Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 296 Reverse the Nine Rebirths, I Will Survive


Zhang Mu punched with all his strength, relying on the surge of abyss energy to break through the void, and without hesitation jumped into the crack of another dimension, severing his connection with Blue Star.

Even if his master asked him to do this and sacrifice himself to prevent the invasion of the abyss, he would have no regrets.


The chaotic matter in the cracks in the different dimensions caused him to suffer the heart-gnawing pain of thousands of ants, and his spirit and soul were pierced and riddled with holes.

The abyss seeds are still causing trouble in his body, trying to control him to return to Blue Star and connect to the media space again.

In the mind space, Xu Xuan was also trying his best to suppress the spiritual influence of the abyss seeds.

"Give up resistance and enter the abyss following the guidance of the abyss seeds."

Xu Xuan's voice sounded again.

With Zhang Mu's current state, he would definitely not be able to survive in the rift of another dimension, but now that he is being pulled by the abyss, he can enter the abyss.

Even with such an instruction, Zhang Mu didn't think about it for a moment. He gave up all resistance in an instant and let the pull of the abyss bring him into the abyss world.

His physical body was almost broken, and only the Supreme Serenity Lotus condensed by Xu Xuan in the air protected him, escorting him all the way to the distant abyss world where he did not know where it was.

The shuttle between different dimensional rifts caused Zhang Mu to fall into a deep sleep.

His life breath was completely gone.

The distant abyss world, the 101st abyss.

The Blood Killing Monarch looked beyond the distant world with deep eyes, "How could it happen that he disappeared? That guy just died like that? It's a pity that I finally planted a seed."

A smile appeared on his lips, "There is a very special guy in Blue Star. He actually has the power of that world. It's really getting more and more interesting."

What the Blood Killing Monarch didn't know was that at the moment when the Abyss Seed lost contact with him, a figure crashed into the Abyss World from the crack in another dimension.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The broken figure that fell into the abyss moved its fingers.

Bits of strange material gathered in the shattered body, releasing the hidden vitality and pulling the body back from the edge of life and death.


Zhang Mu suddenly sat up from the ground and spat out the fishy-smelling dirt in his mouth.

He looked around and saw that some animals he had never seen before were watching him. When he woke up, the animals immediately fled in all directions.

"My body?"

Zhang Mu looked at his body and found that he had some strange features.

"Is this Junior Sister Qingqing's chicken soup guardianship?"

Zhang Mu laughed at himself.

In the past, junior sister Qingqing was always forcing her to drink chicken soup. Everyone was reluctant, and only the teacher supported her.

Ever since the Fourth Junior Brother fell into a desperate situation and was revitalized by the 'Chicken Soup', everyone is no longer so resistant to Chicken Soup.

What is left for you will always be the best.

Only through personal experience could he understand Junior Sister Qingqing's good intentions.


Zhang Mu discovered that it was not only Junior Sister Qingqing's chicken soup protection that saved his life, but also the semi-god-level secret technique he had practiced, Nine Reversals of Life.

Previously, Zhang Mu had always felt that the 'Nine Transformations of Reversal of Life' was extremely difficult to learn.

He has been meditating for a long time, but he can't even understand the first level.

It was only now, after experiencing a real death crisis, that he understood some of the mysteries of the Nine Reversals of Life.

"Nine turns of rebirth is a technique of reversing life in desperate situations. Every breakthrough in practice requires going through the hurdles of life and death.

After completing each turn, the body and soul can be strengthened in all aspects. After nine transformations, one can touch the divine realm. "

A voice echoed in Zhang Mu's mind.

He ran the Nine Transformations of Reversal, his body was gradually repaired, and his soul evolved. He felt a real transformation. His body seemed to have undergone some changes in order to adapt to this world.

Zhang Mu didn't worry about this either.

If you want to survive in this world, you will naturally have to make some changes, which is understandable.

"Zhang Mu, how are you?"

In the mind space, Xu Xuan's voice sounded again.

"Master, I am alive! I am still alive!"

Zhang Mu was extremely excited. Although he was in a different world, he was not discouraged. As long as he was still alive, he would be able to go back one day and see his master and Xiaoshuang again.

"Master, I know."

Xu Xuan's voice was a little weak.

Just now, he had spent a lot of effort to hide from the sky and avoid the perception of the powerful person in the abyss world. Fortunately, the power of his dark red and purple realm was not weaker than the world power of the abyss world.

Otherwise it’s really a bit of a stretch.

"Master, don't worry. Although I am in the abyss, my heart will never change. I will definitely work hard to become stronger. I will come back one day."

Forced to crash into a different world, Zhang Mu was full of confidence even if he was completely unfamiliar with this world.

If you survived that situation, what else can you not survive?

Xu Xuan was quite pleased.

Zhang Muzhen is a young man with great perseverance, relying on his perseverance to survive life-or-death crises every time.

In the previous situation, it would be difficult for other disciples to survive.

A slight hesitation may change the outcome.

But what Zhang Mu has is absolute trust in himself, absolute execution ability, the belief that he will never be discouraged, and the courage to face life and death brazenly.

"You may have to stay in the abyss for a while." Xu Xuan warned: "You must be careful in that world. When the time comes, the master will come to pick you up."

"Disciple, please remember this."

Zhang Mu responded respectfully.

He believed what his master said, that there must be a day when even the abyss could not stop his master's steps.

As for this period of time, just live well in this world!

"By the way, Master, Xiaoshuang is still in the battlefield between the two worlds. Please save her. Tell her that I am still alive and tell her not to do anything stupid."

The only thing Zhang Mu is worried about now is Xiaoshuang. When he really couldn't stay with Xiaoshuang, he realized how deeply he loved Xiaoshuang.

"Master has sent someone to find Xiaoshuang."

Xu Xuan had already made arrangements and entrusted the king of the battlefield between the two worlds to find the trace of Yin Xiaoshuang.

Behind him, the star map appeared.

Thousands of stars changed, and there was a purple star emitting a faint light.

This star was related to Zhang Mu's fate.

The purple star represented that Zhang Mu's future was mixed with blessings and disasters. Zhang Mu might still have a great opportunity to come, but the same thing was that he would suffer more than this.

He didn't tell Zhang Mu these.

What the future holds ultimately depends on Zhang Mu himself. A vague line of fate cannot represent everything.


Xu Xuan remembered.

Before, he was worried about the abyss.

Now he doesn't know whether the abyss can invade Blue Star again, but he has found the coordinates to enter the abyss. As long as Zhang Mu is still in that world, he can jump in.

He will let the abyss pay for all the pain.

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