Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 404: Two worlds separated by a door

Push aside the dust.

The entrance to the underground base appeared in front of the two.

Above the gate, there was a pattern of the morning star rising slowly from the horizon.

The morning star should have meant beauty.

It guides people to the path of light.

But Xu Xuan felt a breath of despair at this moment.


A sword slashed across.

The gate was broken open. This underground base did not seem to have many protective measures. No wonder he could not feel any breath fluctuations.

Looking down from the entrance, there was a bottomless dark passage.

The disgusting smell of blood gushed out of the passage, mixed with the stench of rotting corpses.

Xu Xuan and Tian Buyu looked at each other.

Both of them were skilled and courageous. They jumped into the passage and their bodies kept falling down.

What whizzed through the darkness were broken limbs and corpses.

The walls of the passage were engraved with desperate faces.

The oppressive atmosphere ignited the anger in the two people's hearts at this moment. They descended for a full six kilometers, and neither of them felt any breath of life.

All they could see were corpses that were twisted and looked like humans.


Under their feet was a rolling bloody water, filling half of the passage like a river.

"These scums, damn it!"

Tian Buyu had never been so angry before. The heinous evil deeds of the rebels made him clench his fists.

The two continued to move forward along the winding passage.

Woo woo woo~

A miserable cry suddenly came from the distance.

Hearing the sound, the two quickly walked towards the source of the sound. If they were not afraid of hurting the possible hostages, they would have destroyed the base long ago.

When they arrived near the source of the sound, the view in front suddenly became clear.

Compared with the bloody and oppressive world before, this place was as beautiful as a paradise.

What separated the two worlds was also a door.

The door with the rising star pattern engraved on it.

"You are finally here."

In front of the door sat an old man who was as thin as a stick and had a weak breath. "The supreme human race controllers are a little late."

The last sentence was full of sarcasm.

Xu Xuan looked at this person.

He could feel that the old man's realm was not low, and he should have reached the semi-god realm.

For some reason, he looked exhausted at this time.

There was no trace of fighting around, and no one should be able to hurt the old man.

"Did you do all this?"

Tian Buyu looked at the old man with cold eyes.


The old man nodded and admitted, "We just have different ideas, but I am also working hard for the human race. I hope you will like this great gift I gave you."


Tian Buyu waved his hand.

The powerful force suddenly pressed down, but the old man did not dodge and let Tian Buyu kill him.

He still smiled: "The little guy is waiting for you inside, go in!"

After speaking, the old man's breath dissipated.

He died just like that!

This gave Xu Xuan and Tian Buyu an ominous premonition.

This trip was too simple.

What was the contribution the old man was talking about? What was the final gift?

With a heavy heart, the two pushed open the door of the laboratory, and what came into view was a peaceful scene full of laughter and joy.

The joyful voices of the children echoed in the small world.

The intrusion of the two made all the children's eyes focus on them.

"Hey, who are you?"

One of the brave little girls said: "Where is Grandpa Tree? Where did he go?"

Tian Buyu was stunned. He didn't need to think about it. He knew that the Grandpa Tree in the girl's mouth should be the old man guarding outside the door just now.

The situation seemed different from what they imagined!

Especially these children, who seemed innocent and lively, but also revealed an indescribable weird breath.

"I know, you are friends of Grandpa Tree, right?"

The little girl was very naive and didn't realize that their 'Grandpa Tree' had died long ago.

Without waiting for the two to answer, the little girl took the initiative to come over and held their big hands. The other children also happily formed a circle and applauded to welcome them.

The children were shouting and carefree.

Xu Xuan's eyes swept over these children countless times.

What is certain is that the children are not pretending.

This place is not an illusion.

These children really regard this place as their home.

"Brother, have some tea."

The little girl sensibly brought a cup of tea to the two of them, and there were still a few candies in her young hands.

She seemed a little reluctant, but still pretended to be generous and said: "You are friends of Grandpa Tree, I will give you candy."

Candy is fine, just ordinary milk candy.

It was because everything was too normal that the two felt that the matter was serious.

There was no way that the rebels would deliberately create a paradise here to take care of a group of children.

And they just heard miserable crying.

Xu Xuan's mental power continued to spread in this space, exploring deeper into the laboratory.

Soon, he felt something unusual.

Deeper in the laboratory, there are some adults, but their state is different from that of the carefree children.

They are restless in the separated rooms.

They are also human, but they exude a distinct alien aura.

Xu Xuan thought of something and immediately took a child's hand and felt it carefully.

Sure enough! The deep blood of the child also contains the alien breath.

Tian Buyu also noticed it.

The two immediately stood up and walked deeper into the research institute. The children wanted to follow, but they were stopped by two adults guarding the road to the depths.

But the guards turned a blind eye to Xu Xuan and Tian Buyu.

Keep going in.

Xu Xuan could feel the strong alien breath more and more.

The room gradually turned into a prison.

All the humans with strong alien breath were imprisoned.

Some people living in the depths even showed alien characteristics.

Soon they walked to the end of the passage. There was a small room at the end. There was no one in this room, only bookshelves.

And scrolls arranged in an orderly manner on the bookshelves.

Xu Xuan casually pulled out a scroll, which read "Bloodline Evolution System-Morning Star Chapter Volume 13".

The moment they saw the name of the scroll, they had completely understood the intention of the laboratory.

Many years ago, a human race expert proposed that the human race should be open to all, learn the advantages of Luolan Star outside the professional system, and study the "bloodline evolution system".

However, the human race was invaded by all races at that time, and this behavior was tantamount to treason and would cause many unstable factors.

The plan was cancelled at the strong request of the top leaders at that time.

Later, many people secretly conducted experiments, and they were severely hit.

I never thought that the rebel organization had already launched this experiment on a large scale.

Since there are densely packed scrolls here, it means that the Morning Star Research Laboratory has achieved certain research results in the "bloodline evolution system".

Then how to deal with these "experimental subjects"?

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