Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 412 Black hole, prophecy, fusion, reality and illusion, absolute power

The stupid penguin is very confident.

Anyway, it only provides a platform, and Xu Xuan has to do the hard work.

"Come on, master."

The stupid penguin yawned, "It's time to get off work after finishing the work."

Xu Xuan wanted to beat it.

However, this guy's defense is terrible, so he will just use this stupid penguin as a meat shield in the future.

Make the best use of it and let the penguin experience the exploitation of capital.

He put his hand on the stupid penguin's head, and the master and pet consciousness connected.

Thoughts turned.

Xu Xuan was brought to the creative space that was completely dominated by himself again.

Among the ideological items, he grabbed five chaos stones, two of which were obtained from the goblin king Kuro and the dark elf prophet Daisy.

The other three were returned by the system.

Regarding the distribution of the five chaos stones, he already had a plan in his mind.

The three stones returned by the system will not be returned again if they are given to disciples again, so one will be used by myself, one will be given to Su Ying, and the last one will be given to the third disciple Xuanyuan Qingqing.

Alchemy technology will still be a crucial link in the next war, and the Chaos Stone may help Qingqing make another breakthrough in the field of alchemy.

The Chaos Stone obtained from the Goblin King Kuro is the smallest one, and it is just right to give it to Xiao Qi, who is still young but has the ability to predict.

The last one can be given to any disciple, but after weighing it again and again, he is still ready to give it to Xiao Li.

First, because the mystery of Xiao Li's life experience has not been revealed, and some trump cards are needed to deal with the future situation. Second, Xiao Li's own combat power is the strongest among the current disciples, and he can control the Chaos Stone to the greatest extent.

All mental power is mobilized.

Xu Xuan held the Chaos Stone with one hand, and it broke into particles bit by bit.

This is not a real shattering, but just the ideological shattering in the 'creation space', so that Xu Xuan, the 'creator', can give it characteristics.

Under Xu Xuan's guidance, the particles of Chaos Stone turned into dark whirlpools one after another.

The whirlpool swallowed up all the objects around it, and even light could not escape.

This is the characteristic that Xu Xuan gave to this Chaos Stone, which is called "black hole".

With the special celestial body in the chaotic universe as a reference, it is given the characteristic of swallowing everything.

The dark whirlpool began to merge, and the broken particles gathered again, reorganizing bit by bit. After an unknown period of time, all the Chaos Stone particles were finally aggregated.

At this time, the color of the Chaos Stone had changed, from the original gray color to the dark ink color, and there were vortex-shaped lines on it.

Chaos Stone-Black Hole, the characteristics were given.

Xu Xuan did not pause and immediately grabbed the second Chaos Stone.


The particles turned into thousands of stars and reflected.

The stars intertwined, seemingly scattered, but reflected time and space, many roads in the past and the future.

The particles were sometimes blurred and sometimes clear.

This is the second characteristic that Xu Xuan wants to give, similar to Daisy's 'Chaos Stone-Knowing Destiny', but he thinks the word 'knowing destiny' is too absolute.

Daisy didn't know her destiny until the last moment of her life. The future is full of changes. Who dares to claim to know destiny?

The word prophecy is heavy enough.

The stars are reorganized, and the second Chaos Stone is given characteristics.

After completing these, Xu Xuan already felt a little tired. If it were the previous him, he would have been exhausted long ago. Things like 'creation' consume too much energy.

Then the third Chaos Stone.

This time the stone no longer turns into a particle, but into irregular objects one after another. These objects continue to merge, reorganize, split again, and continue to reorganize.

And so on.

It presents countless changes of the same object.

This is the third characteristic that Xu Xuan wants to give-fusion.

It is also tailor-made for the third child Xuanyuan Qingqing. Alchemy experiments are largely about the feasibility of continuous fusion, reorganization, differentiation and reaction between experimental objects.

But all of these require a lot of time to verify.

Even risking her life for it.

Xuanyuan Qingqing was able to become the youngest alchemy grandmaster in history because she had the best time, place and people.

The Ten Thousand Poison Body ensured that she could conduct various poisonous experiments unscrupulously, and the formulas given to her by Xu Xuan also opened her mind to the greatest extent.

In addition, in the war years, the two alchemy grandmasters Pei Xiu and Aurora also taught her many experiences without reservation.

Qingqing achieved this not only because she stood on the shoulders of giants, but also because the pair of ‘invisible wings’ behind her were the key to her flying so high.

Then the appearance of ‘Chaos Stone-Fusion’ can be described as forcibly gathering the wind between heaven and earth and sending her soaring up to 90,000 miles.

Chaos Stone-Fusion will allow Xuanyuan Qingqing to achieve more impossibilities in alchemy.

Xu Xuan grabbed the fourth Chaos Stone again.

The stone disappeared in his hand.

He held it in his hand without any hindrance, and when he released his hand, the stone appeared again.

It constantly switches between reality and illusion.

Lin Suying's swordsmanship of 'Mirror Flower Water Moon' is based on the transformation between reality and illusion, which is unpredictable and kills people invisibly in the beautiful artistic conception of charming eyes.

False and real, true and false.

Lin Suying has been pursuing the step of switching between reality and illusion at will.

With this Chaos Stone, her strength will definitely be greatly improved.

However, this time Xu Xuan did not turn the Chaos Stone into a stone, but compressed it into a ring.


The characteristics of four Chaos Stones were given in succession.

Xu Xuan's mental power was almost at its limit.

"The last one."

The fifth one was made for Xiaoli. Xu Xuan knew Xiaoli's shortcomings very well, that is, he was too young, his character was not good enough, and he lacked combat experience.

Facing the weak, Xiaoli could naturally crush them all the way.

When encountering a strong person with equal strength, Xiaoli would inevitably be suppressed, but he did not intend to use the Chaos Stone to increase Xiaoli's combat experience and skills.

That kind of thing still depends on one's own understanding.

Since Xiaoli's power is already strong enough, let Xiaoli's power go to the next level.

Abandon all the fancy things and strive to decide the world with one blow.

This Chaos Stone was named "Absolute Power" by Xu Xuan.

So far, all five Chaos Stones have been given attributes, Xu Xuan's mental power has been almost completely overdrawn, and his consciousness quickly left the creation space.


The moment his consciousness left him, the silly penguin fell down and fell asleep.

There was a huge bubble floating on the tip of his nose.

If this silly penguin could dream, he might be playing the game of creating the world every day?

Xu Xuan was also very tired, and he also fell asleep on the bed.

When he woke up again, it was ten days later.

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