Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 315: Fighting Field, Born for Fighting

"Xiao Kong!"

The other soldiers at the position wanted Sun Xiaokong to take a rest, but the latter had long since disappeared.

Looking at the corpses of hundreds of soldiers on the ground and the broken limbs all over the ground.

The surviving soldiers felt heavy. If Sun Xiaokong hadn't made a breakthrough on the battlefield, the outcome of this battle would have been unknown.

The most important thing is that not every position has soldiers like Sun Xiaokong, and the situation in other positions will only become more severe.

At the same time, Sun Xiaokong had arrived at other positions.

Facing Luo Lanxing's team, he killed them without hesitation.

The moment Luolan Star's team saw Sun Xiaokong, they were stunned for a moment. How could the Blue Star Army still have room for the support of the powerful feudal princes in this state?

Shouldn't every position have to take care of itself?

The soldiers stationed in the defense crystal also discovered Sun Xiaokong's figure.

"It's Sun Xiaokong, the little war god of the second combat battalion."

"He broke through the feudal lordship!"

"Brothers, cover Sun Xiaokong and kill the enemy."

"Why is this guy so fierce?"

Seeing Sun Xiaokong, who had broken through the feudal lord and came to support him, the soldiers became excited. They have not lost yet. Under the general trend, a genius will rise.

In the first war between the two worlds, countless talented seniors emerged and took up the banner of the human race.

Same now.

Blue Star will not lose.

Someone always stands up.

That flag fluttering in the wind will always stand.

With the help of Sun Xiaokong, the balance of combat power was broken, and the Forgotten Ones fell one after another.

The spirit of countless warriors to rise up in desperate situations, the courage to face death, and the belief to protect the world with all their strength.

These are nourishing his special area of ​​life.

Similarly, the special life realm is also feeding back the soldiers on the battlefield.

The appearance of Sun Xiaokong has affected the entire war.

It was as if he alone was an army.

In this fierce battle, his domain was quickly filled, and he had already thought about the characteristics of his domain.

There are only two words - fight!

He was born to fight.

The same is true in his field.

Under the leadership of Sun Xiaokong, the Luolan Star army at this position was wiped out again.

After two consecutive positions failed, Luolan Star finally received the message.

Farther away in the core battlefield, the kings of Loland Star received the message.

"Is there a feudal lord who breaks through on the battlefield?"

"Estimated combat power of seventh-level feudal lord? He seems to be a genius. Go and deal with it, Xueluo. Go back as soon as possible."

This time targeting the third line of defence.

A total of three kings and a high-level forgotten person were dispatched from Luolan Star.

They didn't dare to let all the Forgotten ones attack together. After all, the Blue Star Alliance still had the kind of destructive means of killing each other.

If they all gathered together and were taken over by Blue Star, the entire plan would be in vain.

A comprehensive attack is the safest way.

In this way, even the strong men of the Blue Star Alliance mobile support group cannot take care of everything.

There are always surprises.

They also considered this situation before going out to fight.

But as long as there are no problems in the core battlefield, other positions will not be able to make waves.

Genius made a prince?

In a war of this scale, what does a feudal prince mean?

"Then I'll go."

Among the three kings of Luolan Star, a petite figure stepped out.

She had an extremely childish face and looked like a four or five-year-old human girl. When she smiled, she showed two pointed fangs, which was quite strange.

Her skin is all red

If you look closely, you can see that there is something moving on the skin.

This is the king of Luolan Star's third line of defense this time, the blood basket from the blood clan.

Although the blood basket was only in the first stage of the 'realm fruit' realm of the feudal king, she could kill a feudal prince who had just broken through at will, and she quickly moved towards the distance.

"Continue to suppress the core formation."

Xueluo left, and the other kings of Luolan Star suppressed the core formation of the third base with all their strength, preventing it from supporting other positions.

In the formation, the two crown princes, King Chongming and King Wenle, also resisted with all their strength.

Without a blood basket, their pressure was suddenly reduced, and they were able to deliver more energy to other positions.

They also know that it is no longer them who decide the direction of this war.

When the powerful demigods do not take action, the top beings such as King Wu'an, the Great Demon King, the King of Thousand Thunders, the Crazy Lion King, and the Holy Luo King are the ones who have the best chance of overturning the battle situation.

Because only they can destroy the high-level Forgotten in Loland in a very short period of time.

As for ordinary kings like them, all they can do is hold on.

To hold is to win.

At this time, Sun Xiaokong had cleared one position and continued to rush towards other positions for reinforcements.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

There was a blood rainbow shooting towards here, and the speed was terrifying. Before he could see it clearly, the blood rainbow was already approaching.

"King level!"

Sun Xiaokong's expression changed.

He didn't expect that the King of Luolan Star would come so quickly. With his current level, he had no chance of winning against a strong King of Star, so he could only run away.

Since the Blue Star Alliance's king has not rushed to help, it proves that he has been held back and he can only rely on himself.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaokong turned around and ran away.

Only by rushing into the position and with the help of the defense crystal, could he hold it for a period of time and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Want to escape?" A burst of sweet laughter came, "You'd better stay. If you go back, it will be difficult for me to report to you!"

The blood rainbow fell, blocking Sun Xiaokong's way.

Looking at the red-skinned little loli in front of him, Sun Xiaokong didn't think she was cute at all, and the chill on his feet rushed straight to his head.


Blood basket waved his fingers lightly, and the blood on the battlefield gathered and turned into a huge blood monster.

At the same time, countless blood arrows locked Sun Xiaokong.

Leaving him nowhere to escape.

Blood basket giggled: "What a cute human, if it was before, I would definitely catch you and play with you, but unfortunately I can only kill you now."

As soon as the voice fell, the blood arrow suspended in the air shot out.

Facing an enemy with a huge gap in realm, Sun Xiaokong did not sit and wait for death. He instantly burst out all his strength and the ultimate fighting spirit.


The blood arrow fell.

The Dinghai Stick danced wildly, blocking one blood arrow after another, but some blood arrows still passed through Sun Xiaokong's defense and pierced his body.

The blood monster even punched him into the ground.

Just one move.

The gap between being crowned a king and being crowned a marquis was fully revealed.

Even if Sun Xiaokong was a genius, he could not defeat the king without the help of special external forces.

"Oh! He didn't die?"

The blood basket was slightly surprised, "What a pity."

She tapped her fingers again, and more blood arrows condensed and fell!

This time...

He should die, right?

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