisy. She has only heard of the existence of the divine envoy. According to the guidance of ancient books, she was lucky enough to receive the power of the divine envoy.

According to rumors, there is more than one divine messenger, at least twelve, and possibly thirteen.

Daisy didn't know which divine envoy gave her the power, but she believed that the divine envoy's guidance was correct.


"The power of the God's Envoy has arrived, and I will carry the power of the God's Envoy to block the ancient magic circle in the Eternal Forest."

"Please arrange your own teams and start a large-scale siege of the Eternal Forest. For the sake of all races and the star of Loland, no elf can be let go."

Representatives of all major clans nodded solemnly.

Whether it is out of hatred or to prevent disasters from the great prophecy, they will not show any mercy to the elves.

Without the support of the ancient magic array, no matter how strong the elves are, they are nothing more than a fragile piece of paper facing the combined attack of the thirty-six major clans.

Representatives of all ethnic groups took orders and prepared to march into the eternal forest.

Wait for the representatives to leave.

Daisy also returned to the Dark Elf Temple. In the center of the temple, a fire filled with the aura of destruction was suspended.

"Thank you God!"

Daisy bowed devoutly, put away the 'fire', and disappeared immediately.

At this time, the teams of various ethnic groups who had received orders from the council had begun to set off towards the Eternal Forest. The strong men of each ethnic group had already sealed off the outer perimeter of the Eternal Forest.

Such a big movement, as the queen who controls the eternal forest, Atana must have sensed it, and the eternal scepter in her hand kept whining.

"It's really here!"

Atana's face turned pale, "Did Des notice it after all?"

Even though she had been prepared for it, when she actually faced the Council of All Races, Atana still felt a little scared.

She remembered that His Majesty Moira said that Daisy was once His most proud disciple and had a very rare talent in divination and prophecy.

Except for the legendary Eye of Prophecy and the Yin-Yang Divine Body, it is difficult for any elf to surpass Daisy in divination and prophecy.

After all, Daisy secretly spied on the elves' actions.

"Are you going to fight hard?"

Atana tightened her hold on the scepter in her hand.

The Eternal Scepter is necessary to activate the ancient magic circle of the elves, and it is also the last resort of the elves.

She knew that even with the protection of the ancient magic circle, the elves would not be able to hold on for long. They would be broken in three to five days at most, and the Eternal Ancient Tree would wither by then.

In that case, all their efforts would be in vain.

Now, they can only take more extreme measures to speed up the process.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The next moment, four figures appeared around Atana, and they were the four ancestors of the elves.

"Your Majesty, why did you call us so urgently?"

"Something happened!"

Atana said solemnly: "The Council of All Races may have discovered our plan. I can feel that the area near the Eternal Forest has been blocked.

It is very likely that the guys in the Council are doing this.

I am afraid that their next target will be the Eternal Forest."

An elf ancestor said: "Your Majesty, you have already controlled the Eternal Scepter and the Ancient Magic Circle. How dare they attack so forcefully? When did the Council become so united?"

Atana shook her head: "They suddenly launched an attack, and they must have prepared corresponding means, otherwise they would not have waited until today to start."

"At worst, we will fight, and start the plan in advance."

Several ancestors have already put life and death aside.

Anyway, they are all dead wood that will decay. Whether the plan succeeds or not, they will not be able to survive.

"The plan must be started in advance."

Atana looked at several ancestors and said carefully: "But compared to resisting foreign enemies, there is another more important thing that needs to be done by several ancestors together."

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